把“價格偏貴”翻譯成the price is expensive,外企老闆無語了


把“價格偏貴”翻譯成the price is expensive,外企老闆無語了

我們現在來學習一些表達。要表達“雙方都做讓步”,過四級還說出both sides give in,那就錯了,應該說meet each other half way;要表達“流行價”,不要說fashionable price,一般都說prevailing price;說到“大路貨”,譯成big road goods,那成大笑話了,正確表達是goods of fair average quality,簡稱 FAQ;說到“成交,達成協議”,不要說finish the business,一般都說strike a bargain

把“價格偏貴”翻譯成the price is expensive,外企老闆無語了

要表達“價格偏貴”這個意思,你會怎麼說?有同學譯成the price is expensive,告訴你,這個絕對是錯誤。你高中英語老師要跳出來說你啦!外企老闆也會無語!老師強調過上百次,在英語裡面,千萬不要用expensive 來形容價格price,expensive是形容物體價值,比如說the car is expensive,或者 the book is expensive,cheap也是一樣的用法。要表達價格高低,應該用high 和low,“價格偏貴,價格偏高”的地道表達是the price is on the high side,價格偏低就是the price is on the low side。

把“價格偏貴”翻譯成the price is expensive,外企老闆無語了

我們通過例句來學習on the high side 的用法:

I like the house but I think the price is on the high side.


Your price is still on the high side even if we take quality into consideration.


把“價格偏貴”翻譯成the price is expensive,外企老闆無語了

要記住了,在中文裡面“價格偏高”和“價格偏貴”是一個意思,在英語裡面,價格不能用expensive 形容。我們總結今天內容:雙方都做讓步,meet each other half way;“流行價”,prevailing price;“大路貨”,goods of fair average quality;說“成交,達成協議”,strike a bargain。

