

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan should create its own yen digital currency, hopefully “within two to three years”, and include such plan in government’s mid-year key policy guidelines, a senior ruling party lawmaker said on Monday.


Kozo Yamamoto, who heads research commission on the finance and banking systems at the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), made the remark as Facebook’s () push to launch its Libra cryptocurrency has raised questions over whether nation states will continue to control money in future.

自民黨(LDP)金融和銀行系統研究委員會負責人山本光三(Kozo Yamamoto)發表此番言論之際,Facebook()推出天秤座加密貨幣的努力引發了人們對民族國家未來是否會繼續控制貨幣的質疑。

His comment followed similar proposals from another group of lawmakers, led by ruling party heavyweight and former economy minister Akira Amari, who wants to issue digital yen to counter China’s move toward issuing its own digital currency.

在他發表評論之前,以執政黨重量級人物、前經濟大臣甘利明(Akira Amari)為首的另一批議員提出了類似的提議。甘利明希望發行數字日元,以對抗中國發行自己的數字貨幣的舉動。

“The sooner the better. We’ll draft proposals to be included in government’s policy guidelines, and hopefully make it happen in two-to-three years,” Yamamoto told Reuters.


Yamamoto, known as an architect of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s “Abenomics” stimulus policy, said he would work with Amari to push the government to adopt their proposals.

山本被認為是日本首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)“安倍經濟學”(Abenomics)刺激政策的設計師,他表示,他將與安倍晉三合作,推動政府採納他們的建議。

Japan is unlikely to issue a digital currency any time soon due to technical and legal issues, but the ongoing moves highlight pressure Tokyo feels in the face of progress China and Facebook have made on digital currencies.


Central banks across the world have quickened the pace at which they are looking at issuing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).


Of the major central banks, China’s has emerged as the frontrunner in the drive to create its own digitized money, though details of its project are still scarce.


