
1月21日,瑞典駐華大使林戴安(Anna Lindstedt)、前瑞典財政部部長Allan Larsson 和前瑞典戰略發展部部長Kristina Persson一行來到 Stey-王府井進行參觀。Stey 成員向大使全面展示了 Stey 的可持續設計理念、共享居住概念及商業模型,並得到了大使一行的高度認可。

On January 21, Her Excellency Anna Lindstedt, Ambassador of Sweden to China, Allan Larsson, former Swedish Minister for Finance, and Kristina Persson, former Minister for Nordic Cooperation and former Minister for Strategic Development visited Stey-Wangfujing. After presenting its sustainable design, the concept of communal living and its business model, Stey has gained recognition from the Ambassador.




We asked a few questions to the Ambassador on behalf of the Stey Community.

在參觀完 Stey-王府井之後,能否談談您的感受?

大使:我覺得很棒!Stey 是一個十分有趣的創新概念,它既秉承了可持續的環保理念,又實現了優秀的設計。「社區」這個概念可以充分滿足人們的社交需求,讓居住在這裡的人享受更加靈活、多元的生活方式。

Could you share your impressions on Stey-Wangfujing?

Ambassador: I think it's great. Such an interesting and innovative concept. In here people can be flexible. It's sustainable, it's green, it's nicely designed and its concept of having a community is great especially if you live alone.


大使:我最看重的空間是廚房。在瑞典,廚房不僅僅是做飯的地方,更是可以與家人朋友在一起互動、交流的地方。我看到 Stey 有一個很大的共享廚房,這讓我想起了我在瑞典的家。一群人在這裡聊天,交流彼此的想法,有美食有酒,是一件令人十分放鬆和愉快的事情。



Which part of living space do you value the most?

Ambassador: I really value the kitchen because that's where you cook food and interact with people. At Stey, you can cook with your friends, which is quite common back in Sweden. Most young people especially in Beijing order food. They cook very little. It's very pity as cooking supposed to be a good way of life to make sure you eat healthy food, and to be with each other.

I have a big family but my children are in Europe. My husband used to be here (in Beijing). I have no problem with that because I meet a lot of people and I don't feel lonely. When I eat I do. I don't like eating all alone. When you eat alone, you eat too fast, and you don't really enjoy. Eating is all about interaction.

I like how Stey designs the kitchen, you could meet a lot of people and get new ideas. It's a nice concept.



The Ambassador and former Ministers are visiting Tease.



As a design-driven brand, Stey is committed to applying sustainable design in urban living. The awareness of environmental protection is also rising in the past few decades in China. What are the actions an individual can undertake to make a difference?

Ambassador: I think there are many things we could do. On an individual level, we can make sure we save water, we save electricity, we walk, bike or go by public transportation rather than go by car. We take the train rather than the airplane. We might want to eat less meat because that's good both for your health and the environment. We make sure that the products we use are produced in an environmental-friendly way. Also, we should avoid food waste because it's a big environmental problem.


△向前瑞典財政部部長Allan Larsson展示Stey智能家居

Presenting Stey App to Allan Larsson, former Swedish Minister for Finance


大使:在設計和智能的生活方式方面,Stey 已經囊括了很多北歐和瑞典的居住元素,甚至可以說比傳統的瑞典居住更加先進。而在中國,幾代人共同生活是十分常見的,而我認為和家人住一起也是一個很好的理念。因此當我走進 Stey,就想象如果可以讓年輕人和老年人在這樣一個空間裡共同生活,或許會是一個很特別、很不錯的概念。希望未來你們也可以研發出這種「青銀共居」的居住產品。

How do you see the similarities and differences in the concept of urban living between Sweden and China? How could we learn from each other?

Ambassador: I think the Stey concept has incorporated some of the Nordic and Swedish elements, but even takes one step further in terms of its design of smart living. What's quite common in China is that several generations live together and that I think is a quite nice concept as well. I could imagine having both younger and elder people living together in a communal-living space like Stey. It could be a new model for your next product.



Discussing the future of urban living with the Ambassador

您認為瑞典環保和綠色創新產業在中國發展前景如何?瑞典政府會從政策上給予像 Stey這樣的在華瑞典企業什麼樣的支持?

大使:瑞典企業在綠色產業、環保技術等方面的領先優勢與中國巨大的市場潛力相結合,將為雙方創造廣闊的合作空間。我認為 Stey 就是瑞典環保可持續模式在中國的最佳展示之一,我們應該通過不同的方式更好地推廣它。無論是瑞典政府,還是瑞典駐華大使館,都將全力支持並促進瑞典企業與中國在智能建築、能源、水處理、可持續交通等領域的合作,同時我們將嘗試向中國引進更多的瑞典企業和解決方案。

What is your outlook for Swedish environmental solutions and technology innovation in China? And how will the Swedish government support companies in this field to grow in China?

Ambassador: Sweden has a great advantage in green energy solutions, which can be applied in China as there are huge potentials in the market. Being one of the great examples, Stey is a good creation of Nordic design embedding in the Chinese culture. The Swedish government and embassy to China will fully support smart solutions like Stey to promote collaboration in the fields of smart living, energy, water treatment, and sustainable mobility.



We're thrilled to have the Ambassador and former Ministers in our home

關於 Stey:

Stey 是一個來自瑞典的共享居住品牌。Stey 設計家和城市社區,把美好的東西融入生活的細枝末節,提供服務式公寓、設計酒店、共享生活空間和靈活轉租模式的創新融合。Stey 在北京王府井和三里屯的空間即將開業,敬請期待。

