02.01 Nintendo Switch的銷量超過了1990年代的SNES控制檯

The Nintendo Switch has become the company's third best-selling home console, overtaking the old Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES).


Nintendo Switch的銷量超過了1990年代的SNES控制檯

In total, more than 52 million Switch consoles have been sold since the device was launched in 2017.


The SNES was introduced in 1990 in Japan and went on to sell 49 million units worldwide.


However, the company has warned the console's production has been affected by the coronavirus outbreak in China.


A Pokemon video game tournament in Hong Kong has already been cancelled following concerns about the spread of the virus.


The launch of the Nintendo Switch was a critical moment in Nintendo's history, following disappointing sales of its predecessor the Wii U.

任天堂交換機的推出是任天堂歷史上的一個關鍵時刻,此前其前身Wii U銷量令人失望。

But it proved popular with gamers, overtaking sales of the Wii U after only 10 months on sale.

但事實證明,它在遊戲玩家中很受歡迎,在上市僅10個月後就超過了Wii U的銷量。

Some analysts suggest Nintendo may have sold as many Switch consoles as Microsoft has sold Xbox One devices, although Microsoft no longer reports its sales figures.

一些分析師認為,任天堂可能已經售出了與微軟Xbox One設備一樣多的交換機控制檯,儘管微軟不再公佈其銷售數據。

Nintendo sold almost 11 million Switch consoles in the run-up to Christmas.


Of those, about five million were the new lower-cost Switch Lite, which cannot be connected to a television.

其中,大約500萬是新的低成本Switch Lite,它不能連接到電視。

