06.08 6月7日雅思考試內容解析:高考和雅思,哪個更難?



1 聽力

一、 考試概述:



Section 1跑步者俱樂部 10填空

Section 2 旅遊(新題)4地圖+6選擇

Section 3美術作品(新題)5匹配+5單選

Section 4 Aqueducts from the fish farm 10填空


Section 1 跑步者俱樂部(新題)10填空

1 partner

2 hospital

3 stadium

4 session

5 speed

6 9.15

7 lake

8 Germany

9 party

10 weeks

Section 2 旅遊(新題)4地圖+6選擇

11 E

12 B

13 I

14 D

15 A

16 A

17 C

18 C

19 B

20 C

Section 3 美術作品(新題)5匹配+5單選

21 F

22 C

23 E

24 G

25 A

26 A

27 C

28 C

29 A

30 C

Section 4 Aqueducts from the fish farm 10填空

31. Worry about the genetically modified fish to escape

32. Breed special fish such as tuna

33. Structure is not only eco-friendly but also strong

34. Seaweeds can be made to be cosmetics

35. Government should develop special one for agriculture, recreation activities and shipping

36. On the coast

37. To save the local fishing business

38. To protect it from destroying by a storm

39. Lack of young fish

40. Fish is main source of seafood and produces food for hospitality industry

2 閱讀

一、 考試概述:



Passage 1:

題目:Ancient hooks of Maori people in New Zealand








1. Purpose of the Maori hooks was misunderstood. TRUE

2. Fishing in New Zealand was harder than Pacific. NOT GIVEN

3. After moving to New Zealand, Maori changed hook materials. TRUE

4. Shape of Maori hooks was restricted by materials. TRUE

5. Quality of European hooks is same with Maori hooks. FALSE

6. Early European hooks were gifts given by Maori. NOT GIVEN

7. European hooks and Maori ones worked in similar ways. FALSE

8. After Anderson arriving, Maori already began agriculture. TURE


9. valued hooks kept as jewelry

10. metal items like nails

11. European collectors became interested

12. hooks that were fake

13. modern boats

Passage 2:

題目: Western immigration of Canada








List of Headings

i Not all would stay in Canada forever

ii Government’s safeguard in the West

iii Eastern Canada is full

iv Built-up of the new infrastructure

v British domination in community

vi Ethnics and language make-up

vii Pursing a pure life

viii Police recruited from mid class families

ix Demand of western immigration

x First major urban development of the West

xi Attracting urban environment

xii Advertising of Western Canada

14. ix

15. ii

16. iv

17. x

18. vi

19. i

20. vii

21. xii


22. C

23. A

24. C


25. government

26. railway

Passage 3:

題目:The introspection of perception in behaviorist investigation

題型:判斷題3+填空題3+段落細節配對題 4+多選題 4







27. NO

28. NO

29. YES


30. observe

31. complex

32. feelings


33. E

34. C

35. F

36. A


37-40. ACEF

3 寫作




(Word Count 150)

The table below are the use of water by four different countries. Make summaries by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

The provided figures give information on the industrial, agricultural and domestic use of water in four different countries,including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand and Canada.

In Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the majority of water goes to the agricultural sector,

constituting 82 and 64 respectively. By contrary, domestic water use only account for approximately 10 and industrial water use makes up 10 and 30 respectively in these two countries.

On the other hand, the agricultural use contributes to only 44 and 11 in New Zealand and Canada. On the contrary, these two countries consume more water for industrial purposes (46 and 53) and only less than ten in domestic use (8 and 6).

Overall, water usages in different sectors vary significantly from country to country. The largest amount of water is used in Egypt and Saudi Arabia is agricultural sector while in Canada and New Zealand it is industry.





Today many young people change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do you think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?

Word count (275)

It is quite common today for young people to frequently change their jobs in a short period of time. There are several underlying reasons behind such phenomenon and personally, I believe that the negative effects outweigh its positives ones.

Reasons for the youth making swift decisions on taking an alternative job vary. The most intuitive one is that their monthly pay tends to be higher after a shift of company. For example, graduates with one-year work experience in programming are likely to earn double the amount of salary in another company because the whole market is in need of proficient programmers. Another possible reason lies in the fact that some young people seek what their true interest lies through the whole process, unlike the last several generations who intend to seek a stable and life-long job.

It is true that changing jobs with a high frequency brings in quick money and chances to try out. However, almost the same effects can be achieved by staying in the same job for several years if one concentrates on one small field and becomes an expert in this area. This is mainly because the job market is always in need of professionals with top skills and entrepreneurs are more than willing to pay top salaries to such people. Apart from that, instead of constantly shifting jobs, sticking to one area and building interested in it after becoming familiar with the work is another way to find one’s true interest.

In conclusion, even though, changing jobs repeatedly makes it possible for the young to find an entertaining and highly-paid job, it may cause more damage to their future career.

4 口語



1. Describe a popular comic actor/actress

2. Describe a sports person you admire

3. Describe someone who is talkative

4. Describe someone who is a good parent

5. Describe a popular person you know


完整版 | 5-8月雅思口語題庫-Part 1

完整版 | 5-8月雅思口語題庫-Part2+Part3(上)

完整版 | 5-8月雅思口語題庫-Part2+Part3(下)


Describe a sports person you admire

You should say:

  • Who the person is
  • What sport he or she does
  • When you first hear about this person
  • And explain why you admire him or her

I’d like to share with you the feeling about my idol, Zhengzhi. He is a successful professional football player.

As a midfielder in the football field, he is not tall but very strong, which contributes to his performance in the match. Yet, since he retired from the national team, he gained weight and looked tubby.

As far as I know, he is very traditional. He always likes to collect traditional Chinese paintings. Besides, he also likes to read historic books and play Chinese chess. From last year on, in order to keep fit, he began to go jogging. Every morning, he gets up very early and jogs along a small park situated beside his home. He is very perseverant no matter it rains or snows. Through his effort, now he is stout.

Although he has contributed a lot to the nation and gained great honors for his excellent skills in football, he is very modest and never asks for privilege. This, I believe, is the most significant reason why I admire him so much.

