03.05 宛唐戰“疫”志丨唐河縣桐河鄉第二中心小學成功舉行“奮發圖強 不負韶華”網絡升旗儀式




主 持 詞

桐河鄉第二中心小學副校長 劉小賓(中文)

桐河鄉第二中心小學一年級班主任 張亞萍(英文)











宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式




升國旗,全體少先隊員敬隊禮! 禮畢!請坐下。

宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式
宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式
宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式



宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式
宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式

三、學生代表講話---51班張 幸 同學



宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式




宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式







宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式




宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式
宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式
宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式宛唐战“疫”志丨唐河县桐河乡第二中心小学成功举行“奋发图强 不负韶华”网络升旗仪式


讓我們歌唱《我和我的祖國》,祝願我們偉大的祖國繁榮昌盛,早日戰勝疫情! 我們一起來觀看*清華大學在2018年12月17日中午12:15分臨近放學時的拍攝的7分鐘感人場景,同時同學們可以看下清華大學厚德載物,自強不息的學習氛圍,從小在心中埋下理想的種子。





The 2nd central primary school of tonghe township tanghe county

Flag-raising ceremony of epidemic prevention and control network in spring term of 2020

Pre-session music:<>,which is military report edition. It takes two minutes and 57 seconds.

Good morning! Beloved leader, respected teacher, and dear fellow students.

Our Chinese poem said: the trady day is beautiful, the wind is full of fragrance in spring. Spring has arrived as promised, the horn of the new term has sounded. At present, in order to responded to the call “No classes,no schools ”, all of teachers got into the role quickly, and prepared lessons carefully, and carried out effective webcast classes with the Dingding live broadcasting platform. The students also adapted to the “air classroom ” mode quickly. In order to improve students study consciousness and enthusiasm, and serve the moherland as our goals, our school will held a flag-raising ceremony with the theme of “Live to our youth ” at 7:40 on 2nd Mar. in 2020.

In order to ensure that this flag-raising ceremony of the epidemic prevention and control network is carried out in an orderly manner, students are required to keep quietly, and do not send flowers or talk with someone in the broadcasting room. Whatever where we are, we should speak civilized words, practice civilized etiquette, and to be a civilized pupil. I hope we can take some notes carefully and take some photos juring this ceremony as soon as possible.

Please allow me to declare: the flag-raising ceremony of epidemic prevention and control network for the second central primary school of tonghe township, tanghe county in this spring term of 2020 is beginning now.


Raising the national flag of the People’s Republic of China!(Stand up,please )

Host: stand up and salute,please.

The national flag and anthem are the symbol of motherland. When we face her, we will be filled with a strong patriotic enthusiasm. Are you remember the celebration of 70 anniversary of National Day? The vast scene arouse our feelings, our eyes were full of tears and hearts were touched and excited. It’s the patriotic passion that unites millions of Chinese people.We are not different to make a conclusion: the reason of a nation can rise up in the world is not only we have the indestructible national spirit, but also there is the constant struggle of the whole nation.

Now is a special period, everyone has been involved in a particular battle. In this civil campaign, each industry and other individuals should take out their strongest momentum, with the best state into this special war.

Today, I propose: all teachers, students, parents and friends, let’s keep our nation ’s pay in mind deeply, which comes from the volunteers, the white angles, soldiers and all levels of leaderships when we under the solem national flag, in the majestic national anthem. We must keep invigorate sprit, and have cohesion strength.

Raise the national flag, salute! To rise! Sit down, please.


Ask Jing Guan hua whose comes Class Two Grade Four to take the school oath.

The oath has 16 idioms and 105 words in all. It won the first prise in the “Education times ” in 2015. We hope the students bear in mind deeply and have a sense of responsibility.


Please ask the students representative Zhang Xing whose comes from Class One Grade Five to have a speech.


Please ask the teacher representative Miss Sun to take a speech. She is the math teacher of Class Two Grade Six.

We should take some notes and listen to her carefully!


Ask student representative Liu Boyu whose comes from Class One Grade Three to read the classic analects of Confucius loudly. Read after him, please.

This is a long winter vacation, some students did not insist on reading classical books. They said they can’t read it by themselves. But I want to tell you it’s not a wisdom thought. We should keep learning and reading books about 5 pages on each day. Then you will turn to be a learned intellectual people in the future.


Please ask the director of young pioneers instructor Zhang Wei to take a speech.

Our school’s young pioneers work is a model for the whole county, Mrs Zhang is always concerned about students’ health and life. She took responsibility on her own initiative and set a good example for us. Let’s listen to what she has to say.


President Shi will makes a summary about this flag-raising ceremony.

A wise leader has ideas, goals and actions, all of us like him. Applause for him!


Sing the song <> for wishing our great motherland prosperity.

Let’s sing the song and bless our great country prosperity. We will conquer this epidemic in a near day.

The people were thrilled by the strong patriotism. We believe that we will overcome this epidemic at an early date.

Students, the plague is heartless, but love silent. In the history of the Chinese nation, we have gone through many hardships, but we never been crushed. Kissinger once said: The Chinese were always protected well by the bravest people. In this epidemic disaster, from Wuhan to the whole country, and even the Chinese around the world, whatever they are doctors, police, community workers, civil servants. Countless people upstream and protect life with life. They are the backbone of our nation!

Dear students, the epidemic will die down eventually, and the more discipline we need in the end. We hoop you will never forget your original intention, study diligently and live up to your youth.

Finally, I wish the students everything best and the whole family well! Teachers and I look forward to you come back our school safty!

