
25. across, through和over的用法

★across和through都與動詞連用。表示從一定範圍的一邊到另一邊,但across的含義與on有關,表示動作是在某一物體的表面進行的,例如原文中的across Northern China;而through的含義與in有關,表示動作是在某一物體的空間裡進行的。如:

① The river was frozen, so we walked across the ice to the other bank.


② The river flows through the city from west to east.


③ It took us three hours to walk through the forest.


④ You must not run across the road. 你不要跑過馬路。

⑤ We walked across the bridge and soon came to a hut.


⑥ We walked through the tunnel. 我們開車穿過了隧道。

⑦ I saw it through the windowpane. 透過玻璃我看到了它。

⑧ I got the job through a friend of mine. 我通過一位朋友得到了這個工作。

【注】go across the street橫穿街道(指從街的一邊到另一邊)

go through the street穿過街道(指從街的一端到另一端)

go across the room從房間這邊到另一邊

go through the room穿過房間(指從一個房間走到另一間)


① A lamp was hanging over the table. 桌子上方掛著一盞燈。

② There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座橋。

③ The sky is over our heads and the ground is under our feet.



① The boy climbed over the wall. 男孩子們爬過牆頭。

② The groups of planes are flying over our city. 機群正飛越我們城市上空。

③ He jumped over the brook. 他跳過了那條小溪。

26. It was built with stones and bricks a long time ago to protect the northern border of the country.



① He was wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun.


② Put on a thicker coat to protect yourself from the cold.


③ The eyelashes protect the eyes from dust and dirt.


④ You’d better use an umbrella to protect yourself from the rain.



① The tea plants must be protected against frost in winter.


② A line of forts was built along the border to protect the country against foreign attack.


27. It is one of the wonders of the world. 它是世界奇蹟之一。


① Television is one of the wonders of modern science. 電視是現代科學奇蹟之一。

② What are the seven wonders of the world? 世界上有哪七大奇蹟?

③ It is a wonder that he survived the plane crash. 飛機失事,他保住了性命,真是奇蹟。


① I wonder whether you would mind helping me for a few minutes.


② I wonder what he’s doing now. 我心裡想他此刻在做什麼呢?

③ How did it get there, I wonder? 它怎麼會到那兒去的呢,我感到奇怪。

④ The fact that she left home is not to be wondered at. 她離家出走是不足為怪的。

⑤ I wonder at your allowing him to do such a thing.


⑥ Can you wonder at it, isn’t it natural, to be expected?


★“wonder if/whether +從句”意為“想知道……是否……”,是一種委婉客氣地提出請求的交際用語。如:

① We wondered if they could come here on time.


② I wonder if/whether she has receive our telegram.


③ I wonder if you could tell me how to get to the theatre.


28. You can experience its beauty and greatness through climbing it step by step.



① He experienced many difficulties. 他經歷了許多困難。

② Our country has experienced great changes in the last 30 years.


③ Some of the students had experienced what hardships meant before they entered the university.


④ I don’t think I’ve ever experienced real depression.



① We all learn by experience. 我們都從經驗中學習。

② Has he had much experience of work of this sort? 他對這種工作有很多經驗嗎?

③ He hasn’t had enough experience for the job. 他沒有足夠的經驗擔當這份工作。

④ He is short of experience. 他缺乏經驗。


① I had some interesting experiences in the countryside.


② A man of your experience ought to do well.



① He is much experienced in teaching. 他有豐富的教學經驗。

② His mother is an experienced nurse. 他的母親是個有經驗的護士。

③ They are quite experienced in teaching beginners.


29. You can experience its beauty and greatness through climbing it step by step.


★step by step意為“逐漸地“,相當於little by little。如:

① Step by step, they were getting to the top. 他們一步一步地接近山頂。

② A foreign language cannot be learned rapidly, it must be learned step by step.


③ The cost of living is increasing step by step. 生活開支正慢慢地在提高。

④ Step by step he learned the rules of the game. 他逐漸學會了比賽規則。

⑤ She learnt to speak English step by step. 她逐漸學會說英語了。

★類似於step by step結構的短語還有side by side(肩並肩),hand in hand(手拉手),face to face(面對面),heart to heart(心連心),neck and neck(齊頭並進,並駕齊驅)等。但是,這種結構中的名詞前面不用冠詞或其他修飾詞。如:

① They walked side by side. 他們肩並肩地走著。

② They walked away hand in hand. 他們手拉手地離開了。

③ He sat face to face with me. 他和我面對面地坐著。

④ We had a heart to heart talk and pointed out one another’s shortcomings.


⑤ The horses were running neck and neck. 這些馬跑得不分上下。

30. It lies on the two sides of the River Li. 它(桂林)座落於灕江兩邊。


① The village lies to the north of the city. 這個村子位於城市的北邊。

② Ireland lies to the west of England. 愛爾蘭位於英格蘭之西。

③ Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位於中國的東面。

④ Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位於中國的東部。


① The ship has lain at the bottom of the harbor for two hundred years.


