arXiv 每日论文集 129 篇 02.11 更新

今日 arXiv 论文集

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今日更新 arXiv论文集:12 个

今日更新 arXiv论文:129 篇


Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 25篇


Artificial Intelligence 12篇


Human-Computer Interactio 4篇


Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing 10篇


Computer Science and Game Theory 4篇


Computer Science and Game Theory 4篇


Machine Learning 42篇


Robotics 5篇


Computation and Language 11篇


Neural and Evolutionary Computing 8篇


Multiagent Systems 2篇


Symbolic Computation 1篇


Information Retrieval 5篇


Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 25篇

arXiv 每日论文集 129 篇 02.11 更新


Revisiting Spatial Invariance with Low-Rank Local Connectivity

$M^3$T: Multi-Modal Continuous Valence-Arousal Estimation in the Wild

On the Robustness of Face Recognition Algorithms Against Attacks and Bias

How Does Gender Balance In Training Data Affect Face Recognition Accuracy?

SPN-CNN: Boosting Sensor-Based Source Camera Attribution With Deep Learning

Subspace Capsule Network

Temporal Segmentation of Surgical Sub-tasks through Deep Learning with Multiple Data Sources

iqiyi Submission to ActivityNet Challenge 2019 Kinetics-700 challenge: Hierarchical Group-wise Attention

Data augmentation with Möbius transformations

Domain Embedded Multi-model Generative Adversarial Networks for Image-based Face Inpainting

An Auxiliary Task for Learning Nuclei Segmentation in 3D Microscopy Images

Input Dropout for Spatially Aligned Modalities

Switchable Precision Neural Networks

Fine-Grained Fashion Similarity Learning by Attribute-Specific Embedding Network

FourierNet: Compact mask representation for instance segmentation using differentiable shape decoders

Deep Robust Multilevel Semantic Cross-Modal Hashing

Learning Class Regularized Features for Action Recognition

Statistical Outlier Identification in Multi-robot Visual SLAM using Expectation Maximization

SideInfNet: A Deep Neural Network for Semi-Automatic Semantic Segmentation with Side Information

Visual search over billions of aerial and satellite images

Image Fine-grained Inpainting

Adaptive Deep Metric Embeddings for Person Re-Identification under Occlusions

Object-Adaptive LSTM Network for Real-time Visual Tracking with Adversarial Data Augmentation

Poisson Kernel Avoiding Self-Smoothing in Graph Convolutional Networks

Learning Hyperspectral Feature Extraction and Classification with ResNeXt Network

Artificial Intelligence 12篇


Student/Teacher Advising through Reward Augmentation

I love your chain mail! Making knights smile in a fantasy game world: Open-domain goal-orientated dialogue agents

Accelerating Reinforcement Learning for Reaching using Continuous Curriculum Learning

Causally Correct Partial Models for Reinforcement Learning

Off-policy Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning : Soft Actor-Critic with Advantage Weighted Mixture Policy(SAC-AWMP)

A Survey on Causal Inference

Automated Lane Change Strategy using Proximal Policy Optimization-based Deep Reinforcement Learning

Translating Web Search Queries into Natural Language Questions

How to Answer Why -- Evaluating the Explanations of AI Through Mental Model Analysis

Multi Type Mean Field Reinforcement Learning

Introducing Aspects of Creativity in Automatic Poetry Generation

Efficient Algorithms for Generating Provably Near-Optimal Cluster Descriptors for Explainability

Human-Computer Interactio 4篇


Noncontact Thermal and Vibrotactile Display Using Focused Airborne Ultrasound

Long-Range Gesture Recognition Using Millimeter Wave Radar

Modeling Engagement in Long-Term, In-Home Socially Assistive Robot Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Audio-Visual-Olfactory Resource Allocation for Tri-modal Virtual Environments

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing 10篇


A Comprehensive Feature Comparison Study of Open-Source Container Orchestration Frameworks

Deterministic Leader Election in Anonymous Radio Networks

Stability and Scalability of Blockchain Systems

Breaking Band: A Breakdown of High-performance Communication

Scalable Communication Endpoints for MPI+Threads Applications

Sensitivity Analysis in the Dupire Local Volatility Model with Tensorflow

Assuring Automotive Data and Software Integrity Employing Distributed Hash Tables and Blockchain

A Categorical Semantics for Guarded Petri Nets

Delay-Optimal Distributed Edge Computing in Wireless Edge Networks

Succinctly Reconstructed Distributed Signatures and Balanced Byzantine Agreement

Computer Science and Game Theory 4篇


Population Monotonic Allocation Schemes for Vertex Cover Games

Computing envy-freeable allocations with limited subsidies

A note on the rationing of divisible and indivisible goods in a general network

A novel initialisation based on hospital-resident assignment for the k-modes algorithm

Machine Learning 42篇


I love your chain mail! Making knights smile in a fantasy game world: Open-domain goal-orientated dialogue agents

Causally Correct Partial Models for Reinforcement Learning

Off-policy Maximum Entropy Reinforcement Learning : Soft Actor-Critic with Advantage Weighted Mixture Policy(SAC-AWMP)

A Survey on Causal Inference

Automated Lane Change Strategy using Proximal Policy Optimization-based Deep Reinforcement Learning

Multi Type Mean Field Reinforcement Learning

Introducing Aspects of Creativity in Automatic Poetry Generation

Revisiting Spatial Invariance with Low-Rank Local Connectivity

Logistic Regression Regret: What's the Catch?

