各国网友热议:日本人是中国人的后裔吗?回答很专业 颠覆认知!



William Tait MacDonald, over a decade and counting in the land of the rising sun


The answer to this question is,It is complicated

Take a look at this image.



各国网友热议:日本人是中国人的后裔吗?回答很专业 颠覆认知!

This is a map that tracks population groups by y-DNA. Notice how the Japanese population group seems to be made up mos ty of blue and yellow, with a

bit of pink and a thin slice of another oolour? That shows that while we can'tbe 100% sure that Japanese people are Chinese, or Korea, well, there

is good evidence that they re genetically related to the people of South-East Asia( China and Korea being closest)

Connect this to the his torical fact that towards the end of the last ice-age there was a land bridge between Korea and Japan, and it seems fairly ob

vaus that present-day Jap anese people received a DNA infusion from South-East Asia, probably via Korea


However there is also a large dunk of dusty-yellow DNA(D-type), which you'l see is prent in modem-day Tibet Now isn t Tibet part of China? We

that s a highly pditical and debatable ques tion, and i won' t express an opinion but it does raise an interesting ques tion abaut what we mean

Present-day China is pretty big but it isn' t the biggest that China" has ever been. china s has varied dramatically in size and shape over the

millenia-sameone on Wikipedia put toge ther a really excellent animated map showing the canges in "China" over time

His tory of China -Wikipedia


The bottom line here is that in terms of scientific evidence it is undeniable that " Chinese" people(and I put that in inverted cammas because it

feels pretty ridiculous to make such a gross generalisation about such a huge and genetically diverse group of people)and "Japanese" people share

a lot of common ances tors, and that Japan was entirely prob ably populated via South-East Asia across the land bridge during what is referred to in Ja

pan as the Joman Era( Joman peri

This would correspond to roughly the Xia dynasty in China, and so if one is being tecnical, the people crossing the land bridge into Japan

wouldn'thave been carrying Chinese passports (if such things exis ted at that time), so technically"the Japanese aren t chine probably


However they share a lot of the same ances tors, so in practical terms they are related.

and all this question illustrates is the headaches i get when trying to explain the scientific reality (dNa groups) in terms of arbitrary and shi

fting sodial boundaries like countries



Andy lee chaisir, 100% Human


There s an interes ting theary that prehis toric people from what is today Tibet and Yunnan, China were part of the same cul ture as the earliest inha

itants of what would be known as Japan.

I first heard of this from reading Hayao Miyazaki s cdlected essays, here s an artide referencing them

有一种有趣的理论认为史前的人们来自于今天的西藏和云南,中国和最早的日本人是同一种文化的一部分。我是在阅读宫崎骏( Hayao Miyazaki)收集的文章中第一次听说的,这里有一段引用来自这些文章

Miyazaki Hayao claims to have been profoundly in fuenced by the " broadleaf evergreen forest culture hypothesis" of ethn botanist N akao Sasuke(1

916-93 whose work he read while still in his thirties. The theory is that in preis toric times, the broadleaf evergreen forests that covered a lar

ge expanse of Asia, from the Himalayas to sauthem China, Taiwan, and southwest Japan, nurtured a common cul ture. It identifies an "East Asian ares

ent centered in China s Yunnan province as the birthplace of this culture and the cammon saurce of a wide range of features that found their way i

nto the Jomon culture of western Japan, induding the preparation of sud "typically Japanese"fermented foods as miso and natto

宫崎骏(Mγ ozaki Hayao)称,他深受民族植物学家中尾佐助( Nakao sεsuke,1916-193)的阔叶常绿林文化假说"的影响,他在三十多岁时就读过他的作品。这种理论认为,在史前时期从喜马拉雅山到中国南方、台湾、日本西南部,覆盖了日本西部绳纹文化的共同发源地其中包括制作"典型的日本发酵食品如"mso和“nat″。(译注:即味噌和纳豆)

【译注: ethnobotanist,民族植物学家,还真有这样一门学科】

Miyazaki realized that, before there was a Japan, the Japanese were part of this andent ecological and cul tural sphere. He felt elated at the re

lization that he was not merely a dizen of Japan, living within the narrow and often vexing aon fines of Japanese culture and his tory, but also part

of something much larger. This sweeping, in tegra ted regional perspective freed him to give expression to Japanese nature and culture through the med

ium of animation, as Miyazaki has stressed in connection with his portrayal of rural Japan in Totoro


grew up eating special Yunnan fermen ted tofu that s quite pungent and also enjoy natto, so I like the theary.

