02.29 Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉

英國文化教育協會(British Council)與英國建築師和委內瑞拉加拉加斯(Caracas)的一個公共空間項目展開了長達一年的合作,最終創造出這個名為Catalyst Cube的城市公共空間裝置。

The Catalyst Cube is the result of a year-long engagement with the British Council that began with an open call of UK-based designers and included a public space workshop in Caracas.

▼裝置外觀,閉合的裝置呈現出立方體的造型,exterior view of the installation, presenting a cubic volume when closed ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

該裝置由來自倫敦的建築師Will Sandy和來自加拉加斯的公司Incursiones共同設計,是一個小型的預製結構,可以為人們提供非正式的公共聚集空間。這個可移動的多功能立方體空間旨在促進社會、文化和教育之間的交流,為人們提供了一個實時的社區集會場所。

▼裝置軸測圖1,the axon view of the installation 1 ©Will Sandy Design Studio + Incursiones

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

▼裝置軸測圖2,the axon view of the installation 2 ©Will Sandy Design Studio + Incursiones

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

It is a design collaboration between London-based architect Will Sandy and Caracas-based firm Incursiones to create a small prefabricated structure that could occupy public spaces in informal settlements. This moveable, multi-functional cube is designed to inspire social, cultural and educational exchanges, creating an instant neighborhood focal point.

▼裝置室內外空間,是一個小型的預製結構,the exterior and interior view of the installation that is a small prefabricated structure ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

Catalyst Cube裝置是一種工具,能夠激發市民們參與未來永久性設計和城市環境設計的慾望。它在設計和構造上都極具靈活性,可以支持從籃球比賽和展覽、到社區活動和鄰里聚會等各種活動。作為一種催化劑,該裝置致力於在其所在的城市環境中增加人們互動、交流和發展的機會,從而激發城市活力,並相繼在不同的城市節點上發揮作用。當城市的物質和社會結構不斷髮生變化的時候,Catalyst Cube可以為人們提供一個在一定的街區範圍內,自行定義和管理公共空間的機會。

▼裝置立面和功能分析,elevation and function studies ©Will Sandy Design Studio + Incursiones

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

The Catalyst Cube is a tool for engaging citizens in the future permanent design and uses of their urban environments. The flexibility of its design and configuration allows it to support a diverse range of activities, from basketball games and exhibitions, to community events and neighborhood meetings. As a catalyst, its objective is to increase the opportunities for interaction, exchange and development in its context, with the hope that these activities gather enough momentum so as to continue when the structure moves to its next location. The Cube can help to identify opportunities in the neighborhood, giving people the agency to define and curate public spaces for themselves at a time when cities physical and social fabrics are in constant flux.

▼裝置室內外空間,裝置在設計和構造上都極具靈活性,the exterior and interior view of the installation with the flexibility on design and configuration ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

▼裝置作為展覽空間,the installation as the exhibition space ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

▼裝置作為兒童活動空間,the installation as children’s space ©Rui Cardozo (up); ©Edgar Martinez (down)

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

▼裝置內部空間,the interior view of the installation ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design


▼裝置局部,採用黃色的穿孔金屬面板作為外圍護結構,partial view of the installation, using yellow perforated metal panels as the enclosure ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

▼裝置由鋼結構、金屬板和木材構成,the cube consists of a steel structure with metal and wood components ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

▼裝置外牆面板細節,details of the exterior panel of the installation ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

The cube consists of a steel structure with metal and wood components that can be easily installed, operated and disassembled. It can be delivered to site as a whole or as a kit of parts, providing instant activation while minimizing disruption. It is tough and inviting at the same time, designed so as to attract attention to itself and be appropriated by a community for a period of three months. It was designed so as to be specific yet flexible, providing a clear framework while leaving enough tolerance so as to allow unforeseen uses and appropriations to emerge.

▼裝置在現場裝配,the assembly on site ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

▼在裝置的屋頂種植植物,planting vegetation on the roof of installation ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

該裝置於2019年11月正式面市,為一個文化激活系列活動(包括劇院表演、木偶劇表演、音樂演出、學習會、公開演講、展覽、3D視頻地圖繪製、“殘疾人日(Day of People with Disabilities)”活動以及節日期間的其他季節性活動等)提供了場所。

The structure was unveiled in November 2019, hosting a program of cultural activations and engagements. These included theatre, puppet shows, live music, education sessions, public speaking, exhibitions and 3D video mapping, as well as activities for the ‘Day of People with Disabilities’ and other seasonal activities over the festive period.

▼夜間,裝置可作為現場音樂會的場所,the installation hosting live music at night ©Edgar Martinez

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

▼裝置爆炸軸測圖,exploded axon ©Will Sandy Design Studio + Incursiones

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

▼裝置平面圖,plan ©Will Sandy Design Studio + Incursiones

Catalyst Cube城市空間裝置,委內瑞拉 / Will Sandy Design

