

A rich man lives in his enormous villa(別墅), enjoying the extremely luxurious life. Every day there are some strangers who take away a couple of boxes from his home. The rich man decided to follow them and came to a mysterious valley.

一個有錢人住在大別墅裡,過著奢華無度的生活。 每天都有些陌生人從他家偷走幾個匣子。有錢人決定跟蹤他們,來到一個神秘山谷。


Seeing they were about to throw the three boxes in the abyss(深淵), he demanded with surprise, “Please tell me what's in them.” The strangers answered indifferently(冷漠地), “They are the feelings that you have abandoned.”

見到這些人正要把三個匣子扔進深淵裡,他驚訝地請求:“請告訴我裡面裝的都是些什麼。” 這些陌生人一臉冷淡,說:“都是些你扔掉不要的感受。”

“No, it's impossible!” the rich man disbelieved them and opened them. In the first box there was his beloved one walking alone slowly along the beach at night. His close friend was in the second box. After bankruptcy, he was longing for help and consolation from the rich man.

“不,這不可能!”有錢人不信,於是打開了匣子。 從第一個匣子裡他看到愛人獨自在夜晚沿著海灘慢慢散著步。 從第二個匣子裡他看到了朋友生意破產,向他求助,需要安慰。


His parents were seen in the third box. They have prepared a table of delicious food for dinner, waiting for him to reunion(團聚). Seeing them, he felt that his heart was lashed(衝擊) by a burning whip(鞭子) full of misery and guilt.

從第三個匣子裡他看到父母準備了一桌子美味,就等他回家團圓。 有錢人看到這些,覺得自己的心像被鞭子抽打了似的,火辣辣的,充滿痛苦和內疚。

He begged the strangers, “Please give them back to me. I have a lot of money. You can take as much as you want!” However, the strangers told him with a serious look, “It's too late to take them back.

他請求陌生人說:“求你們把這些匣子還給我。我有的是錢,你們想要多少都可以!” 然而,陌生人一臉嚴肅地告訴他:“現在想拿回去太晚了。

The woman you loved never showed up again at charming night; your friend, having endured the long daytime, finally made out the stars with different distance; your parents bought a dog and found love and warmness from it.”


After finishing their words, they threw the three boxes down to the abyss and disappeared. With a lonely look, the rich man stood there still, gazing at the hollow of the valley in front of them...

說完,他們就把三個匣子扔下深淵,消失不見 了。 有錢人站在原地,盯著眼前空蕩的山谷,一臉落寞。



