02.02 為紐約的天際線貢獻出獨特且優雅的新元素

作為SHoP建築事務所即將封頂的第一個超高建築,它坐落於紐約中央公園南側中心位置(位於西57街111號),其總高度為1,428英尺 (435米),是紐約市最高的建築之一。作為一個新世代的地標建築,它有責任為紐約共享的天際線貢獻出獨特且優雅的新元素。我們通過精心塑造此超高建築的輪廓,並開發全新的方法來使用曼哈頓摩天大樓黃金時代的真實材料:Terra-cotta (赤土陶器),來實現美化天際線的這個目標。

With a total height of 1,428 feet, the residential tower at 111 West 57th Street is among the tallest buildings in New York City. As a prominent new local and regional landmark, it bears a special responsibility to contribute meaningfully and elegantly to the shared skyline. We achieved that goal by carefully shaping the tower’s profile, and by developing an innovative approach to using an authentic material from the golden age of the Manhattan skyscraper: terra-cotta.

▼西57街111號是紐約市最高的建築之一,the residential tower at 111 West 57th Street is among the tallest buildings in New York City ©SHoP Architects


此超高的建築形態是在滿足曼哈頓中城區劃要求可行規範內,進行的最大膽嘗試。在建築體量本身與天空曝光平面接觸的位置,發生了多次強制性的建築退縮,從而形成羽毛般的形態(而不是階梯狀的輪廓)。這些建築退縮也結合在東立面和西立面整體上升形態的赤土陶器設計中,從東西立面底部延伸到裡面的頂點。在沒有模仿歷史先例的情況下,這種方法統一了W57的傳統經典塔樓設計,例如One Wall Street,30 Rockefeller Center或Empire State Building。

▼設計思路,design concept ©SHoP Architects


The tower’s form is a bold interpretation of what is possible within the requirements of the Midtown Manhattan zoning envelope. Mandated setbacks were multiplied where the building form contacts the sky-exposure plane, resulting in a feathered rather than a stepped profile. The setbacks serve as sites for a finial at the top of each column of the terra-cotta ornament that rises on the east and west facades. Without mimicking historic precedent, this approach unifies the massing of 111 West 57th Street in the tradition of classic towers such as One Wall Street, 30 Rockefeller Center, or the Empire State Building.

▼曼哈頓中城區的新地標,a prominent new landmark in Midtown Manhattan ©SHoP Architects


▼羽毛般的立面形態,a feathered profile ©SHoP Architects



Terra-cotta is one of the most beautiful and adaptable materials available to architects today. For 111 West 57th Street, blocks of sequentially varying profiles were modeled, extruded, glazed, and then stacked into an involuted pattern, like a softly breaking wave, that appears at once novel and familiar. Staggering those elements across the facade creates a distinctive moiré that changes dramatically when seen in different lights or from various distances.

▼立面細部,facade detail ©SHoP Architects


▼施工過程,construction process ©SHoP Architects


▼Terra-cotta元素的交錯使用形成了一種獨特的莫爾條紋, staggering Terra-cotta elements across the facade creates a distinctive moiré ©Xu Zhang



▼公園視角,view from the adjacent park ©SHoP Architects


▼室內視角,interior view ©SHoP Architects


▼入口立面,entrance facade ©SHoP Architects


▼整體效果,rendering ©SHoP Architects


