11.25 伊朗關閉了我們熟知的互聯網

國際熱點 | 伊朗關閉了我們熟知的互聯網

整合 | 鮑亞婷 張丁源

>> 伊朗關閉了我們熟知的互聯網,這篇文章解釋了此次禁網的不同之處

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>> 印度連鎖咖啡店的顧客對使用面部識別技術結賬感到不滿



The 'internet as we know it' is off in Iran.

Here's why this shutdown is different



@CNN Nov 19, 2019

国际热点 | 伊朗关闭了我们熟知的互联网

Experts say the shutdown is an attempt by the government to stop the flow of information and quash the demonstrations. David Kaye, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, told CNN that the blackout makes it "harder for people to organize, harder for people to protest."


Iran's minister of telecommunications Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi said that the government had ordered the cutoff on Saturday and promised that it would return "soon," state broadcaster Press TV reported Monday.

"Internet will return to the life of the Iranian people soon and the government [will] continue to develop it," Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi said, according to Press TV. He added that some essential online services had been switched to Iran's National Information Network (NIN), a centralized national intranet.

But on Tuesday, connectivity in Iran was down to just 4% of normal levels, according to Netblocks, a non-governmental organization that monitors internet governance.

據伊朗國家廣播電臺Press TV週一報道,伊朗電信部長穆罕默德·賈瓦德·阿扎裡·賈赫魯米表示,政府已於週六下令關閉網絡,並承諾將“很快”恢復。

據Press TV報道,賈赫魯米說:“互聯網將很快回到伊朗人民的生活中,政府也將繼續發展互聯網。”他還說到,一些重要的在線服務已經轉移到伊朗的國家信息網絡(NIN),這是一個集中的國家內聯網。


This is not the first time that Tehran has shuttered online access to stop information from spreading. "After the 2009 presidential election, the Iranian government realized that the internet is key for communication between people not just inside the country, but also outside the country," Amir Rashidi, an internet security and digital rights researcher at the Center for Human Rights in Iran, told CNN.

This time though, the shutdown appears different.

這不是德黑蘭第一次關閉在線訪問以阻止信息傳播。“ 2009年總統大選後,伊朗政府意識到,互聯網不僅對於國內信息交流至關重要,在國外也同樣十分關鍵。”人權中心互聯網安全和數字版權研究人員阿米爾·拉希迪說道。


Toker described the blackout as the "most severe disconnection tracked by NetBlocks in any country in terms of its technical complexity and breadth." According to NetBlocks' data, the switch off itself was so complex that it took 24 hours to complete.

And Doug Madory, the director of internet analysis at Oracle, said the latest incident is unusual in its scale. In the past, he said, Iran would either intentionally slow down the internet through bandwidth throttling, or block individual websites such as Facebook and Twitter.

This current blackout is way more advanced. "We're seeing a variety of different actions take place -- some networks have withdrawn their routes while others continue to announce routes but block traffic," Madory wrote in a blog on Oracle's website.




Google's updated ad policy will still allow politicians to run false ads


@CNN Nov 20, 2019

国际热点 | 伊朗关闭了我们熟知的互联网

Google announced updates to its political ad policy on Wednesday, but made no apparent changes to how it will treat lies pushed by candidates. The most significant change is that it will restrict how political ads can be targeted on its platforms.

As the 2020 US presidential election approaches, how online platforms will deal with misinformation and outright false claims by politicians has become a hot-button issue. Google — which has taken in tens of millions of dollars in political advertising in the United States since last year — has been until now notably quiet in the debate surrounding how online platforms handle political ads.



President Donald Trump's reelection campaign ran an ad in October on Google-owned platform YouTube that falsely accused former Vice President Joe Biden of corruption for his role in Ukraine policy during the Obama administration.

A Google spokesperson confirmed to CNN Business on Wednesday that the ad would still be allowed to run on Google's platforms.

This stance comes even as Scott Spencer, a Google vice president, wrote in a blog post on Wednesday, "It's against our policies for any advertiser to make a false claim — whether it's a claim about the price of a chair or a claim that you can vote by text message, that election day is postponed, or that a candidate has died."


谷歌的一名發言人週三向CNN Business證實,該廣告仍然可以在谷歌的平臺上播放。


In the policy update, Google focused on misleading ads related to voter suppression and election integrity, not claims targeting candidates.

"Of course, we recognize that robust political dialogue is an important part of democracy, and no one can sensibly adjudicate every political claim, counterclaim, and insinuation. So we expect that the number of political ads on which we take action will be very limited—but we will continue to do so for clear violations," Spencer wrote.

In recent months, Facebook has come under fire for exempting politicians from some of its ad policies. But in a tweet on Wednesday, Facebook reminded users that not even politicians are exempt from its policies banning voter suppression.

"We prohibit voter suppression in all ads," Facebook said.





Under Google's new targeting policy, political advertisers will only be able to target ads based on a user's age, gender, and post code -- rather than being allowed to target voters using more granular methods. Facebook allows political advertisers to upload lists of voters to target, for instance.




McDonald's could return $29 million to New Zealand workers after holiday pay error


@ CNN, Nov 19, 2019

国际热点 | 伊朗关闭了我们熟知的互联网

McDonald's has agreed to pay what could be tens of millions of dollars to New Zealand employees after becoming embroiled in a nationwide payroll debacle.

The fast food giant will pay back all past and present employees in the past 10 years for miscalculated holiday wages, according to McDonald's spokesperson Simon Kenny.

This agreement follows a years-long campaign by local labor union Unite Union.

The union's national director, Mike Treen, estimated that the remediation may cost McDonald's at least 45 million New Zealand dollars (almost $29 million), according to CNN affiliate Radio New Zealand — and that's just a starting "baseline figure."





