11.26 「經濟學人」亞洲人民愛儲蓄,世界經濟受影響?

Excess Asian savings are weighing on global interest rates


But Asian officials argue that criticism of their current-account surpluses misses the mark


l weigh v. 我們熟知的意思是稱重,這裡的意思是“對…有重大影響”。

l current-account adj.活期存款賬戶,往來賬戶的

l miss the mark 沒有打中目標,沒有達到目的

Print edition | Finance and economics

Nov 23rd 2019| SHANGHAI

It is nearly 15 years since Ben Bernanke, then the chairman of the Federal Reserve, argued that a “global saving glut” had fuelled America’s giant current-account deficit. Much has changed since then. The American deficit has shrunk, oil exporters’ surpluses have dwindled and central banks everywhere have dramatically expanded their balance-sheets. But another feature of the world that Mr Bernanke described in early 2005 looks strikingly familiar: Asia’s stockpile of savings remains enormous, and it is getting bigger by the year.

l glut n. 供過於求,過量供應

l fuel v.我們熟知的意思是名詞,表示“燃料”;這裡是動詞,表示“刺激、使變得更糟,使加劇”

l dwindle v. 逐漸變少,變小

l balance-sheet資產負債表

l strikingly adv.醒目地,引人側目地

l stockpile n. 大量的儲備、囤積

15年前時任的美聯儲主席Ben Bernanke曾宣稱“全球儲蓄過剩”加重了美國鉅額活期賬戶赤字。從那以後發生了很多變化。美國的赤字已經在縮小,石油出口國的盈餘已經在減少,世界各地央行都大幅擴大了它們的資產負債表。但Bernanke先生在2005年初描述的世界的另一個特徵看起來卻驚人的熟悉:亞洲儲蓄仍然巨大,而且逐年增加。

For East Asia as a whole, each year gross domestic savings add up to 35% of gdp, and little has changed over the past three decades (see chart). This is not just an academic curiosity. Mr Bernanke’s concern in the early 2000s was that Asia’s excess cash was flooding into bond markets in America and beyond, depressing long-term real interest rates. When the global financial crisis erupted in 2008, some economists pointed to the Asian saving glut as an underlying cause of the housing boom and bust from Las Vegas to Dublin. With interest rates even lower now, some are again asking whether excessive saving in Asia is storing up trouble for the global economy.

l concern n.我們熟知的意思是“關心,關切”,這裡的意思是“擔心、憂慮”

l erupt v. 突然發生,爆發

l cause n.常指壞事的原因,誘因

l bust n. 破產,蕭條。也可以指半身像、胸部


There are certainly echoes with 15 years ago. High savings rates in Asia continue to translate into large current-account surpluses. Over the past five years East Asia’s current-account surplus has averaged about $525bn annually, a touch higher in cash terms than the average in the five years preceding the 2008 crisis. The distribution has shifted: China’s surplus peaked a decade ago, while those of South Korea and Taiwan are bigger than they used to be. The current-account surpluses in Asia’s big economies add up to about 0.6% of global gdp,roughly the same as that of Europe’s surplus economies, including Germany’s, in combination.

l echo我們熟知的意思是“回聲、迴響”,這裡的意思是“重複、附和”

l touch我們熟知的意思是觸碰,這裡是表示“稍許、略微”。





