

1, there be 結構

1, 基本結構

There is a book 那裡有一本書

2, 時態:一般現在時,一般過去時,現在完成時,過去完成時,一般將來時

There is a book

There will be a book

There has been a book

There had been a book

There was a book

There is going to be a book

There can be a book

3, 就近原則

There is a book and two pencils=There are two pencils and a book


4, be 動詞可以用 be likely to ,remain,seem to be,happen to be, 等替換

There is likely to be a meeting 那裡可能有一個會議。

5, 反義疑問句:

There is a book ,isn’t there 那裡有一本書,是麼?

6, 非謂語動詞,there to be ,there being, there to be 表示未發生的動作, there being 表示存在的動作

I hope there to be clean in my school 我希望我的學校乾淨如新

There being many trees ,we like taking walks every day 因為有很多樹,我們喜歡每天在那裡散步。

7, there be no point in doing sth 做某事無意義

There is no point in running for a long time 跑步太久沒有什麼意義

There is no sense in (doing )sth 做某事沒道理

There is no sense in picking up the boxes 撿起這些盒子是沒有道理的

There is no doubt/possibility/chance…that 表示毫無。。。

There is no possibility that he can finish his work in a minute 他毫無可能在一會兒就完成了他的工作。

There is no need to do 沒有必要做某事

There is no need to smoke here 沒有必要在這裡吸菸

There be no doing 不可能做

There is no smoking in the classroom 在這個教室吸菸是不可能的

8, there be+ 名詞+to do /to be done

There are many books to be read =There are many books to read 那裡有很多書去閱讀

