
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:青丘國的守護者 轉載請註明出處

How did the Tang dynasty lose power to be succeded by the Song dynasty in China?


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:青丘國的守護者 轉載請註明出處
Kaiser Kuo, Dabbler in history
Answered May 12, 2015
The decline of the Tang,really began in the mid-8th century at the time of the An-Shi Rebellion. I''m going to dwell on this chapter of Tang history because it''s central to understanding the dynasty''s slow decline and eventual demise. Many of the problems that made the dynasty so weak after the rebellion are either evident in the rebellion itself, or resulted directly from it.
there are three other things I would focus on. They are 1) the dynasty''s persistent dependence on regional and often only semi-sinicized, semi-nomadic militarists; 2) the loss of control of the very important pastureland and the horse trade, which sapped the military might available to the very cavalry-dependent Tang military; and 3) the inward, anti-foreign turn that Tang state and society took, which stood in very stark contrast to the cosmopolitan embrace of the foreign that characterized the dynasty in its first, more vigorous half.
Yes, the dynasty continued on for another century-and-a-half (to 907) and there were actually significant stretches where stability and peace prevailed, where meaningful administrative reforms were implemented, and where culture continued to flourish. But fundamental problems were created by or exacerbated by the mid-8th century rebellion, and Tang never truly recaptured the glory of the Kaiyuan Shengshi, its belle epoch—the Xuanzong reign, 712–755.

First, a bit about the An-Shi or An Lushan Rebellion (in Chinese, literally "the Chaos of An-Shi," 安史之亂, An-Shi zhi luan). The "An" refers to An Lushan, and the "Shi" to a follower of his named Shi Siming, who carried on the rebellion after An''s death. An Lushan was an important military commander of Sogdian and Turkic descent. Lushan appears to have been the sinicized form of his Sogdian name, Rokhshan. A favorite of Yang Guifei, or "Precious Consort Yang," a favorite of the Xuanzong Emperor (a.k.a. Tang Minghuang, r. 712–755), An Lushan clashed with her cousin, Yang Guozhong, who was chancellor during the latter years of Xuanzong''s reign, and believing a plot was afoot to strip him of command, he rebelled in 755.
What was a half-Turkic, half-Sogdian doing commanding some of Tang China''s most important military units? A bit of background about Tang is in order.
During the long period between the effective collapse of the Eastern Han dynasty in the late 2nd century (it formally ended in 220, but for the last 36 years or so was a fiction) until the Sui dynasty reunified China in the late 6th century, China was very much divided, with at best very short periods of quasi-unity. During that time, North China saw many different groups of proto-Mongolic, and later Tungusic and Turkic peoples cross the line between steppe and sown and carve out kingdoms for themselves on the corpse of the Han dynasty. By the time of the Sui reunification, the aristocracy of North China was heavily intermarried with these people from the steppe. They affected dress that was heavily influenced by Central Asia (trousers, mainly), they valued horsemanship and horseback archery, and they played a game that''s an unmistakable ancestor of polo.


(譯註:公元前3~公元4世紀時南俄草原及巴爾幹東部地區的居民。屬東伊朗人種,操北伊朗語。原來生活在鹹海沿岸及其以東地區。公元前6世紀時,開始向西北移動,進入烏拉爾丘陵地帶。公元前 5世紀時,已佔據烏拉爾河與頓河之間的草原。公元前4世紀時,薩爾馬特人越過頓河,開始攻擊斯基泰人。至公元前2世紀,已征服了大部分斯基泰部落,成為南俄草原的霸主。公元1世紀時,控制除克里木半島以外的所有南俄草原地區,轉而與羅馬帝國為敵。)
An Lushan commanded such a force, centered around modern Hebei province in the area surrounding modern Beijing. (Indeed, during the rebellion he established a short-lived state in Beijing, called Yan after the Yan kingdom of the Warring States period).
The irony is that the commanders and troops that were raised to end the An-Shi Rebellion were also often drawn from this same type, but the price for their help was even greater autonomy. These jiedushi (節度使)— military governors or military commissioners of regional commanderies—were really just straight-up warlords. Both An Lushan and the most effective general who fought him and Shi Siming, a general named Guo Ziyi (who family legend, without any evidence I''ve ever seen, claims is my ancestor) were jiedushi. Their internecine power struggles, and their increasing independence from the court, would be a major cause of the Tang decline.
It''s significant that the first emperor of the Song dynasty, which (after a 54-year period of chaos and disorder that followed on the Tang''s actual collapse in 907) reunified China in 960, put an end to the jiedushi system basically by summoning all the military governors to a banquet and convincing them to take a nice severance package and retire from military life.

(譯註:郭子儀(697年—781年),字子儀,華州鄭縣(今陝西渭南市華州區) [1] 人。唐朝名將,政治家、軍事家。
寶應元年(762年)初年,河東兵變後,封為汾陽王,起兵平定叛亂,事後解除兵權。廣德元年(763年)冬天,吐蕃攻破長安後,奉命調兵遣將,驅逐吐蕃敵軍。 廣德二年(764年),僕固懷恩引領吐蕃和回紇入侵時,單騎說服回紇,合兵大破吐蕃。



And finally, the inward turn I mentioned. Tang China was famously cosmopolitan in its heyday, and much of its strength derived from the openness of and diversity of its society, and the syncretic nature of its cultural and intellectual life—a bit like America, perhaps, today. That changed after the An Shi rebellion. Things that were foreign were suddenly regarded with a certain distrust. Students of Chinese history, at least back in my day, would learn that this inward turn was best exemplified by an aggressively conservative Confucian scholar named Han Yu (768–824). Han Yu, who is widely regarded as a forerunner of the Confucian revival of the Song and Ming dynasties that would come to be called Neo-Confucianism, was (it is said; I can''t personally attest to this) an extremely gifted prose stylist and a very influential writer. Among his most famous works is memorial—a screed, really—against Buddhism, which he wrote on learning that the reigning emperor planned on erecting some monument for, and throwing a grand procession to commemorate, a Buddhist relic, reportedly the finger bone of the Gautama Buddha. He attacked Buddhism on the grounds that it was foreign, which was a tremendous change from the earlier half of the dynasty when there was a craze for all things foreign.
The blow that mortally weakened Tang was the Huang Chao rebellion, which raged for a full decade from 874 to 884. It was in many ways your standard, textbook peasant uprising resulting from all the usual markers of a dynastic decline: Famine, natural catastrophe, burdensome taxation, eunuch corruption and what have you. Huang Chao himself though was an interesting character. He was very wealthy, as the son of very successful salt merchants (or smugglers), and despite his first-rate education was a failed civil service exam candidate. He was able to basically buy himself a substantial private army. It was a lieutenant of Huang Chao, a first bought off by the Tang court, who finally brought the rotting dynasty to its final ignominious end.


