

馬雲即將退休,由張勇接任他在阿里巴巴的職位,阿里巴巴或將進入一個全新的階段。這可能是這幾周,中國互聯網行業的幾件大事之一。 國外媒體自然也不想錯過。

Sixth Tone在9月11號,發表了一篇文章“Daniel Zhang: The New Face of Alibaba”。文章中有這麼一句話,剛好告訴我們“接任”的地道表達。

Zhang will take the helm of one of China’s biggest e-commerce companies on Sept. 10, 2019, after having served as its CEO for just over four years, Ma said in a statement on Monday.

Take the helm 意思是“開始執掌,開始接管”。 Helm表示“船舵”,所以“take the helm”這個詞最早用於航海,後來引申出“執掌”的意思。

另外還有一個類似表達“at the helm” 上面句子可以寫成

Zhang will be at the helm of one of China’s biggest e-commerce companies on Sept. 10, 2019.

你還會看到take over the helm這樣的表達。Take over the helm 更強調從別人手裡接受並開始掌舵。

He had witnessed painful business failures because new leadership was not in place to take over the helm.


