高考英語備考之初級:短文改錯中的語言知識考點2019全國卷 II(下)


1.<since>, I’ve considered different job [I would like to do].
(1) <since>,since引導時間狀語從句,含主系表結構,沒錯。
(2) I’ve considered,consider 的現在完成時與since從句連用,時態沒錯;different job 要用複數jobs。
(3) [I would like to do]是個定語從句,引導定語從句的that/which在從句中做to do的賓語,可以省略,不要增加。/<since>/<since>

2.First, I wanted to be a fireman, [whose uniform looked so coolly].
(1) I wanted to be a fireman,以後想做某職業用want to be沒錯。
(2) [whose uniform looked so coolly],whose在定語從句中做主語uniform的定語,沒錯;looked so coolly"看起來怎麼樣"應該用形容詞,改coolly為cool。

3.Then, <when>, I wanted to be a teacher <because>.
(1) 前面的First,這一句的Then和後面When都是說明different jobs具體內容的邏輯連接詞,能使行文更加連貫,沒錯。
(2) <when>,when引導時間狀語從句,"在五年級"的“五”要改為序數詞fifth。
(3) I wanted to be a teacher,以後想做某職業用want to be沒錯。
(4) <because>,because引導原因狀語從句,“非常喜歡”的too much要改為so much或very much。too much表示“太......而不能”,so much,very much表示“非常”。/<because>/<when>/<because>/<when>

高考英語備考之初級:短文改錯中的語言知識考點2019全國卷 II(下)

4.<when>, I reconsidered my goal | or decided to be a doctor.
(1) <when>,when引導時間狀語從句,“在中學”要在high school前面加上介詞in/at,“上中學”就是go to high school;同理go to school是上學去,in/at school是在學校。
(2) I reconsidered my goal | or decided to be a doctor是並列謂語,reconsidered my goal與 decided to be a doctor是順承遞進關係,要用and。or表示選擇關係。/<when>/<when>

5.They were two reasons .
(1) 此句是第二、三層次之間的銜接句,起承上啟下的作用,說明上一句“想當醫生”的原因,由於不是從句,就不用加because, as, for之類表原因的連詞,寫作上叫“隱性邏輯”。
(2) “有兩個原因”是表示存在的"有",要用there be句型,把They改為There。

6.One was {that I was amazing {that a sick person could feel much more better <after>}}.
(1) 與第5句two reasons相對應的是第6句的one和第7句的the other,表示“兩者中的一個,另一個”,這也屬於行文邏輯銜接的連貫。
(2) {that I was amazing ,that引導表語從句,從句中was amazing要改成was amazed,這與2019全國卷 I became interested一樣,現在分詞說明主語具有的性質或特性,過去分詞表示主語所處的狀態或心情。
(3) {that a sick person could feel much more better,that引導賓語從句,feel much more better的more要去掉。better本身是good的比較級,不要再加more表示比較級。much是修飾比較級的程度副詞。
(4) <after>,after不接主謂結構就是介詞,介詞後面接名詞或動名詞沒錯。/<after>


7.And the other is {that I wanted to help people [in need]}.
(1) the other沒錯,已講解。that引導表語從句,其餘部分沒錯。


高考英語備考之初級:短文改錯中的語言知識考點2019全國卷 II(下)


高考英語備考之初級:短文改錯中的語言知識考點2019全國卷 II(下)


