


1、Saransh Sahai

Cultural shock.... No. They are also like us. Except for language, I didn't feel any different from home. Little difference:


Women are respected there. Non Biased(on the basis of gender) culture.


Women are free to roam even at 2 AM in the morning.


I saw few of them after my night shift. They were roaming care-free, were quite jolly and greeted me with utmost decency. Something that Indian women often fail to ( I should say fear to) do after midnight on streets.


印度眼中的中國:被抓住的“戀人”,不會被逼結婚 | 老外看中國


I didn't hear anyone honking on streets for 8 straight days. Yes. It took 8 days for me to hear a horn sound on the street, that too just before an accident.


Chinese are much more disciplined than many of the random Indians you meet on street. I should say, that we need to learn something from them. At least traffic sense.


3、Te Nick Faith

Freedom of Expressing love - I saw a couple kissing on road, near a police man. Instead of giving them a lecture on culture, he wished them a good day ( My Chinese colleague translated for me). They waved at the police man.


Lovers are not forced into marrying if they are found roaming in a garden.



The Chinese news channels project a positive image of the nation.


(In India also this will happen) People are very friendly. I got a royal kind of treatment from the people there. They invited me to their group discussions, though I understood nothing, but their was always one person who would translate live for me. They took good care of me, gave me enough attention so that I won't feel left out, and not much that I might feel uncomfortable. :)


5、Ruli Lolio

Mandarin Chinese language used everywhere and even high class politicians and businessman and sportsperson speaking in Chinese language.


In India, we have more than 500 languages in vogue. Most of our citizens do not understand the language of their government officials. It's really not like a country!


印度眼中的中國:被抓住的“戀人”,不會被逼結婚 | 老外看中國


A Chinese friend who is a heart surgeon told me that once in his hospital an Indian had to be admitted because of his serious heart condition. He was under strict observation, but early in the morning next day, he got up and started rapidly going around his room, chanting the prayers loudly.


My friend was quickly summoned by the attending nurses and he told me that they were very scared because they thought that he had got some kind of a fit. He said that although he was very ill, he had with him a small statuette of Lord Ganpati and all the paraphernalia for his ritual of prayers. He told my friend when he inquired that he can go without food but not without his daily prayers.

值班護士趕緊叫來我朋友,我朋友說,他們當時嚇到了,認為他必須好好休息。雖然病得很重,然而他還是拿著 一個小的Ganpati神象,隨身帶著禱告需要的一切裝備。那個印度人對我朋友說,他可以不吃飯,但是不能不禱告。

This is the Indian in the eyes of the Chinese people. In fact, this is also the Chinese in my eyes. Well, they don't seem to believe in theories like gods, they tend to believe in science and action.


7、Free wheel

China's sanitation workers are highly efficient in cleaning. During the day, there are many street vendors. When the stalls are collected late at night, there is usually a lot of garbage in the street. But when we wake up the next morning, the streets will be cleaned up. In India, everything is impossible. Our sanitation workers seem to never see the garbage under their feet!


印度眼中的中國:被抓住的“戀人”,不會被逼結婚 | 老外看中國


I would like to mention in particular the Chinese police, unlike Indian police who like to shout and shout, the Chinese police are just like your friends. If there is any difference, it's probably only the uniform. In fact, in China, few people are afraid of the police!



Unlike India's low literacy rate, almost everyone in China can write their own names and read daily newspapers independently, which is a remarkable achievement. This has enabled their workers to learn and operate new machines faster than India's. Although this is a minor place, I think it is a result of the gap between China and India's development. The root cause!



Yesterday, my friend in India handed me a short film about a Chinese woman eating a live reptile that looks like a scorpion.


My friends asked me if this was Chinese food. Of course I didn't. In fact, this is a prejudice prevalent in India. They always think that Chinese food is made up of strange creatures.


But in fact? Although there will be eating insects in Chinese food, such as silkworm chrysalis, this is a very few cases after all. In their mainstream food, we need to pay attention to the "color, fragrance and taste" and the aesthetic level of food is very important.


印度眼中的中國:被抓住的“戀人”,不會被逼結婚 | 老外看中國

There are many differences between China and India, but in the face of these differences, what is our correct attitude? Don't be too busy to make a statement, first go to know for yourself, maybe you will find that the facts and the rumors are different!







