

6. The middle class have things, the rich have money中產階級購置物品,富人積累資金

  • “Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people that they don’t like.” ― Will Rogers
  • “太多人花他們沒掙到的錢,去買他們不想要的東西,去打動他們不喜歡的人。”―威爾·羅傑斯

Back to the fancy cars and big houses. That’s where much of the middle class spend their money. Drive through a middle class neighborhood and you will usually see brand new cars, expensive landscaping and high-dollar homes. The rich understand that to become wealthy, you have to want money more than you want things. If you keep buying things, your money will keep going with them. It’s funny how that works. For example, Warren Buffett still lives in the same home he bought in 1958. And he only paid $31,500 for it.


Stop buying things and start focusing on keeping, saving and investing the money you earn. If you are a shopaholic, start shopping for assets. Become interested in investing, then look for bargains on stocks and businesses instead of shoes and electronics. That being said, it’s not all about saving your money.



7. The middle class focus on saving, the rich focus on earning中產階級注重儲蓄,富人注重收入

  • “Your greatest asset is your earning ability. Your greatest resource is your time.” -Brian Tracy
  • “你最大的財富是你的賺錢能力。你最大的資源就是你的時間“ --伯恩·崔西
  • “If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.” -Benjamin Franklin
  • “如果你發財了,考慮儲蓄的同時也考慮用錢賺錢。” --本傑明·富蘭克林

Saving is important. Investing may be more important, but earning is the foundation of both. You understand that you need to save and invest, but to really achieve extravagant goals with them, you need to earn more. The rich understand this and work on creating more avenues to earn and earning more with the avenues they have. If you really want to become rich, work on your earning ability, not your saving ability.



8. The middle class are emotional with money, the rich are logical中產階級為錢而活,富人為財富尋找符合邏輯的用途

“Only when you combine sound intellect with emotional discipline do you get rational behavior.” -Warren Buffett

只有當你將出類拔萃的智力同情感上的自律結合起來,你才能有理性的行為。 --沃倫·巴菲特

Steve Siebold interviewed over 1,200 of the world’s wealthiest people over the past 30 years for his book “How Rich People Think”, and according to him there are more than 100 differences in how rich people look at money compared to the middle class. One of the key differences he found was that the middle class see money through the eyes of emotion, but the rich see money through the eyes of logic. Making emotional financial decisions will ruin your finances. Warren Buffett explains that investing has much more to do with controlling your emotions, than it has to do with money. Emotions are what cause people to buy high and sell low. Emotions create dangerous business deals. Leave emotions out of this and turn to logic.

在過去30年裡,史蒂夫•西博爾德(Steve Siebold)為他的著作《富人如何思考》(How Rich people Think)採訪了1200多名世界最富有的人,據他所說,富人看待金錢的方式與中產階級相比有100多個不同。他發現的一個關鍵區別是,中產階級通過情感的眼睛看錢,而富人通過邏輯的眼睛看錢。做情緒化的財務決策會毀了你的財務。沃倫•巴菲特解釋說,比起金錢,投資更多的是控制你的情緒。情緒是導致人們高買低賣的原因。情緒會造成危險的商業交易。把感情從這件事中剔除,然後轉向邏輯。


9. The middle class underestimate their potential, the rich set huge goals中產階級低估了他們的潛力,富人設定了偉大的目標

  • “Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.” -Bo Jackson
  • “把你的目標定得很高,在你達到目標之前不要停下來。”—博傑克遜

The middle class set goals. Sometimes. It’s the capacity of the goals that differ from the middle class to the rich. The middle class set safe goals that are easily obtainable. The rich set goals that seem impossible, difficult or crazy. But they know they are achievable. It all comes back to having the proper mindset.


When you’re setting your goals, ask yourself if they could be bigger. Ask yourself if that’s really all you can do or if you can do more. I think you can do more.



10. The middle class believe in hard work, the rich believe in leverage中產階級信奉勤勞,富人相信槓桿作用

  • “It is much easier to put existing resources to better use than to develop resources where they do not exist.” -George Soros
  • “把現有資源更好地利用比開發不存在的資源要容易得多。” --喬治·索羅斯

Hard work is a necessity. For all of us. If you want to reach the top (whatever that may be for you), you’ve got to put in the work. The problem is that hard work alone will rarely make you rich. You can’t become rich by doing it all yourself. You have to use leverage to truly become rich and stay that way. Leverage works in many ways, from outsourcing to investing. The more leverage you can incorporate, the more time you will free up to work on the things that really matter in your business and your life.


Some differences between the middle class and the rich are vast, while others may seem simple and minor. The fact is that if you want to become rich, you have to think like the rich and do the things the rich do.




