05.17 謝耳朵結婚了,婚禮上的情話你聽懂了嗎?



這一對奇葩戀人從第三季的最後一集相識,到第十一季的最後一集終於修成正果。在婚禮上,Sheldon和Amy在雙方家人和朋友的注目下擁吻,讓很多劇迷都感慨萬千。在這期間,Sheldon從不通世事到的宅男漸漸發生了變化,甚至在 婚禮上說出了一段感人的情話,不過你都聽懂了嗎?



Sheldon, when I was a little girl,

I used to dream about my wedding.

But, eventually, I stopped,

because I thought that day would never come.

And then I met you.

From the first moment in that coffee shop,

I knew that there was something special between us.

I knew that there was something special between us.

情話指數 ★★★

這真的是一句萬用的撩妹金句,可以用來表白,也可以在紀念日或婚禮上用。意思是我覺得我兩個之間有不一樣的火花/你給了我前所未有的感覺,搭配From the first moment I met you,就可以表示一見鍾情了。


Because I felt something that day,

and those feelings have only gotten stronger with time.

I can't imagine loving you more than I do right now.

But I felt that way yesterday and the day before yesterday

and the day before that.

情話指數 ★★★★★


Because I felt something that day, and those feelings have only gotten stronger with time. 表示“我對你一見鍾情,並且感情日益強烈。” I can't imagine loving you more than I do right now. 我無法想象比此時此刻更愛你。然而一個轉折,But I felt that way yesterday and the day before yesterday and the day before that. 直譯來看就是,然而我昨天和前天都是這麼想的,也就是說,我每天都比前一天更愛你。這大概就是愛情最美好的樣子了吧。



...I usually know exactly what to say.

But in this moment...

I have no words.

I guess...

I'm overwhelmed by you.

In a good way.

Even if I can't tell you now how I feel,

I will spend my life showing you how much I love you.

情話指數 ★★★★★

But in this moment...I have no words. 此刻,我難以言表。


Even if I can't tell you now how I feel,

I will spend my life showing you how much I love you.


這句話太適合用在婚禮上,或者是相互承諾的時候說了,Amy聽到這裡也眼眶溼潤了。P.S. 520就快到了,希望謝米的這些頂級情話能幫到你~

