「英語共讀」A book club for boys



A book club for boys

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語篇導讀:只為男生開設的讀書俱樂部?這是怎麼回事?開設它的目的又是什麼呢? Books N Bros會告訴你答案。

「英語共讀」A book club for boys

In August 2016, Sidney Keys III and his mother, Winnie Caldwell, visited EyeSeeMe, a bookstore in University City, Missouri. The store, which was founded by Pamela and Jeffrey Blair, only sells children's books and educational materials that focus on African-American culture, experiences, and achievements.

Caldwell posted a Facebook Live video of Sidney, reading in the store. Within a day, the video had 60,000 views. She and Sidney called the Blairs and asked, "How can we keep this going?"

During a recent interview at EyeSeeMe, Sidney talked about his first visit to the store. "I liked reading so much, but when I came here, I loved it," he said. "I wanted everyone to be able to have chances to have that kind of experience."

「英語共讀」A book club for boys

Sidney and his mother decided to start a book club for African-American boys. In September 2016, they founded "Books N Bros."

Today, the club has more than 60 members. It is designed for boys between the ages of 7 and 13. During those years, many boys lose interest in reading, often because they don't see their efforts in literature (文學).

At monthly meetings, members discuss a book, eat snacks, and hear guest speakers. Volunteer adult "Big Bros" take part in the book discussions.

The club organizes a program called Adopt a Bro, or Chub Cares, which is named after Sidney's late uncle, Anthony "Chub" Caldwell. It allows people to pay the monthly membership fee of $25 for a boy who would not have been able to afford it.

「英語共讀」A book club for boys

"I think that Sidney speaks for African Americans in the country right now," Caldwell said. "Not seeing ourselves in literature is something that we just silently knew, but we didn't realize how important it was until we saw a kid recognize that need and take action."

From: kpcnotebook.scholastic.com




「英語共讀」A book club for boys


「英語共讀」A book club for boys





