03.20 英國頂尖學位需106萬才能畢業!心塞了,你是要房子還是選大學?

近日英媒報道,未來英國的頂尖學位的成本將在十年內達到106萬人民幣!要學位還是要房子,這個問題又被擺在桌上了,到底要如何選擇?原來英國白金漢大學的副校長Anthony Seldon曾表示,期望在未來10年內英國的精英大學的學費提高至4萬英鎊!!!英國費用又要漲了?心塞了,在英國念大學最少也得讀個3年,三四十二,那不就得要12英鎊才能畢業了?折算成人民幣那不就是106萬了?

Sir Anthony Seldon, vice-chancellor at Buckingham University, has said he expects elite universities to hike fees to £40,000 a year in order to compete globally. He told the The Times that the leading institutions would charge would “charge what they can afford to charge,” adding that some wealthy families already pay £40,000 in school fees.


elite】n. 精英、精華、中堅分子。



哈佛大學 Harvard University


The university is organized into eleven separate academic units—ten faculties and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study—with campuses throughout the Boston metropolitan area: its 209-acre (85 ha) main campus is centered on Harvard Yard in Cambridge, approximately 3 miles (5 km) northwest of Boston; the business school and athletics facilities, including Harvard Stadium, are located across the Charles River in the Allston neighborhood of Boston and the medical, dental, and public health schools are in the Longwood Medical Area. Harvard's $34.5 billion financial endowment is the largest of any academic institution.


metropolitan】adj. n. 大都市的、大城市人、大主教。

campus】n. 校園、大學、大學生活。


劍橋大學 University of Cambridge


In the year ended 31 July 2016, the university had a total income of £1.64 billion, of which £462 million was from research grants and contracts. The central university and colleges have a combined endowment of around £6.3 billion, the largest of any university outside the United States. The university is closely linked with the development of the high-tech business cluster known as "Silicon Fen". It is a member of numerous associations and forms part of the "golden triangle" of leading English universities and Cambridge University Health Partners, an academic health science centre.


grants】n. v. 補助金、津貼、授予、同意。

cluster】n. vi. vt. 群、簇、叢生。


哥倫比亞大學 Columbia University in the City of New York


Columbia University (Columbia; officially Columbia University in the City of New York), established in 1754, is a private Ivy Leagueresearch university in Upper Manhattan, New York City. Columbia contains the oldest college in the state of New York and is the fifth chartered institution of higher learning in the United States, making it one of nine colonial colleges founded prior to the Declaration of Independence. It was established as King's College by royal charter of George II of Great Britain and renamed Columbia College in 1784 following the American Revolutionary War.


colonial】n. adj. 殖民地居民、殖民地的。