The part about rural Japan in Totoro being men tioned is also interes ting as when same of my family members that grew up in Taiwan watched it they re

marked how familiar it felt Before Taiwan my family was fram Yunnan

This is all prehistoric stuff though, befare there was a oncept o中国∝日本



Armand Sadowski, studied Intemational Relations Philosophy at Alexandru Ioan Quza University(2017)

Armand sadowski,亚历山大·伊万·库扎大学国际关系与哲学研究(2017年)

In the late pleis tocene Era the Japanese archipelago was connected to the Asian continent in the narth and south by land masses. The preis toric pop

ulation of Japan was formed from ethnically diverse graups which migrated from variaus places like north, east and south China, the Korean Pen

the ryukyu Islands, Siberia, Indochina and even the Indonesian area. Because of this, the exact origin of the Japanese people remains to this day an

enigma which s timulates researchers to produce captivating thearies. After the glaciers gradually mel ted, Japans islands became isdated and the c

antras ting cul tures slowly combined into what soientists generally call the Jamon people. Not only were they ethnically and al turally diverse, but t

ney also setted in different regions of Japan, shaping very diverse local aul tures. Bearing in mind that the existence of Jamon culture has been fou

nd to cover a tremendous period of time archaeologis ts have divided the Jamon period into at least four parts: incipient early, middle and late. The

main fea tures of the Jamon cultures have been identified thraugh comparative studies of discovered vessels, pottery figurines, bone and stone jewel

tods, skeletons, primi tive dwellings, and traces of varied food cansump tion

新世( Pleistocene era)晚期,日本群岛与亚洲大陆南北以陆地群相连。日本史前人口是由不同民族组成的群体,他们从中国的南北、朝鲜半岛、琉球群岛、西伯利亚、印度支那甚至印尼地区迁移而来。正因为如此,日本人的确切起源至今仍是一谜,促使硏究人员提岀了各种迷人的理论。在冰川逐渐融化后,日本的岛屿变得孤立,不同的文化慢慢地结合在一起,科学家们通常称之为绳纹人。他们不仅在种族和文化上具有多样性,而且在日本的不同地区定居,形成了非常多样化的当堩文化。考虑到绳纹文化的存在已经被发现涵盖了一个非常广泛的时期,考古学家们已经将绳纹时期划分为至少四个詺吩分:初期、早期、中期和晩期。通过对已发现的器皿、陶俑、骨和石制品、工具、骨骼、原始住所和各种食物痕迹的比较硏究,确定了绳纹文化的主要特

【译注:更新世( Pleis tocene era),也称洪积世(从2,588000年前到11,700年前),英国地质学家莱伊尔1839年


The Early Antiquity of the Coun try of the Rising Sun is positioned at the barder between ardhaedagy and history. There are no contemporary Japanese

written records describing this era; the only contemporary written records are found in the chinese chronicles. From a scientific point of view, this period is divided into two parts: Yayoi and Kofun. According to dassical theories, the Yayoi people migrated from Korea and China into Japan starting fram 300 BC however, newer studies suggest that the first migrations happened in 900 BC.


Same Jomon people were conquered and assimilated by the yaya, while others simply adap ted to the new tedhnology and way of life. Furthermore, Ainu people, a particular population of Joman that originated from Siberia, refused to adapt and preserved their traditions in the nar th of Japan. Spedalists cannot agree on the topic of the Japanese genetic and al tural origins because they have no dear evidence about the actual contribution of eacpopulation. What is certain is that the Yayoi period is notable for the apparition of agriculture and bronze and iron tools and weapons, with big vilages and communities that eventually eated towns, commerdial centers and tribe s federations


t we can say for certain is that the ancient chinese played a significant rde from a genetic point of view but without a causality lix, the Japanese Taking into consideration all the various elements that i presented, there are countess thearies regarding the genetic origins of the Japoriginating from many other places, in different stages of their history. The cultural in fuence of dhinese empires and the Korean kingdoms was mud more important, espedally during the Tang dynasty(618-907).


