2020 年 6 月四六級必背十句話

2020年 6月大學英語四六級考前提分班輔導講義


2020年 6月四六級必背十句話:個人話題:

1. Young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons with more activities to embrace this world,which is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives andwhy. Students with such a perspective are usually the most efficient and motivated ones who can gaincompetitive edge in the future career.年輕人應該多和這個社會接觸拓寬他們的視野,這樣可以清楚的知道他們想要的是什麼以及為什麼。



Young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons with reading more books of great value,which is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of this world. Students with such a perspective areusually the most efficient and motivated ones who can gain competitive edge in the future career.(閱讀的習慣)


Young people should be encouraged to think different and acquire the ability to defend their own ideas,which is the best way to get a full understanding of this world. Students with such capability are usuallythe most creative and motivated ones who can gain competitive edge in the near future. (替換句)

2.The cultivation of teamwork spirit and cooperative ability was, is and remains to be an integral part inachieving one's personal accomplishment.團隊協作能力的合作精神的培養對於實現個人成就而言,過去是,現在,而且一直都會是重要因素。

The cultivation of decent behavior norms was, is and remains to be an indispensable part in fulfilling one's personal success. (替換句)

3.Life skills are very important and by doing voluntary work, students can learn how to communicate withothers and work in a team but also to manage their time and improve their organizational skills.生活的技能非常重要,通過參加志願者工作,學生就能學會如何與他人溝通,如何成為團隊的一員,


The ability of setting clear aim is usually counted as one of the essential factors contributing to success.設定清晰的目標通常被認為是促進成功的必要因素。

The ability to seize the opportunity is usually counted as one of the essential factors /contributing tosuccess.抓住機會的能力通常被認為是促進成功的必要因素。

4.The skill to balance study and work contributes directly to enhancing our academic performance, jobhunting and promotion in a system.平衡學習和工作關係的技能直接有利於我們的學習,求職以及以後的升職。

The good family education contributes directly to one's academic improvement/ with the good learninghabit and one's career success/ with the good communication skills.良好的家庭教育將因為好的學習習慣而有利於學習,因為好的溝通技能而有利於事業。

5.The social practice will provide us with more opportunities to develop our interpersonal communicationskills, which may put us in a favorable position in the job market.社會實踐能提供給我們更多的機會來培養人際溝通技能,這樣使我們在未來的職場上處於有利的位


The ability to make the right choice at the right moment will provide us with the possibility to save moretime and energy, which may put us in a favorable position in the job market.

2018年 6月大學英語四六級考前提分班輔導講義





1. Over the decade the pace of change in people's life has increased beyond our wildest expectations. Amongthe breakthroughs driving changes is the wide use of smart devices, (the artificial intelligence) whichmakes online shopping or online learning possible and more convenient.在過去十年間,人們生活改變的步伐之快超越了我們最狂野的想象。在推動這些改變的突破中包括


2. With the government's will and public awareness, corresponding effective measures could really reducethe amount of rubbish we produce. Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used up and our planetpoisoned by waste.有了政府的決心和公眾的意識,相應的有效的措施就真的能減少我們製造的垃圾。確實,沒有人希


With the government's will and public awareness, corresponding effective measures could really curb theworrying and even terrifying problem of haze. Certainly nobody wants to see our beautiful homelanddestroyed and our children's health threatened by smog.環境,霧霾,垃圾汙染,水汙染,資源浪費

3. In my opinion, focusing on sports facilities is too narrow an approach and would not have the desiredresults. Youngsters should be encouraged not only to be more physically active but also to adopt ahealthier lifestyle.在我看來,僅僅關注運動設施是很有限的解決手段而且也不可能得到全部想要的結果。



In my opinion, the simple limit of car-driving is too narrow an approach and would not have the desiredresults. Environmental preservation should be enhanced not only with concrete do or do not list but alsowith the promotion of people's awareness.

4. However, these issues can be addressed strategically within the proper policy adopted.但是,只要措施得當,這些問題還是會很好地解決的。Long-term traffic and pollution reductions would depend on educating the public to use public transportmore, and on (governments using public money to construct and run efficient systems.)要想長期解決汙染問題就需要教育公眾多使用公共交通,多用公共資金來建設並運營高效的系統。

The shared bicycle and other form of shared economy are the possible solutions to the current sorry stateof affairs.共享單車或者其他的共享經濟形式是解決當前遺憾現狀的可能辦法。

5. We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption. We must instead continue to recognize thebenefits of thrift in order to protect our newfound prosperity.我們必須避免過分放縱和鋪張浪費。相反,我們應該繼續發揚節儉的優點以守護我們新獲得的繁榮。

