02.25 Pia Mendaro

該項目是設計師為其好友克拉拉·塞布里安(Clara Cebrian)設計的住宅兼工作室。克拉拉是一位藝術家,不喜歡過度設計,而是鍾情於像“羅恩·韋斯萊住宅”那樣可以隨著時間改變的空間。因而設計完全從生活最基本的需求出發,旨在營造出一種“幾乎什麼都沒有”的空間氛圍。

This is the house-studio of my friend Clara Cebrian. Clara is an artist and does not like overly designed things. She wanted something ‘like Ron Weasley’s house’; something that could adapt to the needs that appear over time.The project, therefore, had to provide a basis for life to happen and be ‘almost nothing’.

▼空間概覽,overview © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro


We work on a 10x10m warehouse with a gable roof held by two steel rafters, a facade with two windows and a door. For ‘almost nothing’ to work as ‘almost anything’ it seemed that nothing should be very tied.

▼倉庫外觀,outlook of warehouse © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro


▼擋牆一側設有開放式廚房,open kitchen behind covert wall © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

▼自平臺下向外看,look out under the platform © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

▼擋牆另一側設有浴室及盥洗設備,bathroom and toilet eqiupment behind wall © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

We were sure about three things: that the space must be understood as what it is – a square -, that we had to use a kitchen that Clara had bought for sale, and that the downspouts were where they were and were immovable. We decided to make a ‘covert wall’; a front where we could place the kitchen (everyone always wants to be in the kitchen). The kitchen would become the useful protagonist of the space, and behind it, the bathroom and facilities would hide. The wall passes under the belt of the trusses, allowing the warehouse to be understood as it is, and prevents doors from opening directly over the space (especially the bathroom).

▼從門向內看,view from the door © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

在討論克拉拉臥室地點時,設計師設想過多種方案,帶輪子的床鋪,艙室,有窗戶的盒子空間等等,最終方案決定將床鋪與地面分開。因此設計師在倉庫內設立水平結構,並通向倉庫外。設計師相信,與外界相連有助於心理健康。床鋪最終成為該項目的亮點所在:臥床鋪安排在一個非常輕便的半懸掛式平臺上,該平臺亦反向支撐起屋頂的一小部分。建築師與Manuel Ocaña合作設計了這種結構,採用20mm的鋼結構承受壓力與懸掛的重力,8mm波浪形的鋼條提供張力。平臺最多可承受5個人的重量。同時,設計師製作了可以藏起來的帶輪梯,方便上下。

▼臥室與地面分開,detach sleeping place from the ground © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

▼臥室通過樓梯與室外相連,bedroom connected to the outside by steps © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

▼可移動樓梯方便上下,a ladder with wheels connecting the platfom © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

In the process of locating Clara’s sleeping place, we thought of making a wheeled bed, a cabin, a box with windows … until we decided to detach ourselves from the ground. We thereby provide a horizon in the warehouse; a connection with the outside that we believe necessary for mental health. It ended up being the project’s highlight: a very light, semi-hanging platform, which in turn supports a small elevation of the roof. We designed this structure with Manuel Ocaña; 20mm steel rounds working on compression and suspension, and 8mm corrugated rods in tension. The platform accepts a maximum of 5 people on it, so we made a ladder with wheels that could hide.

▼輕便的半懸掛式平臺結構,light and semi-hanging platform © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

▼平臺結構細節,detail of the platform © Manuel Ocaña

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

▼平面圖,plan © Pia Mendaro

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

▼剖面圖,section © Pia Mendaro

Topo棚屋,馬德里 / Pia Mendaro

