


(自然新闻网)孟山都向海地地震灾区捐赠了几百吨专利杂交种子、化肥和农药,但许多人认为这是一次为了将其产品打入新市场并留下后门的图谋。最初,孟山都计划捐赠“草甘磷” 转基因玉米种子,但遭到海地农业部的拒绝。虽然孟山都把捐款说成是为赈灾尽一份力量, 但其“慷慨”却遭到质疑并被断然拒绝。

(NaturalNews) In what many believe to be an attempt to backdoor its products into a new market, Monsanto has donated hundreds of tons of patented hybrid seeds, fertilizers and pesticides to earthquake stricken Haiti. Initially, Monsanto planned to donate GMO "Roundup ready" seeds, but that offer was rejected by Haiti’’s Ministry of Agriculture. Though Monsanto termed their donation an effort to help provide earthquake relief, Monsanto’’s "generosity" is being met with skepticism and outright rejection.


http://www.naturalnews.com/029222_GMOs_Haiti.html ;;

Monday, July 19, 2010 by: Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist (托尼.艾萨克斯,公民记者,ffice:smarttags" />2010年7月19日,星期一)



Last month, 10,000 farmers marched in protest against Monsanto and a group of small farmers burned a symbolic quantity of hybrid corn seed in the central square of the agricultural town of Hinche. A 200,000-member national coalition is encouraging Haiti farmers to burn all Monsanto seeds already distributed, and has called on the government to reject additional shipments.

农民领袖查万斯.让巴蒂斯特对“新闻通讯社”记者说:农民们要保留传统的“尊重环境并抵抗退化的的有机农业。我们保护本土种子并捍卫农民们使用土地的权力”。让巴蒂斯特还说:“反击杂交和转基因种子对拯救我们的产品多样性和我们的农业至关重要”,并坚持认为,“郡里有权制定自己的农业政策,种田要先为家庭, 再为当地市场,并按照尊重环境和地球母亲的方式种植健康农产品”。

Peasant leader Chavannes Jean-Baptiste told IPS News: Farmers want to preserve their traditional "organic agriculture that respects the environment and fights against its degradation. We defend native seeds and the rights of peasants on their land." Jean-Batiste also said "Fighting hybrid and GMO seeds is critical to save our diversity and our agriculture" and maintained that a "county has a right to define its own agricultural policies, to grow first for the family and then for local market, to grow healthy food in a way which respects the environment and Mother Earth."


Another peasant farmer stated, "Seeds and water are the common patrimony of humanity."


Global Research called Monsanto’’s initial donation of 475 tons of hybrid seeds and chemicals a "new earthquake" and "deadly gift".

孟山都捐赠给海地的的玉米种子已用杀真菌剂Maxim XO处理过,而卡利普索番茄种子则用福美双处理过。福美双是一种剧毒化学品,环保局审定为高危险级,现在规定农业工人必须穿防护服才能使用。

The corn seeds Monsanto donated to Haiti have been treated with the fungicide Maxim XO, while the calypso tomato seeds were treated with Thiram. Thiram is a highly toxic chemical which the EPA examined and deemed to be so dangerous that agricultural workers are now mandated to wear protective clothing when handling them.

众所周知, 跨国巨头种子公司孟山都的转基因和杂交种子政策一贯咄咄逼人,其另一个名声是恐吓、起诉农民和小农业公司,声称他们违约和侵犯专利,包括土地受到邻近地里转基因作物花粉污染的农民, 或者上年所留种子自动发芽的农民。 截止2007年,孟山都仅在美国通过打官司就赚了2150万美元。

Multinational seed giant Monsanto is known around the world for its aggressive GMO and hybrid policies. It is also known for intimidating and suing farmers and small agricultural companies it claims have violated its contracts and patents, including farmers whose fields have been contaminated by pollen from adjacent genetically engineered crops or who have had voluntary seed sprout from a previous year’’s crop. By 2007 Monsanto had already collected over $21.5 million in judgments in the U.S. alone.

孟山都臭名昭著的事情还有他们的剧毒除草剂“橙剂”造成的死亡和健康问题,让许多老年人染上了癌症。 越南政府说使用“橙剂”导致他们有400000人死亡或者残废, 500000儿童天生缺陷。(译者忍不住插嘴:这个美国记者与方舟子和国内主流媒体以及丧尽天良的专家学者们有一拼啊,明知是美国政府和美军在越战期间的反人类犯罪行为,却只字不提,诸位在哪里见过方舟子和国内主流媒体以及丧尽天良的专家学者们说转基因有害了?)

Monsanto is also infamously known for the deaths and health problems resulting from its highly toxic herbicide product Agent Orange, which caused cancer in large numbers of U.S. Veterans. The Vietnamese government claims that 400,000 of their citizens died or were disabled and 500,000 children were born with birth defects as a result of Agent Orange.

虽然孟山都说种子是捐赠的, 但明眼人不难看出,一旦农民上钩,他们作为唯一的供货商必将财源滚滚而来,他们这一招在世界其他地方屡试不爽 - 最得计的是在美国和加拿大。 一旦引种孟山都的种子, 他们也常常从销售化肥、农药和除草剂中大赚其钱,这些产品的需求量一般都随着种子使用量的增加而增加。

While Monsanto is calling the seeds a donation, it isn’’t hard to see how the company will benefit by getting farmers hooked on a need that only it can supply, as it has done elsewhere around the world - most notably in the U.S. and Canada. Once Monsantos seeds are introduced, they often also profit from sales of their fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides, whose demand usually increases in proportion to the use of its seeds.


Seed company giants Monsanto, Syngenta, Dupont and Bayer control more than half of the world’’s seed patents. Monsanto has almost 650 seed patents, most of which are for cotton, corn, and soy. The company also owns almost 30 percent of the share of all the world’’s biotechnology research and development.


The world’’s largest confederation of farmers, Via Campesina, has called Monsanto one of the "principal enemies of peasant sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty for all peoples."

作者介绍: 托尼.艾萨克斯,倡导、研究天然健康的生活并就此写作文章, 主持“生活嘉年华”网站, 受众为婴儿潮一代人和其他希望避免处方药和主流管理疾病的人们,从而法乎自然地过上长寿,更健康和更幸福的生活。艾萨克斯先生著书立说,宣传自然健康、长寿和抗击癌症,包括“癌症的天敌”一书,正在撰写一个大的出版项目,预计今年晚些时候出版。

艾萨克斯先生目前居住在风景秀丽的德克萨斯州东部,经常旅行到更美丽的圣安东尼奥和奥斯汀附近的德克萨斯州丘陵地区,在健康研讨会上作演讲。 他还主持“治疗专区”里的论坛“提问托尼.艾萨克斯 - 由鲁娥拉.梅主讲”。

About the author

Tony Isaacs, is a natural health author, advocate and researcher who hosts The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. Mr. Isaacs is the author of books and articles about natural health, longevity and beating cancer including "Cancer’’s Natural Enemy" and is working on a major book project due to be published later this year.

Mr. Isaacs is currently residing in scenic East Texas and frequently commutes to the even more scenic Texas hill country near San Antonio and Austin to give lectures in health seminars. He also hosts the CureZone

