Camera FV-5 極致相機,終極專業相機,安卓最強單反相機軟件!

Camera FV-5 極致相機,終極專業相機,安卓最強單反相機軟件!專業級別拍照拍攝,功能強大,所有的拍攝參數都可以調整,支持類似單反取景器的顯示效果!它為您帶來專業單反級的攝影體驗,對於攝影愛好者和專業攝影師來說,這款相機應用都可以為您捕捉到最好的RAW影像,方便後期處理,效果令人驚歎。

Camera FV-5 極致相機,終極專業相機,安卓最強單反相機軟件!

Camera FV-5 優勢就是提供了很多同類相機應用不具備的單反級拍照選項(具體能否使用取決於硬件是否支持)。例如調整白平衡、ISO(感光度)、曝光補償、測光模式、閃光燈模式、構圖網格等,充分榨乾手機攝像頭的價值。另外如果你手頭有三星的 Galaxy Camera 的話,Camera FV-5 幾乎就是必裝的第三方相機應用,這是目前對 Galaxy Camera 支持最為友好的一款,已經能完美支持它的各項特性。

Camera FV-5 極致相機,終極專業相機,安卓最強單反相機軟件!


2017-11-02 v3.32 - New: dual camera support. Currently only devices implementing dual cameras via official Android APIs are supported. Support for proprietary implementations coming soon. - Improved: vastly improved UI speed and battery usage.

2017-09-14 Camera FV v3.31.4 - Fixed: issues when rotating the device while in settings on some devices. - Fixed many issues across the entire app.


Cinema FV-5 v1.52 - Fixed: issues with the Huawei Nexus 6P. - Fixed: issues on some phones with 4K resolution video capture. - Many improvements to the core application features.

PJ版下載鏈接: 提取碼: xk8n

