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Today’s Painting



Vincent van Gogh had great admiration for the work of the French artist Jean-François Millet. Like Millet, he wanted to paint peasant life. Van Gogh ultimately gave up this ambition and found his own direction, but he never completely lost sight of Millet. Millet was known as the great French painter of rural life. Vincent recognized himself in Millet's life story: a simple man, who grew up in a peasant family and was proud of his roots. This strengthened Vincent's resolve to paint peasant life, just like Millet. Millet made peasants the focus ofhis works and painted them respectfully, which was new for the time.


Vincent studied Millet’s artworks closely. He drew countlessstudies of peasants working the land, and even made exact copies of Millet’s work. This was how Van Gogh practiced and tried to improve as an artist. Once Vincent encountered Millet’s work, he became immediately fascinated with his Sower. He had copied the work of Millet many times before, but he

aspired to paint his own, personal version. In the autumn of 1888, Vincent painted a sower, bringing together all that he had learned up until then: bright color contrasts of yellow and purple; diagonal lines crossing the image; and large, flat areas of color inspired by Japanese prints. This was Van Gogh’s own, modern Sower.

文森特仔細研究了米勒的作品。他無數次描繪了在土地上耕作的農民,甚至精確地臨摹了米勒的畫作。作為畫家,梵高就是這樣實踐並不斷進步的。文森特第一次看見米勒的畫作,他立即痴迷於創作自己的《播種者》。他之前曾多次臨摹米勒的作品,但他渴望繪製自己的版本。1888年秋天,文森特畫了一個播種者,把他當時所學到的全部知識都彙集在一起:黃色與紫色的鮮明對比,穿過畫作的對角線;以及受日本版畫啟發的大面積扁平色彩。 這是梵高自己的現代版本的《播種者》。

Artist Introduction


Vincent William Van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who is among the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art. In just over a decade he created about 2,100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, most of them in the last two years of his life. They include landscapes, still lifes, portraits and self-portraits, and are characterised by bold colours and dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art. His suicide at 37 followed years of mental illness and poverty.


Born into an upper-middle-class family, Van Gogh drew as a child and was serious, quiet and thoughtful. As a young man he worked as an art dealer, often travelling, but became depressed after he was transferred to London. He turned to religion, and spent time as a Protestant missionary in southern Belgium. He drifted in ill health and solitude before taking up painting in 1881, having moved back home with his parents. His younger brother Theo supported him financially, and the two kept up a long correspondence by letter. His early works, mostly still lifes and depictions of peasant labourers, contain few signs of the vivid colour that distinguished his later work. In 1886 he moved to Paris, where he met members of the avant-garde, including Émile Bernard and Paul Gauguin, who were reacting against the Impressionist sensibility. As his work developed he created a new approach to still lifes and local landscapes. His paintings grew brighter in colour as he developed a style that became fully realised during his stay in Arles in the south of France in 1888. During this period he broadened his subject matter to include olive trees, cypresses, wheat fields and sunflowers.


Van Gogh suffered from

psychotic episodes and delusions and though he worried about his mental stability, he often neglected his physical health, did not eat properly and drank heavily. His friendship with Gauguin ended after a confrontation with a razor, when in a rage, he severed part of his own left ear. He spent time in psychiatric hospitals, including a period at Saint-Rémy. After he discharged himself and moved to the Auberge Ravoux in Auvers-sur-Oise near Paris, he came under the care of the homeopathic doctor Paul Gachet. His depression continued and on 27 July 1890, Van Gogh shot himself in the chest with a revolver. He died from his injuries two days later.


Van Gogh was unsuccessful during his lifetime, and was considered a madman and a failure. He became famous after his suicide, and exists in the public imagination as the quintessential misunderstood genius, the artist "where discourses on madness and creativity converge". His reputation began to grow in the early 20th century as elements of his painting style came to be incorporated by the Fauves and German Expressionists. He attained widespread critical, commercial and popular success over the ensuing decades, and is remembered as an important but tragic painter, whose troubled personality typifies the romantic ideal of the tortured artist.