② He lay awake for the whole night, worrying about his lost child.


③ The book lay open on the desk. 這本書攤開著放在桌子上。

★lie用作動詞,意為“撒謊”,其過去式和過去分詞都為lied,後可以接to sb.表示“對某人撒謊”。如:

① I can tell, from your face, you are lying to me.


② You’re lying again! 你又在撒謊了!

③ Don’t believe her because she always lies. 別信她,因為她總是說謊。


① He was lying in the shade of the tree. 他正躺在樹蔭下。

② The boys have lain under the trees for hours.


③ Don’t lie in the sun for too long. 不要在陽光下躺得太久了。

④ The boy lay on the sofa. 那男孩躺在沙發上。

★lie in意為“在於”。如:

① The trouble lies in the engine. 問題出在引擎上。

② His success lies in his hard work. 他的成功在於勤奮的工作。

★lie down意為“躺下休息”。如:

① I’ll go and lie down for a while. 我去躺一會兒。

② If you feel tired, you may lie down and sleep for a while. 你覺得累就躺下睡一會兒。

③ My head is spinning, so I must lie down. 我腦袋天旋地轉,得躺下來休息休息。

31. In this underground cave, there are lots of colourful rocks with strange shapes.



① The male birds are more colourful than the females.


② Look at these flowers. They are very colourful. 瞧這些花,都很鮮豔。

③ You can see colourful shop windows here and there.



① He often told us his colourful history. 他常給我們講他的豐富多彩的歷史。

② Did they know the colourful past of the city.


③ The old man’s colourful career made us think he was quite brave.



① This kind of insect can change colour. 這種昆蟲會變色。

② They bought a new colour television last month. 上個月他們買了一臺新彩電。

③ All the pictures in this book are in colour. 這本書裡的圖畫都是彩色的。

④ Can I get this dress in other colours? 這衣服還有其他顏色的嗎?


① He coloured the wall white. 他把牆塗成白色。

② His younger sister is colouring a picture. 他的妹妹正在給一幅畫塗上顏色。

③ She doesn’t like colouring her hair. 她不喜歡染髮。

32. It is great fun to cycle around Guilin! 周遊桂林真是充滿樂趣。


① What fun we had! 我們玩得真開心(或多麼有趣)呀!

② I wasn’t serious; I only did it for fun. 我不是當真的,我只不過是鬧著玩。

③ Swimming in the sea is great/good fun. 在海里游泳很好玩。

④ You’re sure to have (much) fun at the party tonight.


⑤ Sailing a boat is great fun. 駕駛帆船很有趣。

⑥ He’s great fun. We are all found of being with him.


★for/in fun意為“開玩笑的”“鬧著玩的”“非認真的”。make fun of的意思為“取笑”“開……的玩笑”。如:

① He said it only for/in fun. 他只是說著玩的。

② I wrote it just for/in fun. 我只是寫著玩玩的。

③ It’s not good to make fun of the old. 取笑老人是不好的。

④ The kids at school always make fun of Bill’s clothes.



① Don’t you think it a little funny? 難道你不認為那有點滑稽嗎?

② The kids are all making fun of little Tom’s funny hat today.


③ It’s funny that she left so suddenly. 她這麼突然離去,真奇怪。

④ He’s a funny sort of person. 他是個難以理解的人。

33. You can hire a bicycle from the bus station and ride around Guilin very safely.



① Where did you hire the video? 這錄像帶你是在哪裡租的?

② I am new here, I want to hire a room to live in. 我是新來的,想租個房間住下來。

③ I will have to hire a suit for my wedding. 我得去租套禮服在婚禮上穿。

④ They hired a boat for an evening. 他們僱了條船用了一晚上。



① She was hired ten years ago. 她是十年前被錄用的。

② He does the hiring and firing in our company.


③ His mother hired a lawyer for him. 他母親為他臨時僱傭了一名律師。

④ The company hired a young man to design the new system.




① All the bikes are for hire. 這些自行車是供租用的。

② Excuse me, where can I find a hire car? 請問,哪裡有可供租用的汽車?

③ All the taxis belong to a car hire firm. 所有這些出租車屬於出租車公司。

④ The costumes are on hire from the local shop. 服裝可以向當地的商店租。

34. a line dividing two countries一條把兩國分開的線


① The cells began to divide rapidly. 細胞開始迅速分裂。

② Jack divided up the rest of the cash. 傑克把餘下的現金分了。

③ We divided the work between us. 我們共同分擔了這項工作。

④ He divided his energies between his study and sports.


★divide A from B,可以用“使A和B分離”“使A和B分開”解。如:

① We mustn’t divide the child from his mother. 我們不能使母子分離。

② The channel divides the island of Taiwan from the mainland, but it is still the land of China.


★be divided into是一個被動語態的結構,解釋成“劃分為”“分為”。如:

① In English sentences can be divided into three types.


