12.15 各國網友熱議:跨越5111公里中俄天然氣合作,令各國網友們讚歎




1、Well done! USA. China and Russia both want to be friends with the US, but US push them together.


2、This is what cooperation between nations looks like and I congratulate Russia and China, the diplomacy of Russia and the long term vision of China has been second to none in the past few years. Our diplomacy and ability to operate credibly on the international stage is frankly an embarrassment seen from a U.K. perspective. It's no better on the domestic front sad to say.


3、This also a great step to reduce coal consumption in China. Next step is a gas pipeline to India. Big losses for Australian and Indonesian mining sectors.


4、I can see an upside to the Russia-China relationship: a chance for longer lasting peace, as the West will have to learn to be a tad more humble in the future.


5、The us not only shot themselves in the foot.they emptied a whole magazine.


6、Putin the great chess master love him


7、I love that Statement Russia is strong enough to determine who the nest world power will be. Nice response from Putin


8、Russia 3 pipelines

America green new deal

stupid gets what stupid is




9、The stupidity of pushing Russia to the east is beyond comprehension !! The west will regret this deeply in the years coming!


10、"The last thing you want to do is put these two giants together"


11、I wonder what kind of offspring we should be expecting from this marriage when Russian wild grizzly bear meets peaceful panda bear?


12、The russophobic lunatics in politics and media should take a vacation in Yakutia to cool down. They have -43° Celsius (-49,7 Fahrenheit) in the north right now


13、Gas is more expensive than coal. China used to use coal to provide heating service in winter. Roughly starting from 2012, China switched from coal to gas to reduce air pollution, its huge market of gas can make its supplier very rich, but China won't import gas from only one country for security purpose, but of course Russia is the number one choice if its supply is stable and the price is reasonable.


14、This Pipe Dream became reality!


15、This is why in Holland is big panic to move on with CO2 motion to be less dependable on russian oil & gas, but only the basic costs of renewing the infrastructure would cost around 350 billion euro...


16、Good for China and Russia. A new age has begun for eastern prosperity.


17、"Complete incompetence" That is the quote of the year. The quote of this century maybe.


18、Russia will cut all gas supplies to Ukraine. As Faust said revenge is a dish best savoured cold.


19、Congratulations on the pipeline and more strength to Russia & China!


20、First they demonize Russia, now they demonize China...with the Russia and China alliance I think world peace is achievable, maybe the US is sacrificing himselves to ensure the rest of us have peace and prosperity


21、Go Russia and China! This is historical! Will the US dare to take on THE BEAR AND THE DRAGON?


22、They see their dreams and aspirations crumble in front of their face...viva Russia/China the winner in the game of sense vs nonsense


23、It's nice to see these forward thinking countries working together.


24、This decade has seen tremendous cooperation, and I would add, friendship, between Russia and China. It’s almost symbolic that the pipeline should become operational during the final weeks of the decade, a fitting crown to their remarkable relationship. It speaks volumes of just how exciting their relationship is going to be in the next decade.



