中國外銷瓷走進藝術之都米蘭 Chinese export porcelain exhibited in Milan

由兩位中國外銷瓷領域專家Jorge Welsh(豪爾赫·威爾士)和 Luísa Vinhais(路易斯·文海斯)策劃的展覽“The Porcelain Room” (瓷宮)正在意大利米蘭熱展中。

中國外銷瓷走進藝術之都米蘭 Chinese export porcelain exhibited in Milan

It is believed that China began to export porcelain to the rest of the world during the Tang Dynasty (618-907).

中國外銷瓷走進藝術之都米蘭 Chinese export porcelain exhibited in Milan

These exquisite pieces, which feature semi-translucent illumination, were first transported to ports in Asia and Africa, and finally reached Europe in the 14th century. Large orders for Chinese ceramics from Europe led to booming trade between the two sides.

展覽的第一部分“第一批訂單”(The First Orders),展出了從16世紀初至17世紀中葉的繪製有歐洲圖案的明代外銷瓷器,這也是有史以來展出最多此類瓷器的一次展覽。

中國外銷瓷走進藝術之都米蘭 Chinese export porcelain exhibited in Milan

The Porcelain Room, an ongoing exhibition through Sept 28 at Fondazione Prada in Milan, explores this dynamic section of the economic and cultural exchanges between China and Europe by showing more than 1,700 vintage Chinese export ceramics.

這些明代外銷瓷也被稱為中國外銷瓷器的 “第一筆訂單”,是葡萄牙人抵達中國後首次委託中國匠人生產的瓷器。這些西方早期的訂單極為罕見,至今只有150件留存下來。

中國外銷瓷走進藝術之都米蘭 Chinese export porcelain exhibited in Milan


Curated by Jorge Welsh and Luisa Vinhais, the exhibition looks into the historic background, scope and influence of Chinese ceramic exports between the 16th and 19th centuries.

中國外銷瓷走進藝術之都米蘭 Chinese export porcelain exhibited in Milan


中國外銷瓷走進藝術之都米蘭 Chinese export porcelain exhibited in Milan

中國外銷瓷走進藝術之都米蘭 Chinese export porcelain exhibited in Milan


It is a celebration of the creativity and efficiency of Chinese porcelain producers tailored to the needs of different markets that varied in taste, religion and social customs.

中國外銷瓷走進藝術之都米蘭 Chinese export porcelain exhibited in Milan


中國外銷瓷走進藝術之都米蘭 Chinese export porcelain exhibited in Milan



Source: Chinadaily、部分圖片和文字根據網絡資源整理

