法律翻譯中的 “條”、“款”、“項”、“目”


法律翻譯中的 “條”、“款”、“項”、“目”



在英漢法律翻譯中,上述詞條的翻譯不可一概而論。我們知道,一般意義上而言,在英文中能夠表達法律中“條款”之類的詞彙大概有:article; section; subsection; paragraph; subparagraph; item; clause; rule; regulation; provision,以及stipulation等等。

(1)關於“article”一詞的翻譯。將article一詞譯為“條”,爭議不大。例如,《美利堅合眾國憲法》(THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,1789)共有“7條”(seven articles)。再如,世界貿易組織《中華人民共和國加入議定書》(Protocol on the Accession of People's Republic of China)中文譯本也將“article”譯為“條”。

根據美國權威的《布萊克法律字典》(Black's Law Dictionary. Garner, 1999:106),Article: A separate and distinct part (as a clause or stipulation) of a writing, esp. in a contract, statute, or constitution. (斜體字為作者所加)。再如,美國《法律詞典》(A Dictionary of the Law. Clapp, 2000:36),Article: subdivision of a written instrument; particularly a. a subdivision of a statute or constitution, usually subdivided into sections. b. one of the items or clauses in a contract, treaty, or other agreement.


讀者不能混淆“Article”與“Articles”的意義、用法。“Articles”應譯為“條例”。例如,在《美國憲法》之前頒佈的《邦聯和永久聯合條例》(Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union),這一憲法性文件直接稱自己為“Articles”,不過,這不妨礙我們仍將該“條例”中的具體的13個“Article”譯為“條”。



把Section譯為“節”,是因為“section”這一概念有時很大,它比“article”(條)還大,若譯為“款”、“項”、“目”過小,譯為“章”、“編”則又過大。例如,在《與貿易有關的知識產權協定》(Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights,簡稱Trips協議)中,第二部分《關於知識產權效力、範圍和使用的標準》(Standards Concerning the Availability,Scope and Use of Intellectual Property Rights)包括8個section,第三部分《知識產權的實施》(Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights)包括5個section,每個section又包括若干條article.此時,譯為“節”最好。事實也如此,例如,第二部分中的“SECTION 1: COPYRIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS”,中文翻譯便將之譯為了“第一節:版權和相關權利”。關於這點,讀者可參看北大法律信息網,Trips協議相關中、英文內容。

把section譯為“條”,這點很好理解。當section譯為“條”時,subsection則譯為“款”。根據A Dictionary of the Law (Clapp, 2000: 389),Section: a subdivision of a statute or document, represented by the symbol§(or§§for “section”). Most statutes and codes are divided into sections.另外,subsection: A part within a section of an act .Each section in a Statute may be further divided into subsections…A subsection is denoted as a number with brackets. For example, s.78(1)of the Trade Practices Act would read as section 78 subsection 1.(陳忠誠,2000:605),上述解釋說明,section可譯為“條,”subsection則可譯為“款”。此外,經筆者檢索,加拿大法《北美法案》(British North America Act)、《英國貨物買賣法》(SALE OF GOODS ACT 1979)等法律條文中均使用Section來表示“條”,subsection表示“款”。


(3)關於paragraph, subparagraph的翻譯。筆者認為,應將paragraph, subparagraph分別譯為“條”、“款”。以往的翻譯中,人們也大都將paragraph,譯為了“條”。這點問題不大。Trips 協議中,第3條、第64條中有這樣的例子。

1. Any Member availing itself of the possibilities provided in Article 6 of the Berne Convention (1971) or paragraph 1 (b) of Article 16 of the Rome Convention shall make a notification as foreseen in those provisions to the Council for TRIPS.


2. Subparagraph 1 (b) and 1 (c) of Article XXIII of GATT 1994 shall not apply to the settlement of disputes under this Agreement for a period of five years from the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement.

自《WTO協定》生效之日起5年內,GATT 1994第23條第1款(b)項和(c)項不得適用於本協定項下的爭端解決。


“Item”一詞譯做“目”非常合適。因為“Item”常常是subparagraph(項)下的一個部分。讓我們來參考Black's Law Dictionary (Garner 1999: 837)中對此的解釋,Item: In drafting, a subpart of a text that is next smaller than a subparagraph. In federal drafting, for example, “(4)” is the item in following citation: Rule 19 (a) (1) (B) (4). Also termed clause in this sense.