Both Kenny and the union pointed out that this isn't an isolated incident — rather, it's part of a much larger problem that has seen employees underpaid in the public and private sectors across New Zealand.

Unite Union said it first raised the issue with McDonald's in 2015, accusing the company of "stealing" annual leave from employees by not properly paying them for working public holidays and failing to provide compensation rest days.

Since then, the company has been working with both McDonald's and the Ministry of Business Innovation and Enterprise (MBIE), the New Zealand government agency that enforces economic policies, to reach an agreement.




McDonald's is just one of many companies that have been swept up in the nationwide payroll problem -— more than 150 companies are currently being audited, according to MBIE. In 2016, the government estimated that up to 763,000 employees nationwide could be owed wages, and the total cost of remediation could reach 2.2 billion New Zealand dollars (about $1.4 billion), Radio New Zealand reported.

It's not just companies. Even government agencies like MBIE and the District Health Boards have made similar errors in calculating holiday pay. The health boards announced just last month that they owe health workers up to 650 million New Zealand dollars (about $415.7 million), Radio New Zealand reported.



The payroll crisis all stems from a complicated law, the Holidays Act, which was enacted in 2003.

The law is relatively straightforward for employees who work standard five-day, 40-hour weeks. But it's much more difficult to apply for certain industries with irregular hours, like hospitality, retail or health, according to a 2018 report commissioned by the government.

The law is also so complex that employers often have trouble interpreting it correctly, according to the report. For instance, there are many different ways to calculate daily pay, weekly pay, holiday pay, and pay for alternative holidays — so it's hard to know when to use which calculations.

After many companies complained that the law was too complex, outdated and costly, the government assembled a task force to review the law, identify issues and make recommendations. The investigation is ongoing.







US domestic abuse victim pretends to

order pizza to alert 911


@BBC, Nov 22, 2019

国际热点 | 伊朗关闭了我们熟知的互联网

A woman in a domestic violence situation managed to call 911 without the perpetrator realising, by pretending to order a pizza.

Officers in Oregon city, Ohio, praised the caller's quick thinking, which led to the alleged abuser being arrested.

The unnamed woman told local media her mum was being attacked at the time.




The dispatcher who answered the call, Tim Teneyck, told local news station 13 ABC he initially thought the woman had dialled an incorrect number.

When she insisted she was through to the right person, he realised what was happening - partly because he had seen similar scenarios being shared on social media.



What did the caller say?

Here's a transcript of the conversation.

Mr Teneyck: Oregon 911

Caller: I would like to order a pizza at [address redacted].

Mr Teneyck: You called 911 to order a pizza?

Caller: Uh, yeah. Apartment [redacted].

Mr Teneyck: This is the wrong number to call for a pizza...

Caller: No, no, no. You're not understanding.

Mr Teneyck: I'm getting you now.

Mr Teneyck: Is the other guy still there?

Caller: Yep, I need a large pizza.

Mr Teneyck: All right. How about medical, do you need medical?

Caller: No. With pepperoni.














A million faulty condoms recalled in Uganda


@ BBC , Nov 19, 2019

国际热点 | 伊朗关闭了我们熟知的互联网

A leading charity, Marie Stopes, says it has recalled more than a million condoms distributed in Uganda following concerns about their safe use.

Tests had found some of the Indian-manufactured Life Guard brand contained holes or risked bursting, Uganda's National Drug Authority (NDA) said.

Marie Stopes provides contraception and family planning services in more than 35 countries.

Nearly 6% of adults in Uganda live with HIV, the UN says.

Other research suggests that only 11% of people in the country have planned pregnancies.


烏干達國家藥品管理局(NDA)表示,測試發現,一些印度生產的“生命衛士”(Life Guard)牌避孕套中存有孔洞甚至可能爆裂。




Marie Stopes supplies between 1.5 million and two million condoms to Uganda every month.

"We can confirm this is the first time that one of our country programmes has needed to issue this kind of recall," it said in a statement to the BBC.

The recall came after the NDA wrote to the charity on 30 October, saying two batches of Life Guard condoms failed to comply with "quality tests".

Marie Stopes said it was working with the NDA to "urgently investigate what happened with these batches and ensure our products continue to meet the high standard of quality".

"We can confirm that the two batches we are recalling contained around 335,000 condom packs - just over 1 million individual condoms. We have recovered more than half of those," it added.

Marie Stopes每個月向烏干達提供150萬到200萬個避孕套。







Indian cafe chain customers upset by use of facial recognition to bill them



@ CNN, Nov 22, 2019

国际热点 | 伊朗关闭了我们熟知的互联网

An Indian cafe chain popular for its chai drinks is under fire for using facial recognition software to bill its customers, with some taking to social media to express their anger at what they say is a loss of privacy.

Nikhil Pahwa, an internet activist and founder of Indian media watchdog MediaNama, criticized cafe chain Chaayos by tweeting a video on Wednesday apparently showing the facial recognition system in a store in Delhi.



Pahwa said he worries about the risks of companies like Chaayos having this data, which in his view has been collected without "proper consent."

He added: "Systems like this that collect such personal and sensitive data, it normalizes it and I'm really worried about that normalization."



In a Facebook post on Thursday responding to the criticism, Chaayos said it started its facial recognition feature recently to "reduce the overall customer purchase time," and stressed it was still in the testing stage.

In the statement, Chaayos said it was "extremely conscious" of its customers' data security, encrypting the data and not sharing it with third parties. It further added that customers can opt out of the process.

However, on its website, the terms and conditions of the chain's loyalty program state that customers "should not expect ... personal information should always remain private."




国际热点 | 伊朗关闭了我们熟知的互联网

