

說到成功這個話題,我想每個人都有每個人的定義,但是我們每個人都渴望成功的,有些人認為賺到了一大筆錢就是成功,也有些人認為健康就是成功,還有人認為完好的家庭好好生活就是成功,有一部分人認為有事業才算是成功. 成功一詞,是所有人前進的目標。




Success is the fact that you have achieved sth that you want and have been trying to do or get; the fact of becoming rich or famous or of getting a high social position



In the contemporary society, it is sad that the social values are too unified, money is the only measure, many people have lost their fresh emotions and lives, and also lost their position and direction


We can't judge a person's success only by money, status and other superficial glory, but by his life state and quality, that is to say, the health, happiness and unhappiness of her life

看她對自己對他人,對社會有沒有做出什麼積極的貢獻,獲得有沒有價值和意義,如果她健康,快樂, 幸福,對他人,對社會有切實的貢獻,他就應該是成功的,人生也是一個成功的人生!

See if she has made any positive contribution to others and the society, and whether it has value and significance to gain. If she is healthy, happy and happy, and has practical contribution to others and the society, he should be successful, and life is also a successful life!



Shakespeare, a British dramatist and poet, once explained that success "is the kind of performance that a person constantly obtains morality, knowledge and ability to develop to be able to make use of the opportunity to further human beings in society in order to pursue his ideal".


There is only one way to succeed, which is to spend the life in the way you like.


Success is that you inadvertently think of a certain segment of your life, so that the corner of your mouth slightly rises, silently praise yourself, and feel that you are a good person. That segment is your success


Carnegie believes that success is to help individuals change their bad habits and adjust their behavior patterns. If you have enough confidence, everyone can succeed.


In this way, success does not lie in what goal a person has achieved, what he has achieved, what position he has achieved


More importantly, what kind of life he has experienced, what kind of mentality he has, what kind of mood he has maintained, what kind of attitude he has shown, what kind of feeling he has gained, what kind of feeling he has What kind of effect has been exerted on oneself, others and society, what kind of influence has been caused, etc.


If his existence and efforts are positive, positive, valuable and meaningful, then it can be said that he is successful; otherwise, it is a failure, at least not a success.


那麼如何才能成功呢?So how can we succeed?


Set your own life goal and focus on it


Each of us will always pursue some goals in our life. We should set a goal according to our own conditions and hobbies, because the future life must be decided by ourselves, and what really changes us is always ourselves.


Don't be disturbed by the real society, don't rush to the "wind vent" because of other people's deception, don't feel inferior or despotic because of other people's appearance, let alone give up your own way because you haven't seen the return in a short time.


Cherish the present time and stick to it at all times


Use time to realize its real value. You can’t waste our precious time on useless things. Do what you want to do. If you really invest in it, you will find that time is not enough.


"This time never fails to live up to humans. It just tempers us and tempers every ordinary person who tries to change their destiny." As long as time is still walking, everyone can try more things, and when there is a suitable opportunity, take off


Have a positive circle of friends, and have an optimistic and positive attitude


Simplify your circle of friends, always playing cards, gambling and other negative energy friends, and leave quickly, so that we can meet the future in a better state, and focus on what we need to do, we will find ourselves getting better and better.