For a complete analysis over the subject of the Japanese origins, please check aut my ar ticles dedica ted to this subject: Jamon, Late Paleoli thic and Nedithic(Anthropdagy, ard aeology and the cultural and genetic origins of the Japanese); Yaya(Agriculture iran, bronze and the legendary shamueen Himiko and Kofun( Burial maunds, horse riders and the ascension of the Yamato clan There i disas all the important thearies and bring them up to date. Still, if you don' t have the patience for it I will just sum up the most important paints



Valentine Lim, Lives in Singapore

valentine lim,生活在新加坡


I have read through qui te a few of the answers and comments to this question and it dawned on me that there is a lot of can fusion as most of the ans

wers and comments have ane major false assump tion


In trying to compare the Japan ese people to the Chinese, it is de fini tely correct to say that an the Japanese side there is some Chinese" or main

land North-East Asian influence both genetically as well as cul turally

The confusion is a result of not examining dosely the other side of the comparison, L e. what does it mean to be Chinese"!



The implicit false assumption many make is that Chineseness" is an ethnic ar genetic construct. My personal opinion is that "Chineseness" is ma

inly a atural construct that became domin ant in the East Asian region. This region was for most of reaarded his tory an isola ted region and develope

d independently of the other cultures in West Asia etc- similar to the pre-Cdlumbian cultures of the Americas

The difference is that chinese aul ture has uniquely of all the early al tures survived(so far) to the present day. The concept of being Han chinese

is similar to the concept of being Roman as that empire grew and evolved. Many modem European aul tures still ontain relics of Ramanness-use of zar Kaiser et

许多人隐含着一种错误的假设,即“中国性″( Chineseness)是一种民族或基因构造。我个人的观点是,“中国性″主要是种在东亚地区占主导地位的文化建构。这一地区大部分被记录的历史时期里都是一个独立的区域,与其它文化比如西亚地区文化相比,是相互独立发展的,类似哥伦布发现美洲大陆前的美洲文化。不同之处在于,中国文化在所有早期文化中都是独一无二的存在,直到今天倒到目前为)。而作为汉族人的概念类似于罗马帝国的发展和演变,许多现代欧洲文化仍然包含包含着罗马的遗存-比如αx(沙皇,独裁者), Kaiser(凯撒,皇帝)等等词汇的使用

The Han Chinese aul ture became dominant as it became synonymous with civilization. The Chinese al ture through certain accidents of his tory develped a great resilience. China was conquered many times in history -Tang, Yuan and ching dynasties and ead time the conquering peoples became another of Chinese-being absorbed into the 5,000 year old tapestry that is chinese cul ture. Same possible examples of those fortu taus accidents of history could be the spread and acceptance of Confucianism and, perhaps more power fully, the unifying and farsigh ted reforms of the first emperor of thunited China-Qin Shi Huang Di-civil service by the governing mandarins-unifying written sot and sheer force of his will. Time-3, 000 years before and 2,000 years after that significant event (unification )of cul tural isdatian thereafter and dominance over the East Asian region. I am sure there are other factors that i may have missed out that cemented the construct of Chineseness in that region


Significantly, there were various graups that resisted the pull of Chinese cul ture, enaugh at least to remain al turally separate peoples-Koreans

Japanese, Thais, vietnamese are examples

As an interes ting addendum -the conquering Qin Shi Huang Di was from a graup that at that time was not considered a true Han Chinese group(they were on the fringe of the region considered truly Han Chinese)-yet his conquest is the main event that defines what it means to be Chinese! This is ust like Alexander the Great a Macedonian, who was not considered a true Greek



Feifei Wang, I spend about the same amount of my life in China and in the US

Feifei Wang,我在中国和美国度过的时间大致相当。

Nope. As mud as same Chinese(actually a lot of Chinese) enjoy parading aur littie fairy tales around that justify our superiority complex, Japanese didn' tstart aut from the 500 yaung boy and girls Xu Fu led on an oversea journey in searching of elixir of life


