festivals U1B3句意解释



1. There are all kinds of festivals and celebrations around the world, which take place for different reasons.

Festivals and celebrations of all kinds worldwide are ________ for different reasons.

2. Some festivals are held to honor the dead or the ancestors.

Some festivals take place in ________ of the dead or the ancestors.

3. Guests receive dinner as soon as they arrive at the hotel.

Guests are offered dinner on/upon ____ at the hotel.

4. Contrary to popular belief, men will talk about feelings and needs.

It is widely________ that men ________ talk about feelings and needs.

5. You must be joking.

You can’t be________.

6. You can’t enter his room unless you are permitted to.

You can’t go into his room unless you get his p________/without his________.

7. I made no apology for what I said—it was a fair comment.

I didn’t________ for what I said—my comment was fair.

8. He thanked him for all her help.

He was________ to him for all her help.

9. Mohandas Gandhi helped gain India’s independence from Britain.

Mohandas Gandhi helped make India________ from Britain.

10. We are also very proud to work with the Shanghai Expo, and ten million people will gain the expo information each month.

We also take great________ in working with the Shanghai Expo, and ten million people will have________ to the expo information________.

U1B3句意解释答案1. held 2. honor/memory 3. arrival 4. believed; won’t 5. serious 6. permission 7. apologize 8. grateful 9. independent 10. pride; access; monthly

