03.02 專家推薦:利用通寶


The use of Tongbao is a coin coined by Wu Sangui during the anti Qing period. Its historical significance can be seen from its circulation time. There are two main ways for Wu Sangui to raise his flag against the Qing Dynasty. One is to advance by force, seize territory and expand forces; the other is to issue coins, activate economy and stabilize people's minds. To some extent, the issue of coins is much more significant than the implementation of force. There are three kinds of coins issued by Wu Sangui and his established Dynasty. First, Wu Sangui issued the "use of Tongbao" at the beginning of the incident in 1674; second, in 1678, Wu Sangui led his troops to invade Hunan and became emperor in Hengyang, with the state name of "Zhou", the year of "Zhaowu", and the issue of "Zhaowu Tongbao"; third, after Wu Sangui's death, his grandson Wu Shixuan succeeded in the Royal Palace of Yunnan, changed the year of "Honghua", and cast "Honghua Tongbao". The coexistence time of the three kinds of coins is only three years, but the vitality of "using Tongbao" is the strongest. From 1674 to the middle and late Qing Dynasty, in the long 200 years, the southern provinces, especially Yun, GUI and Xiang (especially linli area) mixed it with the coins of the Qing Dynasty, and it was not used until the early years of the Republic of China. Its long circulation time has set the most coins issued by various rebel forces and political groups against the imperial court in history.



In recent two years, the value of such ancient coins has increased continuously. There are two reasons. One is that such ancient coins have been purchased by collectors in large quantities a few years ago, and there are few left. The other is that after such ancient coins have been purchased in large quantities, there were faults in the market once again at the trade fair. Collectors who have not collected them are willing to auction them at a high price, so they go to The value of the ancient coins in and this year has reached a peak even with the hot speculation and pursuit of the public. Therefore, people gradually realize the significance and value of the collection of coins. The collection of ancient coins has created a mythical miracle. Although ancient coins are no longer used as coins on the market, they have extraordinary collection value, which brings unexpected wealth to collectors.


To judge the value of a collection, we need to look at several elements: first, historical, whether there is history, the longer it is, the lower its value will be; second, meaningful, iconic, if there is a symbolic or meaningful existence, its value will rise again. For example, the coins of the Qin Dynasty unified the coins before the Qin Dynasty, such as the five baht coins of the Han Dynasty, which circulated for 700 years in history, such as the Kaiyuan Tongbao of the Tang Dynasty, which changed the coins into currency symbols, which were used in later dynasties; thirdly, the rarity, the more historical, the more iconic or meaningful collections, the less they are, which leads to the unavailability of such collections Can be asked, ten million gold are difficult to ask. The use of Tongbao has these three elements, which is the reason why Tongbao is so hot.



Expert recommendation: Tongbao is a coin made by Wu Sangui. The layout includes "Li", "Erli", "Wuli" and "Yifen" to record silver. Also have light back and back "cloud", back "expensive" and other words. The writing is quite neat. The obverse of the coin reads "use Tongbao". The body of the coin is endowed with copper rust by history. However, the overall standard and layout are coordinated. The lines are well proportioned, the radian is moderate, the two ends are round, the collection is natural and thick, the products are in good condition, the shape is regular, the texture is good, the writing style is smooth, and the pattern is fine. It makes people feel neither exaggerated nor full. This ancient coin is of excellent appearance, which can deeply feel the historical charm of a thousand years' burial, and has great collection and appreciation value.

