Lessons worth sharing (一堂好课)

Tom :I just don't get it .(我就不明白了)You're so beautiful ,talented and working hard .Why are you still single ?(你这么漂亮、有才又努力工作,为什么你还单身?)

Lucy :I have a boyfriend now .(我已经有男朋友了)

Tom :What ?What's he like ?(什么,他长得怎么样)

Lucy :He's as handsome as Andy Liu .(他像刘德华一样帅气)And as rich as Sephirex Wang .(像王思聪一样有钱)And as talented as Jack Ma .(像马云一样有才华)

Tom :Oh ,my gosh .What nation is he from ?(哦,天呐,那他来自哪个国家啊?)

Lucy :He is from my imagination .(他来自我的想象)

Lessons worth sharing (一堂好课)

