【迴應波蘭事件:瞭解情況中,暫無評論】我們獲悉了相關信息,正在進一步瞭解情況,對此暫時沒有更多評論。華為公司一直遵守業務所在國的所有適用法律法規,合規經營,並要求所有員工遵守所在國法律法規。Huawei is aware of the situation, and we are lookin

【回應波蘭事件:瞭解情況中,暫無評論】我們獲悉了相關信息,正在進一步瞭解情況,對此暫時沒有更多評論。華為公司一直遵守業務所在國的所有適用法律法規,合規經營,並要求所有員工遵守所在國法律法規。Huawei is aware of the situation, and we are looking into it. We have no comment for the time being.Huawei complies with all applicable laws and regulations in the countries where it operates, and we require every employee toabide by the laws and regulations in the countries where they are based.

