上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真



私邸庭院一角 A corner of the courtyard

上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

項目平面圖 Master plan

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碧海潮生 The Blue Tidal Sea


Opening the doors and windows of the living room, a rising rock wall indicates the idea of visual accessibility to mountains at the entrance. The cloud pavement and the lawn are intertwined and infiltrated into the ground like a vast water surface. The wind blows the clouds and stirs up the waves, constantly slams the island.

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上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

主景牆細節Major Wall Detail

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鋪裝細節Pavement Detail

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石拼小徑 Stone Path

上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真


Looking out of the room through the window, the clouds rush into the tide, like a banner painting of the poetry describing, “Waves are roaring with mountains standing”. The firmness of the stone in the courtyard and the softness of the intentional water are fused in the same scene, giving people a rich sense of experience and imagination.

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上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

煙波致爽 Fog and Wave


Walking on the surging “stone wave” paving and walk inward, visitors will reach the “fish watching pond” in the center of the courtyard. This is a group of traditional Japanese gardens with a water feature called “Longmen Waterfall”. The group of stones going down creates an advanced and retreated relationship between vision and space. The leaping waterfall and the surrounding plant clusters form the characteristics of a dynamic loop, which contrasts with the power of stone.

觀魚池Fish watching pond

上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

石橋細節Stone Bridge detail

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Above the water pond, the wooden structure of the tea pavilion plays a role in supporting the integration of the space. On the one hand, it provides a stopping point for watching the waterfall and listening the sound of the water. On the other hand, it directs the sight to the depth of the trail.

龍門瀑布Longmen Waterfall

上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

茶亭Tea Pavilion

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上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

孤山遠影 Remote Vision of the Mountain


Walking to the deepest part of the courtyard, and strolling on the winding mountain trails, visitors will feel like having a mountain trip to a more private space for meditation and imagination.

上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真


The mountains are looming in the frame of the foreground plants and the background plants. The ground and the sidewall of the rock and stone adopt a unified design method. Also, the gravel simulated dry brook also adopts the same color system to achieve a seamless effect. From the selection of materials to the construction, the edges and textures of the natural stone have remained, and the natural mood of the mountains is stacked to achieve the multi-perspectives of the mountain.

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上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

細節展示 Detail presentation


The treatment of the gaps between the stones is the most important finishing touch here. Each gap must be carefully considered to mimic the trend, width, depth of natural stone gaps. The wide gap is embedded with turf and vines, and the embellishment of plants injects breath into the rocks, which also provides the artificial gable stone wall wildness and vitality of the mountains.

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上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

主景牆立面圖 Major Wall Section

上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

孤山遠影景牆立面圖 Remote Vision of Mountains section

上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

模型照片 Model photos

上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

項目名稱:上海私邸 ·怡庭
完成年份: 2019年
項目面積: 650平方米

主創設計師: 潘山
設計團隊: 潘山、周穎
攝影師: 潘山、小毅

上海私邸 ·怡庭·650㎡庭院景觀設計;親近自然、返璞歸真

