07.12 雙語新聞:希拉里存在感“暴增” 或與特朗普2020年再對決

雙語新聞:希拉里存在感“暴增” 或與特朗普2020年再對決

Hillary Clinton may secretly be planning to match herself once more against Donald Trump in 2020, according to a sensational new report published in the New York Post.


The 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, Clinton suffered a close loss in an election where she was being touted as the overwhelming favorite. After her defeat, the wide consensus was that Clinton’s political career was over. However, the new report claims that Clinton’s recent activities point towards a possible resurgence, which could eventually manifest itself in another shot at presidency come 2020.


The report says that Clinton has been emailing her supporters frenetically over the last couple of months, having touted her super PACs in combating Trump at least five times in June alone. The content of those emails is varied and is usually a reaction to Trump’s latest antics.


The primary reason, the report points out, is the fact that no single Democratic leader has emerged since Donald Trump became president, which gives Clinton a great edge in her attempts to unite a divided field.


Moreover, the report claims that none of the probable Democratic contenders hold as much sway and power as Clinton.


