p2: 描述一個能夠改善你居住的一個改變


describe a change that could improve your area

what it is

how it could improve

why it could improve

and explain how you would feel about the change




Luckily in my area, there are a lot of facilities and amenities that I need to live comfortably, but I wish there was a park in my neighborhood.

Since I live in a big city, there aren’t many green spaces or areas with nature, I’ve always enjoyed feeling the grass under myfeet or relaxing under the cool shade of a tree, but unfortunately. At the moment, there's nothing like that in my neighborhood. In fact, the closest park is about 30 mins walk away, which is too far for me. I first noticed that my area could do with a park during the summer. The sun was really beating down and because of all the concrete apartment blocks, the heat was almost unbearable. I realized that if there had been a park, me and a lot of other residents would have gone there to cool down. Instead, most people went inside to a place with air conditioning so the streets were empty and quite unfriendly. Another reason a park would be a good idea is that there are lot of dog owners in my neighborhood too.

Since there isn’t a park, people take their dogs for walks on the pavement, which unfortunately means that the dog sometimes leave a mess on the sidewalk, and you have to be careful about keeping your shoes clean. Having a park in my neighborhood would solve both of those problems if we had a park, it would be full of happy residents, their pets and maybe their children as well. So I hope one day the local government will be able to provide that for the local residents in my area.


facilities and amenities:便利設施

the cool shade of a tree:蔭涼的樹蔭

my area could do with a park:我住的地方可以需要一個公園

beating down:曝曬

concrete apartment blocks:大家現在住的小區裡面的一棟一棟的房子

if there had been...... 要是當時....., 那麼早就..... 這句話可以翻譯成:如果當時我們住的地方有了公園,那麼當地人早就可以去那消暑了

leave a mess:留下垃圾

the local residents:當地居民

