

How does it feel to take the high-speed train in China?(在中国乘坐高铁感觉如何?)





Exhilarating and relaxing at the same time!



Here is how I remember my journeys, with a few personal pictures:

1. First, you must enter and go through one of the enormous Chinese train stations. Many of these have been recently built and are the size of convention centers or airports.


1. 首先,您必须进入并经过庞大的中国火车站之一。其中许多是最近建成的,大小与会议中心或机场相同。


2. Then, you buy your ticket. After waiting in a sizeable line, you will have to buy your ticket. Remember, there is a serious language barrier in China, so don’t expect to rely on English to get your ticket. You should have a pen and paper handy to write down the date and time you desire, as well as some basic Mandarin Chinese to make your ticket purchase.

2. 然后,您购买机票。在排队等候后,您将需要购买机票。请记住,中国存在严重的语言障碍,所以不要指望依靠英语来获取机票。您应该有一支笔和纸来写下您想要的日期和时间,以及一些基本的普通话来购买机票。


3. Next, you find your seat. Actually, the high-speed trains are very comfortable and not often crowded like the older trains are. One of my favorite things about riding the train is people watching and observing the people around me.

3. 接下来,找到您的座位。实际上,高速火车非常舒适,并不像老式火车那样拥挤。我最喜欢乘坐火车的事情之一是人们观察和观察我周围的人。


4. Then, you enjoy the ride! The high-speed trains are so smooth you feel like you’re flying. You can watch the cities, villages and farm lands whizz by from the comfort of your seat.

4. 然后,您享受旅程!高速火车是如此平稳,以至于您就像在飞行。您可以在舒适的座位上观看城市,乡村和农田的奇观。

5. Eventually, you hit the top speed. It’s most likely the fastest you’ve ever moved on land!

5. 最终,您达到了最高速度。这很可能是您在陆地上移动最快的!

6. Finally, you reach your destination city. Of course, you’re excited to explore a new Chinese city, but also you’re a bit disappointed that the journey is over. You file off the train, out of the destination station and look forward to the next fast, convenient trip!

6. 最后,您到达目的地城市。当然,您对探索一个新的中国城市感到兴奋,但是对于旅程已经结束,您也感到有些失望。您下车,离开目的地站,并期待下一次快速,便捷的旅程!





It feels great!

We took the mag-lev (Magentic Levitation) train from Pudong to Shanghai. The train looks like anyother bullet train but it “levitates”! The total distance was approx 60Km, I think. Mag-lev covered it in less than 10 minutes. From the window, only very distant buildings were visible, rest was a just a haze. The ride was very smooth, had wifi and all comforts. We picked the seats right in front of a display, within 4 minutes of leaving the station I took the below photo.




I live in the so-called “first-world” country and our trains can reach a max speed of 160Km/h. Levitating and travelling at 400Km/h was a dream come true.

People with limited knowledge of China or whose only source of information about China is main stream media have absolutely no idea how advanced their science & technology is.






Really convenient I must say.

The speed, the service and the traffic.




One detailed picture shows the CRH net, but it is only due to 2015.

You can travel thousands of kilometer within several hours on the ground. For example :

From Beijing, the capital city in the north of China , to Guangzhou which lies in the south. About 2000kilos (1250miles) If you take a high speed train, it only takes you 10 hours,900RMB (150US dollars )for a seat. You can also order a business class to be more comfortable, allow you to have a good night. And the price raises up to 2800RMB (about $450)

You might ask Why not take a plane? Well, it means you need to takes a cub to the airport, wait for hours before you are up in the air. After landing, the same progress comes again …Sit besides to the big-ass engine, don't you forget how noisy it can be. Not to mention the delay, bad weather or some things else.

For my personal thoughts, taking the CRH is obviously comfortable, luxury, elegant.


您可以在几个小时内在地面上行驶数千公里。例如 :







Chinese high-speed railways are an exceedingly comfortable way to travel.



Most cities have built new train stations to accommodate the high-speed trains. These stations are all clean modern architecture. In the larger cities, they might feel more like airports, but somehow even larger and more spacious than airports. There will be some shops and restaurants but not as many as you might find in an airport. Then again, there will be shops nearby in the surrounding streets.

Like airports, you have to go through security checks and wait in a departure lounge. Unlike the airport, you don’t have to check in hours before hand, and security queues are usually just a few minutes.





The facilities are brand spanking new and well maintained. The high-speed rail is one of the points of pride of the nation and they do keep it up to standard. That said, even the regular trains in China are maintained to a high standard. The regular trains might be old and dated but they are well staffed and clean. The staff throughout the network are well trained and diligent.




