

Shenzhen Zhongtian Auction Hand in Hand World Dream Cruise Exhibition + British Charles Auction Boutique Appreciation: Ten Years Special Edition of Yuandatou



Historically, after the Revolution of 1911 broke out, Yuan Shikai, the founder of the Beiyang New Army, stole the fruits of the revolution and became the president of the People's Republic of China, followed by activities to restore the monarchy. During his time in office, in order to strengthen his dominance, stabilize the domestic situation, and at the same time develop the national economy, he began to transform the national currency into a unified transformation of the Yuandatou silver coin we refer to today. However, Yuan Shikai was forced to abdicate only 83 days after he became emperor. In this case, Yuandatou's currency also became a rare precious coin in Chinese history because of its low circulation and short use time.



Shenzhen Zhongtian Auction was fortunate enough to obtain a special edition of Yuandatou in the ten years of the Republic of China. Yuan Shikai's lateral head was cast on the front of the coin, and there was a special font in front of the head. This is rare in Yuandatou. At the top, several clear and prominent fonts of the "Ten Years of the Republic of China" are engraved, which is enough to explain the age of coins and the ruling class of the country at that time. The reverse pattern is a pair of symmetrical curved Mai Mang, with the word "round" engraved in the middle as a measurement unit. The overall design of the coin surface is harmonious, the pattern is exquisite, and the craft technology is particularly refined. This piece of collection is in good condition and has a long history. It is now less valuable for friends in the collection community to invest and collect.



In view of the market conditions of coins in recent years, compared with the domestic art market, which has been declining in the past two years, coin auctions this year have obviously been much more active. The fine products of various plates have been produced and the excitement has remained. The transaction prices of rare coins have steadily increased, especially in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Due to the scarcity of stocks, it is favored by high-end Tibetans and has become a new hot spot in the coin auction market.


买家构成:公司集团客户,胡润百富买家,温州企业家联合会,浙江华商联合会,福建华侨联合会,北京高端收藏私人会所,明清官窑瓷器收藏协会,粤名车俱乐部, 粤华商收藏俱乐部, 东莞名人收藏私人会所, 香港收藏家群体,东南亚华人收藏协会会员,粤游艇俱乐部,香港高尔夫俱乐部,东南亚华侨商会,北欧华人收藏协会,纽约骨董收藏促进会等众多买家资源!

In the Song Dynasty porcelain that has been circulating so far, because of its mystery and unique artistic aesthetics, it can be described as a reverie. The collection of famous porcelain collected by the ancient courts of the collection, together with the scattered at home and abroad, is known to have records, and the total number is only about two or three hundred, so that the broken pieces of Goyao porcelain are also regarded as treasures and treasures. It is evident from this. Composition of buyers: corporate group customers, Hurun Baifu buyers, Wenzhou Entrepreneurs Federation, Zhejiang Huashang Federation, Fujian Overseas Chinese Federation, Beijing High-end Collection Private Clubhouse, Ming and Qing Dynasty Guanyao Collection Association, Cantonese Car Club, Guangdong Merchants Collection Club, Dongguan Celebrity Collection Club, Hong Kong Collector Group, Member of Southeast Asian Chinese Collection Association, Guangdong Yacht Club, Hong Kong Golf Club, Southeast Asian Overseas Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Nordic Chinese Collection Association, New York Bone Collection Promotion Association and many other buyer resources!