There is evidence of human inhabitants as early as Paledithic time period, long before Emperor Qin took power. Later an there's Joman period which was a hunter/gatherer al ture. I have a hard time believe some hunter and gatherers from dhina decide it's a good idea to make a boat and sail to Japan during that time There has been a lot of travelling between Chin a and Japan through aut histary (after boats were invented.), and aur cul tures had in fluenced each other


But Japanese aul ture should not be considered as a sub culture, ar a derivative fram dhinese culture. Theyre, perhaps mare like brother sis ter aulture, that shares a lot of things in comman, but still independent.



Alief Iman, lives in Beijing, China(2017-present


A 2007 study by nonaka et al. reported amang 263 cambined samples, the frequencies of the D2, O2b, and o3 lineages were 38.8%, 33.5%, and 16.8%,I

pectively, which constituted approximately 90%of the Japanese population



Haplogroups D2, O2b, and 03 are the main Y-cramosome DNA markers faund in Japanese males. Below Im going to explain more abaut these markers tin the context of Ainu, Japanese, Korean, and Han Chinese males anly


Haplogroup D21], about 35-40%(high frequency ) of Japanese males belong to this haplogroup.





an chinese(汉族中国人)

Considering this fact, I see D2""Ainu ar Joman marker" as almost certainly the Japanese inherited the marker from the Ainu





Han Chinese(汉族中国人)X版初所育

Haplogroup O2b[2], abaut 30-35%(high frequency) of Japanese males belong to this haplogroup onsidering Japanese is an archipelago and Korean is a peninsula, Isee 02b" as "Korean ar Yayoi-1 marker as almost cer tainly the Japanese inherited the marker from the koreans


Haplogroup 03[3], abaut 15-20%(moderate frequency ) of Japanese males belong to this haplogroup




Han chinese(汉族中国人)√

Considering Japanese is an archipelago, Korean is a peninsula, and Chinese is a mainland, Isee 03" as Chinese ar Yayoi-2 marker as almost ce

rtainly the Japanese and Koreans inheri ted the marker from the chinese.


At this point you could see that only about 15-20% of Japanese males share their paternal lineages with Han Chinese males. If the Japanese are chi

nese descendants, the frequen cy of Chinese ar Yayai-2 marker should be at least more than 50%, not just 15-20%. If same of you somehow still believe

that the Japanese are Chinese descendants, how you cauld explain the fact that 80-85% of Japanese males don't share their paternal lineages with Han Chinese males? From where they got their Ainu or Jomon and Korean or Yayoi-1 markers? From ma ting with aliens?



Edit 13 April 2017

Actually th ere're still other haplogroups which are faund in Japanese males, however the frequences are too low (less than 10%) thus I deaded not

to include them on the list above. D2, O2b, and o3 haplogroup s are the most common Y-chramosame DNA markers among Japanese males, theyre faund

igh to moderate frequencies in all Japanese graups fram Hokkaido in the Nor theast to Kyushu in the Southwest

don't need to show any maps to support my answer, since other answers have provided the maps




Andrew Ferris, English Teacher(2011-presen

Partially but. no more than partially.

There are at least three previaus genetic groups that make up the current Ja



The first graup is more related to the native Philipine people, native Taiwanese and the Okinawans. It seems likely that they came to the island first The later inhabitants generally pushed them out further and further north- though it would be a mis take to insist that there was no mixing-naurally there was

The seoond group is related to the Mongolians and Koreans and came from the Korean peninsula. They set up their own civilization on the island while

both pushing aut and mixing with the previously mentioned graup

And then the third wave came fram somewhere they would at some paint be considered part of china-though it is doubtful that they would have identfed themselves as"Chinese"at the same Sl, far sake of brewity-sure, yau could say that the third wave came from China-spedificallysauthen China, I believe.