② Verbs can be divided into four kinds. 動詞可以分成四種。

35. We can see the beautiful design there and learn more about the life of the Chinese emperors in the past.



① The unique design of the machine prevents it from overheating.


② She has her own design studio in the college. 在學院裡,她有自己的設計室。

③ He could cut a design on metal. 他能夠在金屬上刻圖案。

④ The tiles come in a huge range of colours and design. 瓷磚有各種各樣的顏色和圖案。

⑤ Can you give some pieces of design paper to her? 你能夠給她幾張製圖紙嗎?


① Did it happen by design or accident? 這件事情的發生是計劃好了的還是偶然的?

② He had a design on it. 他對此事有野心。


① They asked Jim to design a poster for the movie.


② Every student should design a dress for the fashion show.


③ The method is designed for use in small groups. 這方法是小組設計的。

④ The building is designed very well. 這幢樓設計很好。

⑤ The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time.





invent vt.發明,創造

astronaut n.宇航員

explorer n.探險者

nun n.修女,尼姑

flight n.飛行,航班

pilot n.飛行員

licence n.執照,許可證

engineering n.工程(學)

select vt.挑選;選擇

commander n.指揮官,司令官

spin vi.快速旋轉

mankind n.人類

sample n.樣品,標本

citizen n.公民;市民

exploration n.探索;探測

navy n.海軍

truly adv.真正地;真實地

spoil vt.損壞,搞糟

mission n.太空飛行任務;使命

broth n.(魚、肉或蔬菜)湯

unique adj.唯一的,獨特的

light bulb n.電燈泡

mathematics n.數學

radium n.鐳

couple n.夫婦,(一)對

unknown adj.未知的,不出名的

equation n.方程式;等式


1.How do you like….?=What do you think of….? 你覺得。。。怎麼樣?

2.in the form of pills 呈藥丸形狀

3.the distance between Mars and the Sun 火星和太陽之間的距離

4.at the moment =at present 目前,現在

5.by the year 2100 到2100年時

6.become more and more crowded 變得愈來愈擁擠

7.a large number of =large numbers of+名復 大量的

8.large numbers of passengers 大量的乘客

9.travel at the speed of light 以光的速度旅行

10.three-eights of the gravity on Earth 地球引力的八分之三

11.It is hoped that… …可以指望

12.(all) over again 再;重新

13.compare A with B 把A和B相比

14.be compared with sth 被與某物相比

15.in many ways 在許多方面

16.connect A to B 把A連接B

17.(be) connected to an inter-planetary network 連接到星際網絡

18.in some ways 在某些方面

19.the possibility of living on Mars 住在火星上的可能性

20.as well as… 不但……而且;既……又

21.keep/prevent/stop sb.from doing sth 防止某人做某事

22.because of the rapid increase in population 因為人口的快速增長

23. increase rapidly 迅速地增加

24.one-third/one third 三分之一

25.be aware of sth 知道

26.one giant leap 一次大的飛躍

27. What’s the population of China? 中國的人口是多少?

28.circle around the Sun 繞太陽運轉

29.in agreement 意見一致

30.be similar to 與……相似

31.carry out a survey 開展一個調查

32. after all 畢竟

33.advantages of living on Mars 住在火星上的優勢

34.get ill from living there 因為住在那裡生病

35.start /begin with a discussion 以討論開始

36.hear of 聽說

37. rock and roll 搖滾樂

38.in the west 在西方

39.space travel 太空旅行

40.become interested in 開始對„„感興趣

41.take one’s first flight 開始某人的第一次飛行

42.in one’s spare time 在某人的業餘時間裡

43.join the navy 參加海軍

44.a test pilot 一次飛行試驗

45.go into space 進入太空

46.out of control 失去控制

47.cut the flight short 縮短航程

48.land on the moon 登陸月球

49.space exploration 太空探測

50.the theory of relativity 相對論

51.be unknown to humans 不為人所知

52.in twentieth century 在20 世紀

53.further research 更進一步的調查

54.walk on the moon 在月球上行走


1. Who do you think isthe greatest person that has ever lived? 你認為誰是人類史上最偉大的人?

2. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon … 尼爾·阿姆斯特朗是第一個在月球上行走的人„„

3. It is said that Armstrong sent a message to Mission Control which said that two huge, strange objects landed near them and were watching them. 據說阿姆斯特朗發了一條信息給任務控 制中心,上面說有兩個大而奇怪的物體落在他們附近觀察他們。

4. Armstrong is the person who made people around the world realize that space exploration was truly possible. 阿姆斯特朗是一個使全球的人們意識到太空探險真的成為可能的人。

5. one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind 個人的一小步,卻是人類的一大步。


(一)Defining relative clauses 限制性定語從句


這類從句不能 省掉,否則句子的意義就不完整。

1. Do you remember the teacher who taught us English at middle school?

2. A dictionary is a book which /that gives the meaning of words.

(二)Relative pronouns 關係代詞

Relative pronoun People Things who √ which √ that √ √


在定語從句中who,which 和that 可以被用作關係代詞,用來指人或物。