Activation Density driven Energy-Efficient Pruning in Training

A deep-learning view of chemical space designed to facilitate drug discovery

Geometric Dataset Distances via Optimal Transport

Learning Autoencoders with Relational Regularization

Universal Equivariant Multilayer Perceptrons

MDLdroid: a ChainSGD-reduce Approach to Mobile Deep Learning for Personal Mobile Sensing

Meta-learning framework with applications to zero-shot time-series forecasting

Weakly-Supervised Disentanglement Without Compromises

Understanding and Optimizing Packed Neural Network Training for Hyper-Parameter Tuning

Grammar Filtering For Syntax-Guided Synthesis

A learning without forgetting approach to incorporate artifact knowledge in polyp localization tasks

Differentiable Fixed-Point Iteration Layer

Provably efficient reconstruction of policy networks

Learning Implicit Generative Models with Theoretical Guarantees

Fast Kernel k-means Clustering Using Incomplete Cholesky Factorization

Stable Sparse Subspace Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction

Assessing the Adversarial Robustness of Monte Carlo and Distillation Methods for Deep Bayesian Neural Network Classification

On the Effectiveness of Richardson Extrapolation in Machine Learning

Multi-source Deep Gaussian Process Kernel Learning

Reward-Free Exploration for Reinforcement Learning

Inverse Learning of Symmetry Transformations

Subsampling Winner Algorithm for Feature Selection in Large Regression Data

Oblivious Data for Fairness with Kernels

Sparse and Smooth: improved guarantees for Spectral Clustering in the Dynamic Stochastic Block Model

Noisy-Input Entropy Search for Efficient Robust Bayesian Optimization

How to train your neural ODE

Variational Depth Search in ResNets

Generating Digital Twins with Multiple Sclerosis Using Probabilistic Neural Networks

Constructing a variational family for nonlinear state-space models

Statistical Inference in Heterogeneous Block Model

Bidimensional linked matrix factorization for pan-omics pan-cancer analysis

Interpolation under latent factor regression models

Extended Stochastic Gradient MCMC for Large-Scale Bayesian Variable Selection

Robotics 5篇


Modeling Engagement in Long-Term, In-Home Socially Assistive Robot Interventions for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Free Space of Rigid Objects: Caging, Path Non-Existence, and Narrow Passage Detection

Autonomous Industrial Assembly using Force, Torque, and RGB-D sensing

Sim2Real2Sim: Bridging the Gap Between Simulation and Real-World in Flexible Object Manipulation

Design of a Fully Actuated Robotic Hand With Multiple Gelsight Tactile Sensors

Computation and Language 11篇


A Multilingual View of Unsupervised Machine Translation

BERT-of-Theseus: Compressing BERT by Progressive Module Replacing

Neural Machine Translation System of Indic Languages -- An Attention based Approach

Multimodal Matching Transformer for Live Commenting

Goal-Oriented Multi-Task BERT-Based Dialogue State Tracker

Unsupervised pretraining transfers well across languages

Depressed individuals express more distorted thinking on social media

LEAP System for SRE19 Challenge -- Improvements and Error Analysis

Transformer Transducer: A Streamable Speech Recognition Model with Transformer Encoders and RNN-T Loss

Robust Multi-channel Speech Recognition using Frequency Aligned Network

Consistency of a Recurrent Language Model With Respect to Incomplete Decoding

Neural and Evolutionary Computing 8篇


Activation Density driven Energy-Efficient Pruning in Training

Universal Equivariant Multilayer Perceptrons

Differential Evolution with Reversible Linear Transformations

Dynamic Multi-objective Optimization of the Travelling Thief Problem

Ill-Posedness and Optimization Geometry for Nonlinear Neural Network Training

Adaptive control for hindlimb locomotion in a simulated mouse through temporal cerebellar learning

Prediction of Discharge Capacity of Labyrinth Weir with Gene Expression Programming

Enhancement of shock-capturing methods via machine learning

Multiagent Systems 2篇


Impact of the Interaction Network on the Dynamics of Word-of-Mouth with Information Seeking

A Repeated Game Freeway Lane Changing Model

Symbolic Computation 1篇


Integral P-Recursive Sequences

Information Retrieval 5篇


Targeted display advertising: the case of preferential attachment

Context Aware Image Annotation in Active Learning

On-Device Information Extraction from SMS using Hybrid Hierarchical Classification

Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest -- A Study of Mathematical Notations

JPLink: On Linking Jobs to Vocational Interest Types

