CET-6 六級英語單詞0083

CET-6 六級英語單詞0083

1.bankrupt /'bæŋkrʌpt/

His wife’s extravagance soon bankrupted him.


2.fabricate /'fæbrɪkeɪt/

to fabricate a document 偽造文件

fabricate small boats. 裝配小船

3.interim /'ɪnt(ə)rɪm/

interim government 過渡政府;臨時政府

interim chairman 臨時主席

4.assimilate /ə'sɪmɪleɪt/

assimilate knowledge 吸收知識

5.readily /'redɪlɪ/

The information is readily accessible on the Internet. 這些信息在因特網上一查就能找到。

Jack readily agreed to help. 傑克爽快地答應幫忙。

6.tuition /tjuː'ɪʃ(ə)n/

The scheme allows for the partial remission of tuition fees.


tuition fee 學費

7.absurd /əb'sɜːd/

So you think I’m a spy? How absurd!. 那你認為我是間諜了?真荒謬

8.corps /kɔːz/

ambulance corps 救護

CET-6 六級英語單詞0083

army corps

9.violate /'vaɪəleɪt/

they violated the terms of a ceasefire. 他們違反了停火的條款

violated our privacy. 侵犯我們的隱私

10.enroll /ɪn'rəʊl/

he enrolled in drama school. 他報名上戲劇學校。

We enrolled in the army. 我們登記入伍了

all entrants will be enrolled on new-style courses.


CET-6 六級英語單詞0083

