


SOM envisions waterfront towers with cascading terraces for london's greenwich peninsula

Skidmore Owings Merrill (SOM)为伦敦格林威治半岛设计了复杂的住宅塔楼。 该项目“Upper Riverside”利用有利的河滨景观,建筑师设计了一系列突出的开放式屋顶露台的退台塔楼。位于塔楼尖端附近的海滨公寓分别有不同数量的卧室空间。

skidmore owings merrill (SOM) has designed complex of residential towers for london’s greenwich peninsula. the project, ‘upper riverside,’ consists of a series of cascading towers with prominent, open roof terraces that take advantage of the location’s riverside vista. the waterfront properties, located near the tip of the peninsula, contain one, two, and three bedroom apartments.


“Upper Riverside”的塔楼包含各种公寓类型,可以有效利用该区域的景观/‘upper riverside’ towers contain a mix of apartment types that take advantage of the location’s views

在格林威治半岛上,SOM的上游河滨综合体的设计还包括其他设施,如健身房、私人影院、图书馆和游乐室,供住宅的居民们享受。屋顶露台拥有270度的景观全景,而在地面上,路面的咖啡馆和餐馆沿着水边营业。这些塔楼是该地区较大的可再生和可持续发展项目的一部分,其中包括由圣地亚哥•卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava)设计的运输中心。

for the greenwich peninsula, SOM’s design for the upper riverside complex also includes other amenities, such as gyms, a private cinema, a library, and game rooms for the residences to enjoy. the roof terraces take advantage of the 270-degree panoramic views while on the ground level, pavement cafes and restaurants line the street at the water’s edge. the towers are part of the area’s larger regeneration and development project, which included a new transport interchange designed by santiago calatrava.


大型户外露台充分利用了270度的景观全景/large outdoor terraces make the most of the 270-degree panoramic views

该区域的负责人理查德•马格里(Richard Margree)把这个项目描述为“垂直生活的展示,这里也将成为吸引游客到水边生活的新地标。这里距离Jubilee Line只有几分钟的路程,其公共室外空间或许真的会带来更加丰富河边生活。

richard margree of knight dragon, the site’s developer, described the project as, ‘a showcase of vertical living but also a new landmark to draw visitors to the water’s edge. sitting only a few minutes walk from the jubilee line, its new public outdoor spaces will really bring the riverfront to life.’


路边咖啡馆和餐馆位于水边的一楼/pavement cafés and restaurants line the ground floor at the water’s edge


这些建筑有许多附加设施,包括电影院、游戏室和图书馆/the buildings have many additional amenities including a cinema, game rooms, and library


室内设计采用“工业风格”/the interiors were designed by ‘state of craft’


一些公寓是LOFT空间形式,层高为4米 /some of the apartments are ‘lofts’ with four meter high ceilings


“Upper Riverside”综合体还将设有健身房和游泳池/the upper riverside complex will also feature gyms and a swimming pool


