屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

近日,BBC在其偶像(ICONS)欄目發起了“20世紀最偉大人物(The Greatest Person of the 20th Century)”的評選活動。


成功進入“科學家(Scientists)”領域的候選名單。此外,計算機科學之父艾倫·圖靈(Alan Turing)、居里夫人(Maria Curie)、愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)一併入圍。

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列


An ambitious new series looks to crown the most beloved icons of the 20th century, inviting audiences to vote for their most influential figure.


1) 表示“為…加冕”,英文解釋為“to place a crown on the head of a new king or queen as part of an official ceremony in which they become king or queen”,舉個:

Louis was crowned at Reims in 814.


2) 表示“(通過增添成就等)使圓滿成功;完善”,英文解釋為“to make something perfect or complete, by adding an achievement etc”,如:a long career crowned with a peaceful retirement 以平靜的退休生活圓滿告終的漫長的職業生涯。

BBC2's Icons is searching for the greatest individual in history across a list of categories. Partnered with the Open University, 28 shortlisted icons have been chosen by a series of experts and academics with an aim to spark debate as the public get to choose their icon. Here's everything you need to know about the programme…

the Open University



作動詞,表示“引起,導致”,英文解釋為“to be the cause of something, especially trouble or violence”,舉個:

The police response sparked outrage in the community.



provoke 表示“激起,引起”,英文解釋為“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,舉個:

The novel has provoked fierce debate.


Tom McDonald, Head of Commissioning, Natural History and Specialist Factual, says: “Over a month of programming, Icons will bring an entire century of history to our screens. Each of our icons achieved extraordinary things in their lifetimes. I can't wait to find out who the nation chooses as the greatest of them all.”

How does Icons work?

Voting begins at the end of each programme at 10pm, and is open until 4pm the next day. The winners of the two categories airing each week will be announced live on The One Show – which will also be supporting the show's grand finale in February.


1) 表示“公開討論”,英文解釋為“an occasion when an opinion, idea etc is discussed”,如:an issue that wasn’t given an airing during the campaign 這場運動中沒有公開討論的一個問題。

2) 表示“(電視或電臺節目的)播出”,英文解釋為“an occasion when a programme is broadcast on television or radio”,如:the program's first airing in 2019,2019年該節目的首次播出。

3) 表示“公之於眾,亮相”,英文解釋為“an occasion when something is shown to people”,如:a car which had its first airing at the Shanghai Motor Show 上海車展上首次亮相的汽車。

grand finale

表示“(節目或演出的)高潮性結尾,壓軸戲”,英文解釋為“the last and most impressive or exciting part of a show or performance”。

Patrick Holland, Controller, BBC2, says: “This is a brilliantly ambitious and wide ranging series that seeks to explore the people and the forces responsible for the world we live in today. We are really excited to see how the audience engages with this debate and who wins the vote as the most influential individual of the 20th Century.”

What is Icons about?

Our shortlisted ‘icons’ have been divided up into different categories depending on their field of excellence.

There are 28 shortlisted icons in the categories of: Leaders, Explorers, Scientists, Entertainers, Activists, Sports Stars, and Artists and Writers. Each category will be presented in one episode, with a celebrity advocate discussing the achievements of each icon in that discipline.


1) 表示“一段經歷;一段時期”,英文解釋為“an event or a short period of time during which something happens”,舉個:

She decided she would try to forget the episode by the lake.


2) 表示“(電視連續劇或廣播連載節目中的)一集”,英文解釋為“a television or radio programme that is one of a series of programmes in which the same story is continued each week”,如:the first episode of a new drama series 新電視連續劇的第一集。

A vast selection of icons of the 20th centuary have already been shortlisted.

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

When will the Icons final take place?

The live final will air on Tuesday 5 February on BBC2 with all seven celebrity advocates attempting to convince voters to choose their category.

Tu Youyou

Inspired by ancient books, Chinese chemist Tu Youyou discovered a new treatment for malaria, which has helped save lives globally.

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

屠呦呦入圍BBC“20世紀最偉大科學家” 和愛因斯坦並列

1. She wasa scientist at a risky time in Chinese history

2. She looked back as well as forward

3. She saw her work cross a divided world



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