
Today’s Painting



Recently the National museum in Stockholm acquired two physiognomicself-portraits painted by the French artist, Joseph Ducreux, one of the foremost artists at the court of Louis XVI. Ducreux’s portraiture exhibits strong influences of naturalism and is characterized by the artist’s ability to capture a specific facial expression or emotional state.


Because of this closeness to the royal family, and more particularly, Queen Marie Antoinette, in 1789 Ducreux found himself in a periloussituation in the years immediately following the start of the French Revolution.


He therefore took up residence in London for a period sometime in 1791. There are few facts about Ducreux’s activities during this brief period, but we do know that he exhibited portraits and self-portraits at the Royal Academy of Arts, including two that were called Surprise mixte with Terror and (more simply)Surprise.


Most likely, one of the portraits that the National museum has now acquired was a later version of the first of these two works that had been exhibited in London. The facial expression of the artist is permeatedwith exaggerated surprise mixed with terror, as shown in his large eyes, gaping mouth, and dramatically extended right hand.


There is no doubt that these works are self-portraits, but their titles, which describe emotions, show that they were also intended to focus on physiognomy as aphenomenonin itself.


Ducreux’s interest in physiognomy reflects his time and can more generally be indicative of the favorite scientific theme of the Enlightenment. By combining an expressly physiognomic perspective with a self-portrait, this work may well be viewed as having laid the foundation for new directions in portraiture.


Ducreux attempted to capture in himself the same facial expressions that we can see every day on people in general. It is perhaps not at all surprising that one of Ducreux’s self-portraits of this type has now become a popular onlinememe, which shows this artist’s timeless playfulness and desire to experiment.



Artist Introduction


Joseph, Baron Ducreux was a French noble, portrait painter, pastelist, miniaturist, and engraver, who was a successful portraitist at the court of Louis XVI of France, and resumed his career after the French Revolution.


He was made a baron and premier peintre de la reine (First Painter to the Queen), and drew the last portrait ever made of Louis XVI before the king’s execution. His less formal portraits reflect his fascination with physiognomy and show an interest in expanding the range of facial expressions beyond those of official portraiture.

約瑟夫·杜克魯克斯被任命為男爵和premier peintre de la reine(女王的第一畫家),路易十六國王處死前留下的最後一幅肖像也是由他繪製而成。他不太正式的肖像反映了他對相貌的迷戀,並表明出他有興趣將面部表情的範圍擴展到官方肖像之外。

Ducreux specialized in portrait painting, and his early portraits were done in pastel, and include those done of the connoisseurs Pierre-Jean Mariette, the Comte de Caylus and Ange-Laurent de la Live de July. These works may have been copies after De La Tour.


From 1760 onward, Ducreux kept a list of his works, but throughout his lifetime, he rarely signed his paintings. Thus, many of his works remain erroneously attributed to other artists. Other portraits by Ducreux include those done of Pierre Choderlos de Laclos and Maria Theresa of Austria, as well as those mentioned above of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.


Ducreux also made several well-known self-portraits in the 1780s and 1790s, including one in which he painted himself in the middle of a large yawn. In another, "Portrait de l'artiste sous les traits d'un moqueur", the artist guffaws and points at the viewer.


As evidenced by these self-portraits, Ducreux attempted to break free from the constraints of traditional portraiture. Interested in physiognomy, the belief that the study and judgment of a person's outer appearance, primarily the face, reflects their character or personality, he attempted to capture the personality of his subjects, as well as his own, through his warm and individualistic works.


"Le Discret" (ca. 1790), for example, is the portrait of a man asking for silence. His expression is timorous, his finger is pressed against his mouth in alarm as he silently demands discretion or prudence.


In this, these portraits recall the tronies of Dutch Golden Age painting, and the "character heads" of his contemporary the Austrian sculptor Franz Xaver Messerschmidt (1736–1783), some of whose busts were self-portraits with extreme expressions.