這個解釋最後提到了“clause”這個詞。關於clause一詞的翻譯,筆者認為,除了可以將其譯為“目”之外,更多的情形下應將其譯為泛指意義上的“條款”。例如,《新英漢詞典》(1985:208)中對“clause”這個詞的解釋就是“條款”、“款項”。此外,不少工具書也均認可“條款”這一譯法(費曼,2004:245;薛波,2003:233)。比如,“clause of devolution”譯為“義務承擔條款”。限於本文討論的範圍,不再展開論述。

還有rule以及regulation的翻譯。依筆者看來,雖然它們與“條款”有一定關係,但不應該有某些工具書中“條”的譯法。rule應該譯為“規則”,例如,美國刑法中精神病(insanity)抗辯事由中的“The M' Naghten Rule”(麥那頓規則)、“The Durham Rule”(德赫姆規則),都可以譯為“規則”。再如,Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 譯作《聯邦民事訴訟規則》,Rules of Evidence譯作“證據規則”等等。

regulation則應譯為“條例”、“規章”。依據Black's Law Dictionary, Regulation一詞在美國指“A rule or order, having legal force, issued by an administrative agency or a local government”(Garner, 1999: 1289)。所以,它是指行政機構頒發的法規,在我國行政機關頒佈的法規一般稱為“條例”或“規章”。

最後是關於provision以及stipulation的翻譯。有人常將provision與stipulation混用。實則萬萬不可。Stipulation指“契約或協定中的實質性條款”(薛波,2003:1294)。它只指契約的而不指法律的規定,因此陳忠誠先生主張將其譯為“(以契)約(規)定”(陳忠誠,2000:357-359;陳忠誠,1998:301-303)。筆者贊同上述意見。因為,這有章可循。依據Black's Law Dictionary, stipulation 1. A material condition or requirement in an agreement. 2. A voluntary agreement between opposing parties concerning some relevant point(Garner, 1999: 1427)。如,stipulated damages (約定損害賠償金),因此,stipulation應譯為“(契約)規定”;而provision則多指“(法律)規定”。關於這部分的論述,有學者做過專門論述(參見:《法苑譯譚》,中國法制出版社,2000年第162-165頁相關論述),在此不再贅述。

法律翻譯中的 “條”、“款”、“項”、“目”

讀者可以看得出,事實上,在英漢法律翻譯中,經我們分析到最後,只有六個詞即:article, section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, item與法律條文翻譯中的條、款、項、目有關。這就十分有利於我們進行漢英法律翻譯中“條”、“款”、“項”、“目”的討論了。



第二十三條* 公民有下列情形之一的,利害關係人可以向人民法院申請宣告他死亡:







Article 23.* Under either of the following circumstance, an interested person may apply to the people's court for a declaration of a citizen's death:

(1)if the citizen's whereabouts have been unknown for four years or,**

(2)if the citizen's whereabouts have been unknown for two years after the date of an accident in which he was involved.

If a person's whereabouts become unknown during a war, the calculation of the time period in which his whereabouts are unknown shall begin on the final day of the war.***

article 23*

the subparagraph (1) of article 23**

the second paragraph of article 23***



例如,第三章,刑罰,第四節,有期徒刑、無期徒刑。則譯為“Section 4. Fixed-Term Imprisonment and Life Imprisonment, Chapter III Punishments”。

再如,《中華人民共和國刑法》第十七條第2款規定,“已滿十四周歲不滿十六週歲的人,犯故意殺人、故意傷害致人重傷或者死亡、強姦、搶劫、販賣毒品、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,應當負刑事責任”。此時,應注意“條”與“款”的正確翻譯。The second paragraph of Article 17 of Criminal Code of the people's Republic of China provides that: “A person who has reached the age of fourteen but not the age of sixteen who commits the crimes of intentionally killing another or intentionally injuring another, even causing serious injury or death, and the crimes of rape, robbery, drug trafficking, arson, explosion, and poisoning shall bear criminal responsibility”.

此外,上述“總則”可譯為“General Provisions”; “分則”則譯為“Special Provisions”:“附則”譯為“Supplementary Provisions”。“附件一、附件二”則譯為“Appendix I, Appendix II”。

法律翻譯中的 “條”、“款”、“項”、“目”