How much of each group does the Japanese pop ulation comprise of? It really depends on the region( though far less recen ty than 10

he individual. There are Japanese who look indistinguishable from chinese(then again, what does it even mean to look chinese given that if itren' t for a successful empire the country would likely be 20 countries instead of one), others look so " Korean"(though let s not mistake that there isn' t a lot of Chinese gene tic stock in Korea) that no one can tell the difference.


en treated really badly during certain parts of mare recent his tory (since the 18th cen tury), but mmigr ation has been a cans tant reality. And aiter V

And let's not pretend that there hasn' tbeen constant immigration from Korea and China during all of Japanese recorded history. Immigrants ha

however many generations, they stop identifying as samething oth er than simply Japanese


As for aul turally tough. yeah, Japanese culture overwhelmingly came from China with a fair bit of it being filtered thraugh Korea. Nearly everything Japanese has its roots in China somewhere in the past(and of ten enaugh, India before that). Even the whde samurai cul ture was based on the mytof the heroes fram ramance of Three Kingdoms


Any animosity between Japan and China is historically an anomaly. a lot of Jap anese history invdves Japan admiring and emula ting China. And nothing

abaut that was ever considered shameful just like most of Europe was happy to be in fuenced by the ramans


long) deaded to send all the samurai to Karea to try to conquer it The result was devastating for all invdeg lil war fram erup ting(didn'tlast

Similarly, the animosity between Japan and Korea really didn' t start up until Japan, in arder to stop further av




Patrick Wallace, lived for 14 years in China


DNA tests and historical eviden ce suggests that the Japanese may have a very small amaunt of Chinese heritage. However, the bulk of the Japanese ethnic heritage is a mixture of what could be very loosely called Mongolian and Pacific Islander.



Regarding the Mongdian heritage, there is a strong linguistic lix between Korean, Mandu, and Japanese, and it is thaught that the Koreans and Japanese are closely related. The homeland for the ancient people graups that brought forth the Koreans Manchus, and Japanese was prob ably not in the Korean Peninsula ar even northeastern China-it was somewhere in eas tem Mongdia. This is not to say that any of these groups are ethnically Mangdian

It is anly to say that these groups came fram the area of Mongdia, and that they may share same ethnic lixs with the mongdians


Evidence suggests that the Japanese are also related to same populations of Padfic Islanders. It is widely thought that these islanders were the first inhabitants of Japan, but that at same paint a graup came over from the mainland and intermarried with them, farming the Japanese people. While

there are genetic lixs between the Japanese and Polynesians, for example, it should not be thaught that the Japanese are Polynesian. Rather, the padfic Islander groups who came to Japan did so long before these same groups migrated to Polynesia, thus the two graups are not identical, but share a





This is the basic theary. However, when it gets to specifics, there is hot debate amang scientists and researchers an all sides and no doubt there

are many who would take issue-not necessarily with the general theary presented above--but with the spedfic words I have chosen. To say that this disaussian is politically charged would be a gross un derstatement



Tammy Pengelly


Origin ally answered: Do the Japanese came from China?


The gener ally accep ted theory in Japan is that immigration into Japan took place trough three specific routes- The Ainu came through Russia(eg. via Sakhalin befare Stalin booted them aut in the 50S, via Kamchatka and the Kurile Islands thraugh the Korean peninsula (what is referred to as the Yamato race, and through the Ryuukyuu island dain from South China via Taiwan(ie Okinawa)


Through variaus political shenanigans and wars, the Ainu, Ryuukyuu and Yamato have came to farm present-day Jap anese sodiety, however differences st

通过各种政治诡计和战争,阿伊努人、 Kyuukyuu人和大和人形成了当今的日本社会,但仍然存在着分歧一我听说冲绳人的心态与日本的态度有很大的不同

This is a very detailed website highlighting genetic migration

The Origins of the Jap anese peaple




Yu-Hsing Chen, Well versed on his tory of China, and folows its poli tics a bit

Yu-Hsing Chen,精通中国历史,并对中国政治有一点了解

Feifei ' s answer miss the fact that the Jomen peaple were actually not the ances tor of modern Japanese, at least they make up a relatively minar part of their genetics

Feifei Wang的回答忽略了一个事实,那就是绳纹人实际上不是现代日本人的祖先,至少他们在遗传学中只占相对较小的部

The main genetics of modern Japanese come fram the peaple of the succeeding Yaya period, which is a period where a new wave of migrants from Korea

and Chin a began to push into Japan via kyushu and gradually pushed the Jamon people aut (that s why the Jomen genetics are most prominently an Onawa and Ainu peaple.


