海外星座大師預測「獅子」星座運勢!Leo Weekly Horoscope!

海外星座大師預測「獅子」星座運勢!Leo Weekly Horoscope!


You have just started a difficult journey and don’t need anyone distracting you or making things any tougher than they already are. There are important issues in your life that you can rely on and be proud of so far. Don’t forget this if you get criticized or bruised by other people’s actions.

You are who you are, but this doesn’t mean you aren’t free to try to change what bothers you. There is no need to neglect solutions that are present every step of the way. Find middle ground and the position that makes you feel worthy of love and trust.

This week’s affirmation: “I believe in love.”




小編英文一般!翻譯水平實在有限!多多包涵!哪位大神可以翻譯標準版!喜歡的朋友 歡迎轉發關注

