I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

  • You usually find what you are looking for the moment you stop looking for it.

  • 眾裡尋他千百度,驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處。

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

  • I don't want to be the first one. I want to be the only one.

  • 我不想做第一個,我只想做唯一。

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

  • Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.

  • 有些人淪為平庸淺薄,玉其外,而敗絮其中。可不經意間,有一天你會遇到一個彩虹般絢麗的人,從此以後,其他人就不過是匆匆浮雲。

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

  • What you first see, may not be the reality.

  • 你第一眼看到的,可能並不是現實。

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

  • All of the encounter is after being apart a long time.

  • 世間所有的相遇,都是久別重逢。

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

  • I have for you over the mountains, have no desire to look at the scenery.

  • 我為你翻山越嶺,卻無心看風景。

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

  • The stars are beautiful,because of a flower that cannot be seen.

  • 星星真美,因為有一朵看不見的花。

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

  • We should all start to live before we get too old.

  • 我們應該在變老之前,好好活一場。——瑪麗蓮夢露​

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

動漫圖| I want to be the only one.