However, one should note that the Chinese"of the period that came over are significantly different genetically from modem ones anyway as well,

as they may have been the people of Baiyue, and even if they were more of the ance in the main stream Zhou era people, the Chinese genetic make up saw many different wave of in flux from the Nomadic north in the centuries to came anyway

So the answer to all this is that there' s probably a doser correla tion than you suspect



Andrew Lee, Acupuncture and Eas tern Medidine


www Iaaa co

So using haploid groups is not the best way to find origin, at least in East Asia. What we know for sure is that primar ily there are two ethnic cradles. one fram what is now Mongdia and one fram what is now Taiwan. The mangdaid graup can be de fined by things like the dysfunction ABCC11 genet trait This trait was traced back to one single graup 40,000 years ago in what is now Mangdia And appears in Mangas, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, native Siberians and native Americans that weren't mixed with other peaple's, like in Alaska


So for the most part the East Asians are from the same group of people. However islanders from Taiwan mixed with Japan and southen china. This is why the abcall dys function is at nearly 100% in Korea, 97% narth China, 88% Japan, and 86% south China. It correlated with his tory of contact with narmongoloid people's such as islanders. But your average Japanese is pretty much the same as your average Chinese ar Korean with haploid distinctions happening ower time due to latitude. And these dis tinctions are for defining the populations as a whde as you can find any of the traits found in an

of the mangdaid peaple's in any of the populations it just occurs more of ten in same based on latitude.


Us Asians should all be friends we came fram the same graup. Ethnicity in East Asia is mare about culture differences than it is about actually gene

tics. We all share sin dant dental structure and ABCCll dysfunction



Iwasaki Alex, born in Japan-Hakodate, now in Austria -Linz

Iwasaki alex,生于日本函馆,现在在奥地利林兹

Not really. It is mare that one part of our ancestors, the Yaya, originated near the yangze-river in china, but are not Han-chinese

Today modern Japanese are the mix of the Jommn people and the Yayoi people

The Jamon people are the ariginal native Japanese people and originated somewhere in Sautheast-Asia or in Indonesia. The Yaya originated near theY

angze-tiver area in southern dina and moved over the Korean pensuila into Japan. There they mixed with the Jomon and the modern Japanese(yamato)w





today japanese peaple means the three groups: Ainu, Yamato and Ryukyuans. All are genetically related and the result of mix of Joman and Yaya

Genetically we have the haplogroup D2, 02b, 03 and O2

there are same connections to Tibetan people, Chinese people, Korean people and other Sautheast-asian populations

In linguistic terms, Japan ese is classificated as isolated language. But recent reseaches of proto-japanese show connections to other southeast-asia

So linguists often cansider Japanese as part of the Austric-family as Para-Austronesian



austric family


各国网友热议:日本人是中国人的后裔吗?回答很专业 颠覆认知!

here some pictures that explain the migrations routes into Japan:


各国网友热议:日本人是中国人的后裔吗?回答很专业 颠覆认知!

and a dna chart that show if there are relations to other ethnics or not


各国网友热议:日本人是中国人的后裔吗?回答很专业 颠覆认知!

各国网友热议:日本人是中国人的后裔吗?回答很专业 颠覆认知!

We see that we have genetic connections today espedally to tibe tan people and other not shown sautheast-asian tribes


A theory of a northem origin is debunked/obsolete



Mahendra kumar historian


From the physical characteristics like face it is almost impossible to distinguish between Japanese and chithe genes h ave got so mixed up over along period of time, especially since the Japanese dominated most of China and Sauth-east Asia durin


Many behavioral ch aracteristics are shared as well -use of chopsticks, complex pictograp hic language, comple te disregard of animal lifet practical purposes they can be cansidered descendants of ead other


The few differences that are there like the Japanese are hard-warking honest can be attributed to social and educational factors