Above is the massive departure hall of Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station. This station is right beside Shanghai Hongqiao Airport and at the end of subway line No.2 making it very easy to get to. Most new high-speed railway stations are a bit out of the town centre, so not as convenient for connecting transport as the older city centre stations used by the regular trains, but most cities have extended their local transport to connect to the high-speed network.




The seats are very comfortable. A first class ticket costs similar to an economy air ticket for the same journey. I know which I would rather sit in. Even the second class chairs provided plenty of space. There is enough space that I can sit cross-legged if I want to.

Freedom to move about is great too. The aisles are wide enough that you can get up and stretch without disturbing anyone. You can use your mobile phone, use the internet, or work on your laptop. There is also a restaurant car where you can buy some food - though limited to microwaved rice meals or instant noodles. The toilets are large, clean and comfortable to use too.

There is very little feeling of motion. The train doesn’t rattle, rock or sway. Even when braking into a station platform, you can barely feel it.

There are not many things that I could improve upon, but I’ll give a few. I would like a power outlet at each row or seats to charge my phone or laptop. Some extra English language signs would be handy, especially when in smaller cities. Finally, I would like for people who don’t have Chinese ID cards to be able to buy electronic tickets more easily. Currently, you have to go and claim your ticket from the counter staff before entering the departure hall, whereas, Chinese people just beep through with their ID cards. (Though I did once board just by waving my phone with the booking confirmation number on the screen.)

If you are travelling around China, take the train wherever possible. It is so much more convenient than flying.









It feels great! Very comparable to a Japanese shinkansen train (which I’ve also ridden).

My ride on a Chinese bullet train was from Beijing to Taishan, in Shandong province. So about a four-hour car drive, I think?

Got there in 30 minutes in complete comfort.

The other high-speed Chinese train I’ve ridden is the famous Shanghai-to-airport maglev train. That was the fastest train I’ve ever ridden in. The 5 to 10 minutes went by really quickly.

What TRULY impressed me though, were the not China’s high speed trains but the trains poor migrant workers use in China.

I wanted to travel cheap (on a student budget) and I wanted to go to Hong Kong from Beijing. But I didn’t want to fly since I had done that a lot already, and it’s a bad way to see a country since you’re literally thousands of feet removed from it. I figured, why not try out my Chinese skills and ride a train by myself from Beijing to Hong Kong?

I forget how I bought the ticket, but I managed to. I think I did it online and a Chinese-speaking friend helped me. Then I went to the train station by myself. EVERYTHING was in Chinese. But I managed to read directions without asking people for help (my spoken Chinese is almost non-existent).

In a massive atrium filled with hundreds of people waiting for their trains, I think was the only non-Chinese person. I looked around in vain for a Western face, but could find none. Exciting!

Then I boarded the train—and I was shocked. It was a million times better than I expected. I honestly thought it was going to be very barebones and basic, like the trains for working people in Thailand and Egypt (both of which I’ve ridden) or what I’ve seen in pictures of Indian trains. What I found was the complete opposite. This train was advanced and had very comfortable compartments, chairs, the works. This train was way, WAY better than some of the commuter or travel trains they have in America for middle-class people. And this was economy class—the cheapest of the cheap tickets you could get, so only poor Chinese people were riding.

I made a friend on the 24-hour train—I could not speak a word to him, but we wrote in Chinese characters on a notebook. He invited me to eat the duck he was sharing with his friends. It was a memorable experience.

I arrived in Shenzhen starving (didn’t know that I could order food from passing food vendors on the train) and bade a quick good-bye to the friendly man so I could find food.

Then I crossed the border between China and Hong Kong. That was an interesting experience too. But this 24-hour train trip remains one of my more cherished memories of my few months in China.
















You do need to bear in mind that a lot Chinese people talk rather loudly, especially when talking on the phone. And they do not have the slightest conscience that this can be disturbing to others. It can be very stressful for people who are not accustomed to this culture.




A 1st class wagon has a seat configuration of 2+2, totaling four seats on a roll. The seats are therefore wider and also thicker, feel more solid. They are usually covered by red fabrics. 

一级旅行车的座位配置为2 + 2,总共四个座位。因此,座椅更宽更厚,感觉更牢固。它们通常被红色织物覆盖。



You do need to bear in mind that a lot Chinese people talk rather loudly, especially when talking on the phone. And they do not have the slightest conscience that this can be disturbing to others. It can be very stressful for people who are not accustomed to this culture.


