

C.129: When designing a class hierarchy, distinguish between implementation inheritance and interface inheritance



Implementation details in an interface make the interface brittle; that is, make its users vulnerable to having to recompile after changes in the implementation. Data in a base class increases the complexity of implementing the base and can lead to replication of code.




  • interface inheritance is the use of inheritance to separate users from implementations, in particular to allow derived classes to be added and changed without affecting the users of base classes.
  • 接口繼承是將繼承用於使用戶和實現隔離,尤其是允許在不影響使用基類的用戶的前提下增加和修改派生類。
  • implementation inheritance is the use of inheritance to simplify implementation of new facilities by making useful operations available for implementers of related new operations (sometimes called "programming by difference").
  • 實現繼承是將繼承用於簡化新功能的實現,方式是讓相關新操作的實現者可以訪問有用的操作(又被稱為“根據差異編程”)。

A pure interface class is simply a set of pure virtual functions; see I.25.


In early OOP (e.g., in the 1980s and 1990s), implementation inheritance and interface inheritance were often mixed and bad habits die hard. Even now, mixtures are not uncommon in old code bases and in old-style teaching material.


The importance of keeping the two kinds of inheritance increases


  • with the size of a hierarchy (e.g., dozens of derived classes),
  • 繼承體系的大小(例如,幾十個派生類),
  • with the length of time the hierarchy is used (e.g., decades), and
  • 繼承關係被使用的時間跨度(例如數十年),和
  • with the number of distinct organizations in which a hierarchy is used (e.g., it can be difficult to distribute an update to a base class)
  • 使用繼承體系的組織的數量(例如分發基類的更新會別變得困難)

Example, bad(反面示例)

classShape{//BAD,mixedinterfaceandimplementationpublic:      Shape();      Shape(Pointce={0,0},Colorco=none):cent{ce},col{co}{/*...*/}      Pointcenter()const{returncent;}      Colorcolor()const{returncol;}      virtualvoidrotate(int)=0;      virtualvoidmove(Pointp){cent=p;redraw();}      virtualvoidredraw();      //...private:      Pointcent;      Colorcol;};classCircle:publicShape{public:      Circle(Pointc,intr):Shape{c},rad{r}{/*...*/}      //...private:      intrad;};classTriangle:publicShape{public:     Triangle(Pointp1,Pointp2,Pointp3);     //calculatecenter     //...};


  • As the hierarchy grows and more data is added to Shape, the constructors get harder to write and maintain.
  • 隨著繼承關係的成長,更多的數據需要增加到Shape類,構造函數會越來越難以編寫和維護。
  • Why calculate the center for the Triangle? we may never use it.
  • 為什麼計算三角形的中心?我們可能永遠不會用到它。
  • Add a data member to Shape (e.g., drawing style or canvas) and all classes derived from Shape and all code using Shape will need to be reviewed, possibly changed, and probably recompiled.
  • 增加Shape的數據成員(例如描畫風格或者畫布)意味著所有繼承自Shape的派生類和所有使用Shape的代碼都要被確認,可能需要修改,幾乎一定需要重新編譯。

The implementation of Shape::move() is an example of implementation inheritance: we have defined move() once and for all for all derived classes. The more code there is in such base class member function implementations and the more data is shared by placing it in the base, the more benefits we gain - and the less stable the hierarchy is.



This Shape hierarchy can be rewritten using interface inheritance:


classShape{//pureinterfacepublic:      virtualPointcenter()const=0;      virtualColorcolor()const=0;      virtualvoidrotate(int)=0;      virtualvoidmove(Pointp)=0;      virtualvoidredraw()=0;      //...};

Note that a pure interface rarely has constructors: there is nothing to construct.


classCircle:publicShape{public:      Circle(Pointc,intr,Colorc):cent{c},rad{r},col{c}{/*...*/}      Pointcenter()constoverride{returncent;}      Colorcolor()constoverride{returncol;}      //...private:      Pointcent;      intrad;      Colorcol;};

The interface is now less brittle, but there is more work in implementing the member functions. For example, center has to be implemented by every class derived from Shape.


Example, dual hierarchy(示例,雙繼承)

How can we gain the benefit of stable hierarchies from implementation hierarchies and the benefit of implementation reuse from implementation inheritance? One popular technique is dual hierarchies. There are many ways of implementing the idea of dual hierarchies; here, we use a multiple-inheritance variant.


First we devise a hierarchy of interface classes:


classShape{//pureinterfacepublic:      virtualPointcenter()const=0virtualColorcolor()const=0;virtualvoidrotate(int)=0;virtualvoidmove(Pointp)=0;virtualvoidredraw()=0;//...};classCircle:publicvirtualShape{//pureinterfacepublic:virtualintradius()=0;//...};

To make this interface useful, we must provide its implementation classes (here, named equivalently, but in the Impl namespace):


classImpl::Shape:publicvirtual::Shape{//implementationpublic:      //constructors,destructor      //...     Pointcenter()constoverride{/*...*/}     Colorcolor()constoverride{/*...*/}     voidrotate(int)override{/*...*/}     voidmove(Pointp)override{/*...*/}     voidredraw()override{/*...*/}     //...};

Now Shape is a poor example of a class with an implementation, but bear with us because this is just a simple example of a technique aimed at more complex hierarchies.


classImpl::Circle:publicvirtual::Circle,publicImpl::Shape{//implementationpublic:      //constructors,destructor      intradius()override{/*...*/}      //...};

And we could extend the hierarchies by adding a Smiley class (:-)):


classSmiley:publicvirtualCircle{//pureinterfacepublic:      //...};  classImpl::Smiley:publicvirtual::Smiley,publicImpl::Circle{//implementationpublic:      //constructors,destructor     //...}

There are now two hierarchies:


  • interface: Smiley -> Circle -> Shape
  • 接口繼承:Smiley -> Circle -> Shape
  • implementation: Impl::Smiley -> Impl::Circle -> Impl::Shape
  • 實現繼承:Impl::Smiley -> Impl::Circle -> Impl::Shape

Since each implementation is derived from its interface as well as its implementation base class we get a lattice (DAG):


Smiley->Circle  ->   Shape    ^     ^         ^     |      |          |  Impl::Smiley->Impl::Circle->Impl::Shape

As mentioned, this is just one way to construct a dual hierarchy.


The implementation hierarchy can be used directly, rather than through the abstract interface.


voidwork_with_shape(Shape&);intuser(){       Impl::Smileymy_smiley{/*args*/};     //createconcreteshape       //...       my_smiley.some_member();//useimplementationclassdirectly       //...       work_with_shape(my_smiley);//useimplementationthroughabstractinterface       //...}

This can be useful when the implementation class has members that are not offered in the abstract interface or if direct use of a member offers optimization opportunities (e.g., if an implementation member function is final)



Another (related) technique for separating interface and implementation is Pimpl.



There is often a choice between offering common functionality as (implemented) base class functions and free-standing functions (in an implementation namespace). Base classes gives a shorter notation and easier access to shared data (in the base) at the cost of the functionality being available only to users of the hierarchy.



  • Flag a derived to base conversion to a base with both data and virtual functions (except for calls from a derived class member to a base class member)
  • 標記將派生類轉換為既包含數據又包含虛函數的基類的情況。從派生類成員函數調用基類成員函數除外。
  • ???





