05.21 「高考英語」2018屆高三英語書面表達熱點美文必備



1. 因特網(正反觀點、利弊類)

*Just as an old saying goes, "each coin has two sides."

*Despite the fact that the Internet does bring much convenience to our daily life, under no circumstances can we underestimate the negative effects it has on us.

*Only when we take advantage of the Internet properly can we benefit a lot from it.

2. 職業(工作、大學專業的選擇)

*Contrary to what many people think, ordinary jobs are no less important than glamorous jobs.

*It is these people, who perform such plain but vital tasks, that helps society function well.

*Those holding glamorous jobs have to work under tremendous pressure. They need to work long hours, make difficult decisions, face tough problems and deal with constant media attention.

*Accordingly, when choosing a career, we should consider all the aspects of a job and also take our interests and skills into account.

3. 勵志類(成功、夢想)

*Despite difficulties on our way to success, we must bear in mind why we set this goal, stick to it and move forward regardless. (不忘初心,不斷前行)

*The first thing you must remember is that if you want to succeed, it is also compulsory that you should be optimistic.

*Just as Obama, the former president of the USA, put it, "Being successful is hard. You won't necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try. I have failed over and over again in my life. And that's why I succeed."

*When it comes to achieving success, we can't emphasize the importance of persistence and perseverance, whatever difficulties we are confronted with.

*Only by doing so can we embrace a brilliant future.

4. 社會現象類(環境汙染、校園暴力、私家車)

*Simple as the passage is, it illustrates a common phenomenon that can be seen in our daily life--- the environment is changing for the worse, disturbing people from the man in the street to political officials.

*The primary factors giving rise to this phenomenon are as follows.

First of all, /To start with, / First and foremost, ...

In addition, / Besides, / What's more, / To make things even worse, ...

Last but not least,...

*What lies behind the worrying phenomenon is the lack of awareness of protecting the environment.

*So urgent is the situation that it is high time immediate and concrete measures should be taken.

*It goes without saying that(Undoubtedly,) an advantage of using solar energy is that it won't produce any pollution, which is environmentally friendly.

5. 應對改變

Changes are always there. We have to be flexible and adapt to our new environment. In face of changes, we should embrace them instead of rejecting them. If you worry about all the changes happening around you, you will lose your ability to enjoy the moments and experience them to their fullest. Constantly worrying doesn't make you any more capable of predicting the future and handling it better. Accept the fact that change is evitable. A positive state of mind is of great importance, which can help us see the bright side of things and see opportunities in every difficulty. We need to be well prepared for every possible change. We are supposed to take practical action to adjust ourselves to the new environment or situation.

