04.14 杏林雙語趣事|越婢湯




【組成】麻黃6兩,石膏半斤,生薑3兩,大棗15枚, 甘草2兩。










Decoction from Yue’s Maidservant (Essential Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet, about 206)

In the late spring and Autumn Period (700-476BC), Goujian (520-465Bc), a King of the Yue state, suddenly became ill with dizziness, fatigue, fullness in lower abdomen and difficult urination. For ten days the disease worsened, all the imperial physicians’ efforts failed and they were helpless to treat it. The King was furious and rebuked their incompetence.

Just then, one of the handmaids volunteered to treat the King. Because he was suffering terribly he reluctantly agreed to let her have a try. To hie surprise, The King felt better after taking her decoction and is symptoms were almost gone after only there doses.

The King was overjoyed at his recovery and when he rewarded the handmaid all the imperial doctors were ashamed. They went to seek her advice and said, "Congratulations to you, my girl! It’s wonderful, you have cured our King! Would you tell us which prescription you used?"

She replied, "Oh, you flatter me! Unlike all of you, who are famous physicians and masters of medicine, I have only a superficial knowledge of it. I was just lucky, I chose nearly the same prescription as you but changed some of the herbs. The reason your prescriptions could not cure our King is that you feared he might experience side effects if you used more drastic remedies. "

All the imperial physicians nodded to show their agreement, and afterwards, the "Maidservant’s decoction"was recorded in the medical records.

(From Interesting stories of Chinese Medicine)

(Translator:He Jing)


furious ['fjuarias] adj.激烈的;狂怒地;熱烈興奮的;喧鬧的

rebuke [ri'bju:k] vt.指責;非難;制止;使相形見絀;n.非難;指責;譴責

incomepetence [ɪn'kɒmpɪtəns] n.無資格;不勝任;無能力;不適當;不熟練

reluctantly [rɪ'lʌktəntlɪ] adv. 不情願地;嫌惡地

flatter ['flætə] vt. 奉承;諂媚;使高興

drastic ['draestik] adj. 激烈的;猛烈的 n. 烈性瀉藥


第五章 方劑趣聞 越婢湯(《金匱要略》)


